December 4, 2008

Baby Chloe's 13th Day Old

I was awoke since 6.30am after feeding my baby. My mum saw me and she said she needs to go to office to settle some works. Without hesitation, I told my mum to go back to office and I will take care of Baby Chloe.

Hurray, it is my very first experience bathing Baby Chloe. I got Baby Chloe for sun bathing for 10 minutes, then bathed her. Before even I started, she seems to know that I am putting her into the bath tub and started roaring "Wu Nga Wu Nga Wu Nga". I did not panic at all since I was warned by my mum that she would scream during her bath. I tested the temperature of the water with my right hand while holding Baby Chloe on my left arm. The water was warm as instructed by my mum, and i dabbed a little of water to Baby Chloe's chest and there went Wu Nga Wu Nga again. Wow, Loud & Clear. Ignored her complains, i quickly put her into the bath tub while holding her tightly to make sure she doesn't slip away. I started with her little feet, toe to toe. Then, her legs, backside, pipi, then her body front and back. Washing her hair is a difficult task!! How to wash? She was crying, kicking & moving vigorously. How am I suppose to wash her hair and hold her tight? Eventually, I lifted her up and covered with a bath towel and then wash her hair while holding her on my lap. Luckily my mum and granny were not there, otherwise they would probably screamed at me. I did not spend too much time washing her hair, and swiftly rinsed off the shampoo. mm~~ Smell so babyish! I love my baby so much. Hahaha...

Immediately I dried her up in the bath room and transferred her to her beautiful cot. Massage her with Johnson Baby Moisturizer Lotion, apply Nappy Rash Cream, Powder her body and backside. Subsequently, got her changed into Pink Clothes, Pink Mittens, Pink Booties and wrapped her up with a piece of white nappy.

*Phew* Job completed. It was quite challenging for a first timer like me. But satisfying!

It will never go wrong to feed her after a nice bath; she was so enjoyed with her 60ml of pumped breast milk. However, it is not so fulfilling for me as I still couldn't breastfed her directly. Something told me that the process is not wholly completed.

After putting her to sleep, then it was my turn to SHOWER. Yeah. My mum told me to wait till Saturday but I couldn't wait any longer. I STINK! STINK! STINK! Had my face mask applied and soak into sitz bath for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes of soaking, I jumped into the shower area and had all the pleasure to wash myself from HEAD to TOE.

What a good day!


席德 said...

hello... so fast 13th days alread, ganbateh, super mama...

Anonymous said...

Hi I came across your blog because my baby, Anna Sofia is 10 months old, has a clear crystal urine in her diapers, the next thing I know I was reading your blog for 1 hour. It is funny, and I can tell you two are very loving parents, and you a great mom of course.
Erika Tan (