November 30, 2008

Baby Chloe's crying night

For some reasons, Baby Chloe was acting very abnormally last night. She did not want to go to sleep, eating habit were not stable anymore, and started to vomit a lot. We were guessing either she was over-excited about yesterday's visitors or maybe she is becoming an angry baby. I was told that baby always cries for a reason i.e. hunger, wet diapers, lack of sleep, too cold, too hot or sick. Oh No, my baby is sick. But but but, she looks healthy to me other than a little blocked nose. I had adjusted the temperature, I fed her with bottle, I breastfed her, I checked her diaper. Nothing was wrong. Hubby and I was awake the whole night for baby. We tried singing lullaby but it didn't work too. *Sigh* After struggling with baby Chloe for a long hour, finally I think she was tired of crying and slept.

My hubby suddenly turned to me and exclaimed "Bi, I will get you a Confinement Lady for our next child" Haha, My hubby surrendered, but I am not giving up. I want to try to take care baby myself.

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