June 12, 2012

Angry MaMa

Yes! I am angry! I am extremely angry! Well, I WAS...not now! Thanks to PaPa, I am having a better anger management day by day. No "Ping Pong" (It means IT'S OKAY!).

P&J started, so as BaoBei. I am considering to send Chloe to the 2.30pm class and made Chloe have lunch at school. But, I still don't feel so comfortable letting the driver pick up Chloe from BaoBei. It's a shop lot, unlike P&J which is right at the doorstep. Hmm... Anyway, I've already prepared to sacrifice my gym time for her BaoBei schedule, trying to fit in even a 30min class if it's feasible. 

I was thinking maybe PaPa can take over JUST ONE NIGHT to fetch Chloe from BaoBei. Hence, I asked PaPa last night if he can sacrifice one night of GYM or shorter gym time, and fetch Chloe from BaoBei ONCE a WEEK only. I was eagerly waiting for the, "SURE! I WILL DO IT" response from PaPa. Instead, I got this,

"You have pushed it way too much. Why so much activities. Why? MaMa?"
"You push la. push more! What other activities that you have not engaged? Go register!"
"No, I can't! I am very busy!"
The last response that I got this morning "I will think about it"

Hmm.... Do I need to say more? 

On the mother's day event held in P&J, I "threatened" PaPa to attend it with me. He was nice, he attended with me "reluctantly" and PaPa was nice enough to video a little on that day. On the upcoming father's day event, I don't think I need to say much. I just need to place the school notice where is visible to him. He will be there with his YELLOW shirt. RIGHT? 

HMMMMPPPPFFFF! Say I am petty! Yes, I am petty, and I WAS angry! I am NOT now. Because it's not worth it. I made Chloe attend BaoBei, and I must accomplish it  on my own since my simple request is not fulfilled. I didn't push it. You can ask Chloe if she wants to go back to BaoBei. I asked her many times, and every time before we left home for BaoBei. My good girl always give me a positive answer : YES, I WANT! To hear her positive feedback, isn't it already worth more than anything else? Don't be disheartened! 

Please la...PaPa..Just One night, So that I can also luxuriate in a longer gym time.

*Don't blast me at home after reading this blog! I am jus writing the truth! :P*

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