July 16, 2011

Night Terror Again...

When I refer to Night Terror or Sleeping Pattern, I usually connect it with CHLOE, and never CLARISSE, so far. 

This round, it's Clarisse's turn. 

For the past two nights, Baby Clarisse woke up at about 1am and started to cry with her eyes half closed. Initially, I thought it was her blocked nose which made her cry in the night. We then gave her a nasal spray, hoping to clear up her blocked nose so that she can get back to her dreamland. However, it didn't work on Clarisse. Baby Clarisse turned out more furious and cried louder when we tried to spray the saline into her nose. 

Baby Clarisse cried non-stop, and nothing could stop her from crying. We tried her favourite music box, we tried to give her teddy bear, we tried walking around, we tried to sing to her, we tried to leave her alone (1 minute), we tried to give a book to her, we tried to bang the wall or the door to make some sound to distract her, we tried to show her the "dancing couple" display plate.....etc etc... but NOTHING works! So, I thought let's try to give her the iPad. True enough, she stopped crying and stared at the Elmo Video Clip for A WHILE. Then, back to crying mode again. (* It was easier to calm down Chloe, she was easily distracted *)

I was nervous and didn't know what to do. Baby Clarisse cried from 1am to 2.30pm. Mama was getting tired too, so I had no choice but to play the Barney DVD for Clarisse. Well, thanks to Barney, Clarisse stopped crying, dozed off on the couch with Mama after 15 mins - 20 mins of Barney. 

She is no longer a BABY baby. Hahaha...She is turning One soon, and she can register things that happens in the day and maybe dream about it in the night which causes the drama in the night. 

Poor Baby. Don't worry, sweetheart. It is a process of growing up. You will outgrow it just like your Jie Jie. Love you a lot, Muaks.

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