December 13, 2008

Greenish Baby Stools

Recently, I found Baby Chloe's Stools are a little greenish. Well, it's still very grainy and mustard-yellow in colour, just a little greenish occasionally. The Chinese always believes that when babies' stool turn greenish because they are frightened. I rather find out the scientific explanation for her greenish stool. After gathering information from the Internet, greenish stools happened when babies do not receive enough fats & calories. I must admit that I have been slacking a little while pumping my breastmilk in which I have shorten the time of pumping to only 5 minutes for each side. And this explained why Baby Chloe is having greenish stool. Due to my laziness, I was only pumping the foremilk & not enough of hindmilk which contains more nutrient in fats & calories.

*Sigh* Not only that... I have shorten the time of pumping and also reduced the pumping session as compared to last week. And because of all these laziness, my milk production is decreasing which I noticed two days ago that it has reduced from 180ml to only 120ml. My breasts were swollen last weeks and a little painful too; and I thought I will have enough milk for my babies that I purposely reduced the number of pumping in order to get rid of the pain.

Sorry la, Baby Chloe, MaMa will do better la.

I must set a schedule of milk pumping; plus I am going to make sure that each pump for one side must last for at least 10 to 15 minutes. I will also make it a point to do at least one nighttime pumping to ensure enough milk continues to be produced for my Baby Chloe.

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