October 10, 2013

NEW "Additional" Class to attend for the girls.

I know I always contradict myself ALL THE TIMES. I said I won't let my children "suffer" like what other kiasu parents did to their children. *sigh* Shamefully (*perhaps the tad of it) but PROUDLY (*definitely heaps of it) to get myself be part of the Kiasu league. hip hip hooray! :P 

Sorry Babies, it's for your own good to build a better foundation for a more challenging future. *phew* What a taxing life! But do not despair, the challenge will bring you contentment, sense of accomplishment and consequently HAPPINESS. Hahaha... You girls will know what I am saying when you became ME one day.  

You girls are starting MATH Enrichment Class at EyeLevel from today ONWARDS! Yes! So much fun, right? :p

How did I come across EyeLevel (Formerly Enopi)? One fine day, when I was waiting for Big C at school, by chance some of the parents were there waiting too, and we started YAKing as usual. The topic will never get away from the children's well-being, educational direction, teachers complains etc. So, some parents brought up BaoBei for Mandarin and EyeLevel for Maths & English. I have known about Maths Classes for children or even toddlers but this class was never in my consideration, especially when my babies' schedule are already VERY tight! 

After a series of discussion amongst the parents about the kiddy's syllabus and teaching directions, we all agreed that the Montessori's Teaching Method MOST PROBABLY will not be suffice to get the children prepared for Primary One, especially the Local Government Schools. Don't get me wrong, I love the Kindy where Big C is now, and I have also enrolled Little C for the next year's admission. I love the Fun Teaching Methods and a good series of thoughtful and fun activities laid out and all turned satisfactorily, at least to my satisfaction. HOWEVER, MaMa cannot deny the fact that these activities are not substantial or rather do not set path to match the local primary school standards. Why I said so? At one instance, my friend's child at nursery is already learning to write ABC, 123, even to some extends of basic CHINESE CHARACTERS. "Suku Kata" in Bahasa Malaysia already completed by Nursery while my Big C had JUST recently completed at the end of her K1 1st semester. CHINESE CHARACTERS? I have seen NONE so far? Homeworks? NEVER! Never did Big C bring back any exercise books or workbooks for HOMEWORK. 

HONESTLY, I am very much convinced and concurred with the idea that children should have fun children with a good series of activities - the whole idea is PLAY AND LEARN at the same time. Writing is a Motor Skill that they will definitely acquired somehow someday in not so faraway future, why in a rush? Now, the Irony kicks me hard here! While I support the BIG IDEA of LEARN THROUGH PLAY, I am also pushing more EXTRA classes that are supposed to mean good to my girls. Hmm.. Isn't that already a double work for the girls, double pay for the parents? Arghhh..the more I write here, there more confused I am now!

Sorry babies. MaMa is trying my best to earn the greatest happiness for you girls, but somehow the society is pathing its way at such that COMPETITION determines where you will be. Always remember, Ultimately, you will get your decision to choose what you want to do, where you want to be. At this point, when you can't make decision YET, I will have to course you girls to match the prevailing trend so that you will not be TOO FAR away from others. 

Anyway, MATHEMATIC is good for you girls, no harm starting early. Take it easy, and no stress. Treat it as another fun class, if you girls really show no interest after a few classes, I will handle your math at my best MYSELF and scrap of the EXTRA class. 

Babies, Happy Learning! Enjoy the EyeLevel, I am sure you will learn heaps from the centers. Besides, I have full confidence in the center's PIC. She's absolutely nice and deliver a fairly impressive attitude during our meetings. I shall update on the EyeLevel's effectiveness once I see any improvement.

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