January 11, 2009

Baby Chloe makes MaMa worries

I always thought that I understand how difficult it is to become a mother, now I realise is far more than I can imagine. Motherhood involves responsibilities, tiredness, sleepless nights, worries, anxious etc etc etc so many more that I can never ever list them down.

I was worried about I do not have enough milk supply for Baby Chloe. I want the best for her, that's why I always remind myself that I must overcome all obstacles and give Baby Chloe the best that I can even forgo my diet plan getting my pre-pregnancy weight in the shortest time, even if I have a fixed schedule expressing milk as a daily routine, even if I have to go through cracked nipples, even if I have to have engorged breast :( It shows how much I want to breastfeed my Baby. Unfortunately, I am still not able to breastfeed directly as her suction is too much that I can endure. Nevertheless, once in a while I will still try and try and try.

Then, I have to worry about whether Baby Chloe is getting enough sleep? Do I need to resolve it with Sarong? Pacifier? Bouncer? Rocking? Recently, my Baby is not getting enough sleep like most newborns. She is waking up frequently almost every 1 to 1 1/2 hour for feed. She would stay awake for straight 5 - 7 hours in a day and that really worries me a lot, especially I was told that newborns suppose to sleep for total of 16-18 hours. My Baby is only sleeping of total approximately 12 hours.

Arghh... I love seeing her talks and eye wide opened but it becomes a concern when my baby stays awake for such a long hours everyday. :( What should I do? Why is she not sleeping even though she yawns continuously. Why is her eyes wide opened even though she yawns for so many times? Why Why Why? What's making her stay so awake everyday? What's troubling her? Is she uncomfortable or something? Help!!!!!!

I was thinking to buy a Sarong as doctor said babies usually sleep better and longer in a sarong, babies are more comfortable sleeping in a sarong too. However, doctor told us that it is not advisable to put babies in a sarong if it's possible even though there is no studies indicate how the up and down motion could affect their brains. The choice is ours. I want to make Baby Chloe sleep well and I have tried pacifier but it is not a good solution either as it did not really help Baby Chloe going to sleep. I told my hubby about Sarong but he was against it. I teared and was nervous when Baby Chloe continues to stay so awake everyday. I know she's tired!! Something must be bothering her.

Baby Chloe starts to have better vision now as she can respond to us by talking back to us or smiling back to us with sound. She is always looking left and right. She is always excited about all the things that is new to her. I was thinking maybe this is the reason why she is not sleeping well because she starts to have thoughts and emotions. She starts to THINK and she refuses to go to sleep. I am not sure whether this is a good sign or not. I am sure not sleeping enough is a bad sign. Poor Thing. Hubby and I decided to give Baby Chloe another 2 weeks or so until the next visit to Dr. Patrick before we decide on a Sarong.

Then comes with the rashes. Her Heat Rash started on her head since her 4th week of birth. It was mild and I applied Angel Baby Nappy Rash on her head as per told by the sales person. However, it is sad to see the rashes do not disappear but getting bad to worse. It spreads to her both cheeks. Her cheeks now are red with red dots. Sob Sob Sob. I bought Calamine Lotion but due to its strong odour I didn't really apply much, especially on her face. I dare not apply the Calamine Lotion on her face at all. I tried on a small patch on her scalp. It doesn't seem to work also. Sigh. We ended up at Dr. Patrick's clinic waited 1 1/2 hour for his consultation. All he said was that all these rashes are not severe and we should just ignore it. He told us that these rashes will disappear gradually by its own and we should not worry much about it. It is purely cosmetic. He recommended us not to apply any medication but we can apply a little Baby Oil or Olive Oil if we really want to. Sigh... It is so heart-aching to see her rashes spreading so much. HOPEFULLY, it is all only surface and is not bothering her with itch....

What else????? Can never stop telling how worry I am about this, about that..... I just want her to be healthy.

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