June 27, 2011

Quiting My Job?

I have come to a conclusion for myself that it is necessary for me to quit my job and take up the toughest and most meaningful job as a fulltime MAMA. Errr...Wow!!!! I can't believe this. However, hahaha... (opps, sorry) the decision is not final YET. 

So many things to consider........There are a numbers of issues that I need to clarify before I really Step forwards to it. 

I have come to an understanding of "sacrifices" in terms of luxury lifestyle. What is that all about? For the benefits of my two princesses, I think it is inevitable for me to give up the "luxury" and adapt to the "necessity:, which means I have to give up my "luxury" skin care and shoppings. I can wave bye bye to them and seek for alternatives; and I think I am capable enough to cope with it in this sense.

However, I cannot totally forget about the monetary part, who is going to pay me monthly? Hubby is not going to pay me?! My boss is not going to pay me too. How can survive? I mean I can but I have to restrict myself within the HOUSE and the expenses has to be related to my daughters otherwise Hubby is not going to pay for it? RIGHT, PAPA?  
- TO PAPA, We have to really sit down and come to a term in this "MONETARY" part, so that I can have a peace of mind -

My role in the company is replaceable but my existence in the company is irreplaceable, simply because I am bearing the surname of YEE family. I understand my parents' hardwork and efforts into the company and I totally understand they wants someone to carry on their business generation by generation?!! Preferably if both my brothers can come back to help them and take over the business. One is already in banking line, doing absolutely well, independent and achieving the excellence. One is still studying, and is too early to tell whether he is going excel in his own choice of field or come back to carry on our father's business. I am the only one who is not in any of the professional line and available to be in the company. 

*sigh* Like I told my sister, I have to be the irresponsible one. I am going to quit my job end of the year. Why wait till end of this years? Because I have many pregnant ladies in my department, and I have to make sure everyone is back to their duty first. Otherwise, my mum will be very very stressful. Her own job is enough to stress her up, and I definitely do not want to add on additional pressure to her. 

So, next year onwards. Mama can play with Chloe & Clarisse. Mama can cook for Chloe & Clarisse. Mama can bring Chloe & Clarisse for swim, playclass, reading class. Mama can blog and put down every single significant growing process of my two pretty princesses.

1 comment:

Elayne said...

Yay!!!! We can go on play dates together next year! Cannot wait!!