I don't want to sound judgmental, it was a big NO NO for ME when a FATHER brought his daughter into the PUBLIC Men's toilet!
I had the shock of my life when I saw PaPa pushed Chloe in the Stroller from the Men's toilet!!!!!! I still can't get over it.
I dont' deny that I am a Drama Queen, I gave PaPa an extreme reaction at that instant. I yelled at him in an extreme shock,"Why did you take Chloe to the Gents?"
Hello? Tell me! Who could stay calm looking at this unbelievable scenario. What was up with his mind?
This Father was dare enough to bombed me back with a roar and bad mouthing me, "Don't F**king yell at me. I need to clear my nose! It was urgent! Besides, the urinal is segregated from the basin."
I returned him with a fiercely gaze in disbelief of what I had just seen. He walked away from me with no remorse (** YA! REMORSE! It's equivalent to a CRIME to me!)
My heart sank with my tears rolling in my eyes, wrapping Clarisse tight in my arms. I didn't want to act like a mad woman in Public, and I knew I would not go anywhere to persist in arguing with him further. I know him so well! He is always living in his own world, believing in his own set of rules. For instance, drivers on the road are all Idi*t except him.
I have no words now to describe how terrible and heartbreaking I felt that day. I just don't know how else and what else I could do at that moment. I rushed next to Chloe, holding her hands tight, feeling devastated and regretful for not protecting my girl. I couldn't reason with HIM at all. He never listen. He is always right. To him, he knew what he was doing? He is big enough (in physical size - he claimed) to protect his girls. I am not sure IF I am over-reacting. I don't care if Chloe could see anything in the Gents, I don't want any chance for any unfortunate nonsense to fall on my girls. You get it? YES! YOU! Since I can't talk to you face to face, I have to blog it and you read it! I know it won't work, but at least I get to deliver my point of view to you right to your MIND.
I held Chloe's hand tight, "Chloe, remember this! Listen to MaMa. You will never go into any of the Men's toilet ever! You can't. You can only follow MaMa to the toilet. You understand." I gasped.
Of course, Chloe had no clue why was I so emotional and sad.
On the way to the Car Park, we stopped by at the MEET FRESH, Taiwanese Dessert parlor for a bowl of Ice Dessert. I know how AWKWARD. With the mix feeling of greedy for dessert and anger of PaPa. Well, at least I was calmed down after a treat of dessert, otherwise I don't know how I could go on seeing HIS face all night long till the next day and the day after and the day after and the rest of my life.
He didn't apologize even though I had shown him I was unpleased and sad. He didn't bother to let in that he was wrong till now. He didn't initiate to talk to me about this issue. I know deep inside his heart he knew it was inappropriate for him to bring his girl with him to the Gents. His heart knows but his ego overpowered him to make him continues to soak in his denial of his mistake.
I kissed him on his cheek the next morning even though I had overcome the hatred of what he did to my daughter. I knew I have to spend my whole life with this men that I chose, and I have to work things out myself. I need us to be happy in order to have my kids grow in a happy and healthy family. (*The truth is, I wanted him to wake up so that we all can go to Shichida class. I need him to bring Clarisse to the class.*)
Dear Hubby,
I have no intention to defame you in my blog. You are the love of my life after all. I need a place for me to deliver my message to you without any arguments. Therefore, you can prick up your ears and listen to me attentively. Of course, in this case, READ and SEND IT TO YOUR CONSCIOUS BRAIN!
(1) Can you please stop swearing when our kids are around? I have to remind you EVERY DAY, and yet you are still doing it ALMOST EVERY DAY! Please! Please! Please!
(2 Can you please stop sending discouraging messages to our children whenever I tried to arrange activities for them. They are happy and enjoy doing what I have arranged for them. Why should you? Please! Please! Please!
(3) I INSIST NO Men's Toilet for my girls! You can bring your child to the Gents when you have a SON. Please learn to distinguish between DAUGHTERS and SONS. I have to make myself believe that you're inability of differentiating between daughters and sons for acting "pervertly" that day. Now, I feel so much better!
(4) For me. I am willing to sacrifice my sleeping time for my children. Remember? You did too when Chloe was little. Why not now? I am not stealing away all your time? Just asking you to pick Chloe up at 7.30pm from BaoBei ONCE A WEEK. You did a wonderful job despite you'd lived a zombie life at that time. Let's us give you another BRAVO!
(5) Scrap away your mindset that I am acting like Kenny B's ex-wife. I am not! And you should know very well that I am not. Money that I asked from you are for my daughters' school fees and daily necessities. You kept the foolish idea with you in your squeezed brain space, and often accused me for overspending you dough! Please STOP that!
Well, I have more. But Time is running up, I have to end here to pick up your beloved daughter for BaoBei.
Please click on "interesting" or "funny" if you are angry.
Please click on "interesting" or "funny" if you are laughing at your idi*t*c.
Your wifey
(*if you remember~)