December 16, 2008

Guilty MaMa

This morning I was a little moody after a pump. Sigh..For the past two weeks, the morning pump was enought for 3 feed, and this morning's pump I was only struggling for a ONE FEED pump. Gosh. It is getting tougher and tougher. I was thinking to myself, ain't it suppose to be easier and easier if I continue to do it? There is an obvious decreased in milk volume, and I am getting a little bored pumping milk every 2 - 3 hours. It even makes me feel depressed when I cannot cope with Baby Chloe's demand.

I was thinking of giving up. I was trying to persuade myself that I have done what I can do, I can't help it if there is no more milk for Baby Chloe, adapt to it and switch to formula. I was complaining to myself about the pain that I have to go through, the time that I have to spend to get the so called best milk for Baby Chloe. I am a whiner my husband always said.

*Sigh* Complain is afterall a complain. How can I simply give up the best for my Baby Chloe. GAM BA DEH......


Anonymous said...

hmm... i understand how you feel. i want to brestfeed my baby too. but also depends whether it is sufficient. try feeding chloe some infant formula if you think you can't cope with her demand.maybe once a day..... Afterall, you don't want to starve her right.

Chris Yee said...

Nicole, that's what I am worrying. I actually kinda starved her at the early stage thinking that she didnt need so much milk and result her crystal urine. It sounded so ridiculous to me that I didn't provide enough milk for my baby. Sad Sad Sad :(