This morning, papa & mama brought me to visit Dr. Patrick for my blocked nose & sticky eyes. My nose was blocked since the first day of birth, it is making me uncomfortable especially at night. According to Dr. Patrick, my sticky eyes caused by a duct that connect from my nostril to my eyes. MaMa was so worried when she saw me with the right eye with discharge non-stop. Papa suggested to pay Dr. Patrick a visit and get it treated before it got worse.
Dr. Patrick asked PaPa & MaMa does anyone in the family has nose allergy. MaMa gazed at PaPa and nodded to indicate to Dr. Patrick that PaPa has nose allergy. But PaPa immediately defended himself and exclaimed : " No, I don't have Nose Allergy", MaMa insisted that PaPa has Nose Allergy and it just got treated recently only. Dr. Patrick smiled and told PaPa not to be so defensive, just answer Yes or No. He added that he's not trying to blame PaPa's for Baby Chloe's blocked nose but to gather more information in order to understand about Baby Chloe's problem. Then, Dr. Patrick continued by asking does anyone smoke? PaPa answered suspiciously "CASUALLY". Again, Dr. Patrick emphasized to PaPa that he just need to give him a Yes and No answer and he is not trying to be offensive. Haha...So funny. I saw Dr. Patrick and his nurse laughing at PaPa's answer. Dr. Patrick told PaPa since he's only smoking CASUALLY, he might as well quit it to ensure Baby Chloe's health. PaPa was reminded that he should get shower and clean up before touching Baby Chloe's after any CASUAL smoke because PaPa's breath will actually pass the nicotine to Baby Chloe.

Dr. Patrick also suggested that MaMa should put Wow Wow outside the house to prevent any worsening of nose allergy. Since Wow Wow is MaMa's first baby, MaMa told Dr. Patrick that Wow Wow cannot survive living outside the house. However, Dr. Patrick understood that it is very difficult to change this condition since Wow Wow has been with MaMa for 10 years. MaMa, don't worry la, I love Wow Wow also. And I know that Wow Wow loves me, she's always trying to peep at me to make sure that I am comfortable. Wow Wow stays with us always.
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