July 28, 2011

Most probably teething

As I mentioned yesterday, Baby Clarisse had a slight fever in the afternoon (about 3.30pm). I told Novi to give her 2.5ml of Uphamol to control the high temperature. Chloe has the tendency of going up till 40 deg and I don't want the same happen to Clarisse. Therefore, I instructed Novi to measure her temperature using the thermometer, it was 36.3 deg C (YES, the FAULTY Thermometer, It is 2 degree C below) which means Baby Clarisse's temperature is approx 38.3 deg C, slightly at the high side. 

I called home again at about 5pm, and I heard Chloe and Clarisse screaming away in the background while I was on the conversation with Novi. Novi told me that Clarisse's fever had subsided. Like my brother said to me "Are you sure your baby is sick? She is still so active, and playing, and screaming."

It could be just TEETHING - Crying Nights and Fever.... Yeah...New Teeth coming, Can introduce more food to her soon. :)

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