October 11, 2013

MaMa received a call from home....

Can't wait to drop this down! I am at the midst of working on a bid in the office, and then I received a call from home just a few minutes ago. It was Novi, and she said Little C wants to talk to MaMa.

MaMa : Hello, Baby.

Little C : MaMa, Why you didn't buy bread for me?

Mama : Oh No!!!!! Sorry! Sorry Sorry!

MaMa supposed to buy something for Little C to bring to school for her snack time today as the school doesn't provide any. Immediately after breakfast, Little C left with Grandma and I have TOTALLY forgotten about it until I received Little C's call. Poor Baby :(

MaMa : Oh No! Baby, MaMa forgot! So Sorry. So how? What Happened? Did you eat anything?

Little C : I didn't eat anything. MaMa, why you forgot to bring me something to eat. (Sounded very sad)

MaMa : (Heart shaken and felt terrible!!!!) MaMa is so so so so sorry. I promise you that I will make sure you will have something for you to eat during your snack time. (GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY!!!!) 

MaMa : So, Did teacher give you anything to eat?

Little C : No

MaMa : How about your friends? Did your friends share some of their foods with you.

Little C : No

MaMa : Ohhh..... *GUILTY* *GUILTY* *GUILTY* ....Baby, Poor thing! So, what did you do while your friends are eating?

Little C : I just drink my water *SAD* *SAD* *SAD*

MaMa : Oh dear.......

TERRIBLE MAMA!!!!! MaMa's heart sinks deep...deep...deep...  Baby, MaMa is really really sorry about it. What's wrong with me today? Where am I? *sigh* I really need a break.

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