October 3, 2016


Yay!!! Celebration!! MaMa's Blogging Zone has offically migrated



Remember this? September 7, 2016, that I wrote about "(1) New Look! I explored the standard templates and settings, there are limitation to what I can alter to my blog. But is good enough cause i love it Clean & Easy, not a tech-gal, so simple is always a PLUS to me. Will work it out soon!"

HEY, I am really serious! :P 

September 27, 2016

Making Photo Album using Phone App

I saw this LifeBuuk ad from my FB recently, prompted me to download the App for printing photos from my phone. Instantly, I thought it is a great idea. Always wanted to print some of the photos from my phone but didn't have the time to go to the shop to do it. Daunted by the fact that I have to spend quite fair bit of time in selecting photos to print (cause I have like thousand of photos in my Phone). Long time ago, it was RM0.45 per 4R @ those Kodakshops. I have no idea how much does it cost now. Who knows, it could be much lower than this, cause i found out yesterday that Photobook is offer RM9.90 for 100pcs of 4R? Seriously? I am not sure how the quality like. May try it later. 

Anyway, I downloaded the App, and purchased their 3 LifeBuuks for RM68. Initial plan was to make one for Big C, one for Little C and one for MaMa. I took a few days to compile those selected photos that I would like to print. It is an easy APP, i took few days because I was greedy! I wanted ALL of them! One book consists of 50pcs of 4R photos. What I like about it is that it can be a Photo Album by itself with nice cover; and the best part of it is that the Album is a tear-out style Album. So, say if I like to frame one of those photos, i simply tear out along the tear line and that's it. 

I love MATT photo printing, so the photo print-outs are just perfect for me. Hate those finger prints on the glossy photos. Matt is Good. I must also say the print quality and the colour is beautiful. I wouldn't say RM68 for 150pcs of 4R is cheap (as compared to Photobook offer); what I like about it is that I can compile the photos whenever I am free, not like I started it NOW and I have to finish it instantly. It comes with a nice cover & it is not bulky to store. I don't have to buy those old school Photo Album and arrange them one by one by myself. Plus, it includes FREE delivery (*for now), so I don't have to worry about collecting my albums. 

No, LifeBuuk is not paying me for advertising for them. Lol! Just wanna share what I have found and love. Oh~ Love the cover of the Album, they are so sweet! 

September 25, 2016

Movie Date with Cs : The Secret Life of Pet

Image extracted online

We dated PaPa for a movie on a beautiful Sunday Afternoon. Little C was bugging MaMa for a long time to watch it, she said "All my friends watched it already, I want to also watch The Secret Life of Pets, like all my friends" Oh my gosh, kids nowadays are so demanding, so affected by peer pressure at the age of 6?? Really??? *sigh* I think I spoil my Cs. 

Little C was completely satisfied after the movie," The Secret Life of Pets is the BEST MOVIE ever!" she claimed. But mind you, My Cs always claim "it's the BEST MOVIE" after EVERY EACH MOVIE. So, you will never really know what's really the "BEST MOVIE". Hahahaha.... So Cute!

I was not particularly fascinated by the Movie though. The story line was plain, nothing exciting, non-educational, in MY OPINION. It is a simple story of the lives of PETS, with the complete account of mayhem while owners are away during the day. There were some laugh-points here and there, but easily forgotten. 

Let's go "Gai Gai"

I really miss these words "GAI GAI". I used to say it every day when I was in Sydney with my first Love Pet - MeiMei. (Awwww... I miss MeiMei). Whenever I said "Gai Gai", MeiMei would get so excited that she automatically jumped into my backpack and ready to be taken out for a walk. I was living in an apartment then so Pet was/is actually not allowed. So, i got to hide MeiMei in the backpack whenever I wanted to bring her out. 

Casper is not supposed to be OUT, technically. He just had his second vaccination last Friday, and the Vet said I could bring him out two weeks later. I knew he shouldn't be mixing with other dogs and cats, so we basically just had a short 10 minutes walk along our house, with ABSOLUTE ZERO contact of animals or human beings or any sorts of creatures. Lol ! 

