January 31, 2009

Very Satisfying Result - Sleeping through the night miracle

Yeah Yeah Yeah ~~~~ Baby Chloe, Mama & Papa slept at about 1.00am last night and all of us woke up at 6.30am this morning. Total of 5 hours sleep!!!!! Congratulation and Celebration, da da da da da da da da da da ~~~

Baby Chloe was fed with the expressed breastmilk for the past two weeks and she managed to get up once in the night for a feed. Instead of every two hourly feed, the interval stretched to 3 hours every feed during the night. Sometimes, when we were lucky, Baby Chloe managed a 4 hour interval.

Since Baby Chloe rejected Wyeth S26 Gold Infant Formula, I have changed it to Enfalec A+ (HA) Infant Formula as advised by Dr. Ong. HA is a special formula for baby who have allergy problem such as eczema. Unfortunately, Baby Chloe has mild eczema found therefore Dr. Ong recommended special Formula instead of the normal Formula. Anyway, Baby Chloe had the Formula twice only so far, the effect is yet to know.

HOWEVER, one thing that I am 100% sure is that Infant Formula is definitely thicker and not so easy to digest as compared to Breastmilk. Baby Chloe was fed with a 4oz of Enfalec A+ (HA) with the ratio of 4oz. water + 3 scoop of Milk powder at 12midnight, and she was able to sleep through without waking up in the middle of the night for feed. Well, at least the feed lasted her 6 hours which MaMa & Papa are very satisfied with the 5 hour sleep.

Experiment SUCCESS!! Baby Chloe is my good girl!

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