January 12, 2009

Cradle Cap

What's Cradle Cap??? My Baby Chloe has Cradle Cap at her eyebrows and the back of her ears. Sob Sob Sob.... What again? She's only 7 weeks old and so many new things occur week by week. CHOY, TOUCH WOOD LA!!!
I just found that Cradle Cap is very common in babies, and it is not life threatening as per quoted from Dr. Patrick Chan. I think Pediatricians see too many babies everyday that this kind of "NOT LIFE THREATENING ISSUE" is negligible to them. HOWEVER, I am a mother of my child, every single abnormality means SOMETHING to me. Ok, what if Cradle Cap is not life threatening, I asked Dr. Patrick is there anything that I can do about it? He told me to leave it alone since it is not itchy and it is not bothering baby at all, and that it should disappear by her 6th month. If I really want to apply something, I should go with Olive Oil or Baby Oil. Haha.. Hubby asked him should we used EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL??
So, I learned something new again. Cradle cap. Well, It is easily noticeable since it is some yellowish crusty patches skin rash that grows on My Baby Chloe's eyebrows. I found out that Cradle cap has nothing to with infection, allergy or hygiene. It is something to do with the oil glands in babies' skin that release a greasy substance that makes babies' old skin cells attached to their new skin. Something like that. I just have to wait for it to dry and fall off by itself. Arghh... Ya Ya Ya... It is NOT LIFE THREATENING and it is PURELY COSMETIC. My Pediatrician also confirmed that these will not leave scars as long as it is not peeled off by my ITCHY HANDS. Trust me, when you see you babies with the cracked skins that seems like falling anytime soon, you will be tempted to give a hand to speed up the peeling process.
*Phew* I am sorry, Baby Chloe, MaMa is sorry that my hands were a little itchy and did something like this ONCE. I promise I won't do it again. I am sorry. Don't worry, your skin is still very smooth.
Mothers, remember not to do what I did to my Baby. It is a TABOO. Hahaha... it might cause scar or hair loss.

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