Casper was SO NERVOUS. We leashed him and put him down on the tar road. He refused to move at all. Big C was overly excited and wanted to get Casper to move along; so she pulled the leash slightly harder which made Casper rather uncomfortable (*Don't worry, Big C didn't choke Casper :P ). Casper was still very determined to stay put and not lay his PAW forward. We didn't insist. MaMa worried that my Cs could get really harsh on the leash, hence I immediately unleashed Casper and had Cs to carry him for the walk. 

I suppose Casper's PAWs are still too soft and fragile for the tar road. Hopefully, we didn't cause too much of discomfort to him. Poor Baby! Maybe 2 weeks later, MaMa will bring all my Cs to a Pet-Friendly Park for Casper to explore. Maybe I should just wait for his third vaccination to be completed first? Yeah, I think so. No rush. 

The walk initiated because we Cs had a big bowl of GrandMa's home-cook Shredded Chicken HorFun & Longan Dessert. So, we went out for a walk, and MaMa thought since it was gonna be a short walk along the house, why not let's try to have Casper join us for the walk. Well, we will bring him out again after his third vaccination :) Can't wait!  

First Time on Leash & Stepping on tar road

Casper refused to walk so BIG & LITTLE C carried him throughout the 10min walk

September 10, 2016

My Little C's P&J Concert

The two little narrators on stage

This will be our last concert scene with Peter & Jane, and we are already missing it. P&J has always put up 100% effort in all their school activities (in my opinion), and they never fail to impress me till date. I respect & admire their dedications towards every single event. Fun & Educational, not just to the children but also all the parents. Sorry if I am being bias here, can't help!! I had truly enjoyed all the P&J events with my two girls for the past four years, and my Big C who had left P&J for two years always claim that P&J is her BEST school ever. Who doesn't love Kindy time when compared to hectic Primary School Life? :P  But still, I am glad that she has "a school" to remember! 

Little C and her classmates performed a Scottish Dance. Little C & her classmate YiXuan were the little narrators, giving a little information about Scottish Kilt, Dance & Bagpipes (Traditional Scottish Instrument), prior the dance.
Extracted from "http://scotlandmay2013.blogspot.my"

Group Photo of K2 HG Performers and Class Teacher - Yan Lan LaoShi

Posing with MaMa & JieJie after the Concert.

Well done to my Baby, Little C!
Congratulation to all P&J Children, Teachers and Staffs!

You guys rock the STAGE & put up a FANTASTIC performance.

September 8, 2016

New Addition to the C Family

Mei Mei had left us two years ago, and I was not ready to have another pet after Mei Mei passed away. I know I had neglected Mei Mei a lot (*maybe almost TOTALLY) after my first child. I was overwhelmed with my newborn and PaPa was very concerned how Mei Mei's fur could affect Big C's respiratory system as Big C fall sick and admitted to Hospital many times due to high fever. Mei Mei ended up staying out of our room most of the time. (*sob..regret!*) 

Anyway, these are all History. Let's not dwell on the past! 
This post is about my 

I got Casper from "The One Pet Shop" at Taipan. My first experience getting a pet from a Pet Shop and the experience was pleasant with the two extremely helpful and fun ladies from the shop. Before I made a trip there, they sent me some videos and pictures of their puppies. I was a little indecisive, they were not forceful in terms of sales. They were patience with me and didn't say things like "oh, you got to be quick, otherwise it will be taken" that sort of things which I had experience from the other shop. Thumbs up! SOMEMORE, they provide "after sales service". LOL! They whatsapp me a few times in a week to check how's Casper, if he's eating well, poo regularly, no diarrhea, biting habits etc. 

My Cs were ecstatic when they saw Casper, especially Little C. Unfortunately, we come to realize that Little C is allergic to Casper.  (*sad *) Rash & Itch.The red bulge patches become visible on her neck, chin, hands, legs and mostly on the exposed skin area. But, we are not giving up. Little C insists to cuddle Puppy Casper every evening, she is my strong little lady, her allergy is not stopping her from touching Casper. This little lady would wash her hands with soap after every cuddle because the itch is really bothering her. I hope she will adapt to Casper soon and no more allergy! I can see, the allergy is getting mild as the area affected is smaller. Mostly on her neck & chin, and I don't know why. 

MaMa C, Big C, Little C & Pup C! We are the Cs. Welcome home, Casper. 

September 7, 2016

After Three Long Years .... MaMa is back in ACTION

After Three Long Long Years...

I have finally SEMI-settled-down, maybe THIRD-QUARTER-settled-down?? I insist! *Even though many who knows me might not agree, as my emotion state is often erratic and unpredictable. 

So, what happened to Cs in the last three long years? Cs have grown to pretty young ladies with lots of positive vibes, they are always my Sunshine, never stop beaming my life with loves and hopes.

And..... PaPa left us. 
*Can't help being emotional still, after long 5 years of struggles.

Why PaPa left? This is something that I want to share in my future post. I find it important and it is worth sharing with others and it is certainly meaningful to me as to register the darker side of my story. I grow and learn through it. Oh Well, life .... as we all know is always full of surprises, and it is unarguably exciting whether in a good way or a bad way, it is still a life that we own anyhow. 

Must put a disclaimer before i continue. Yes, PaPa left us, but Papa always love Princesses Cs no matter what happened between PaPa & MaMa. There is not double for it, the amount of Love that PaPa gives to Cs is beyond his heart quota! This is what I am certain at this point of time. 

Question! Why is MaMa back to blogging? 

Because I have come to realization that I have missed recording many many good moments of my Cs and myself, which I find it unbelievable!!! Cause these moments are precious and I had wasted them all. 

It was such a pleasure to go back to read every single blog that I had written, it made me laugh, it made tear. I know by continuing my diary would benefit my Cs in the future. I am still scouting how I can print all my posts nicely into a diary-like book for keepsake. If you are reading AND you happen to know how & where, please PM me ya. TIA! 

Sometimes, it serves a purpose of calming my erratic emotional state by having me LETTING IT ALL OUT here with no specific audience. LETTING IT ALL OUT is always important to me, cause I can WAIL, I can CURSE, I can SHOUT, I can CRITICIZE, which will eventually tire me out. AND, the next day is ANOTHER whole new day. Ya la, Ya la, A Diary lor. An Open Diary. A Sophisticated Hi-Tech Diary with occasional response from Anonymous. 

This is not an official blog so I would probably be using lots of colloquial and Chinese due to my limitation of vocabulary. LOL! Oh yes, you will be reading lots of Cyber words such as TIA (Thanks in Advance), PM (Private Message), LOL (Laugh out Loud), OMG (Oh My God) etc. (et cetera) 

Since, this is my First post after three long years, this serves an "opening" of the RE-BLOG blog. Yay!!!! 

There are two MAJOR issue to sort our for my "New" Blog :-
(1) New Look! 
I explored the standard templates and settings, there are limitation to what I can alter to my blog. But is good enough cause i love it Clean & Easy, not a tech-gal, so simple is always a PLUS to me. Will work it out soon! 

(2) Labeling!
OMG, I can't believe it! I had so many labels and so redundant!  I will be recording many genres/activities? I am thinking should I just GET RID of the labels? or just keep it SIMPLE as such, PRINCESSES, GASTRONOMIC DELIGHT, PET, MUSIC & DANCE, TRAVEL, ENTERTAINMENT, BAKING & COOKING, ART, ACTIVITIES, MOVIES, BOOKS, MARATHON, STATE OF MIND, REFLECTION, THOUGHTS .....Oh dear... the list seems inexhaustible again! I need to narrow it down. my KEYWORD : SIMPLE!

This is a pretty long post for a "RE-OPENING" ! LOL! Adios for now.