June 29, 2011

Clarisse and her Neck Rash

Rashes is very common in babies. Chloe had rashes on her neck too when she was a baby but it went off as she grows older. Thus, it didn't really shock me when I found out about Clarisse's neck rash months ago. YA!!!! Months ago. Because of the LONG duration, it became an issue for me to worry about now. Geezzz!!!! What a lousy Mama I am, I didn't even put much attention and just two days ago that I only realized that I have pay extra attention to make sure the neck rash get treated ASAP.

Not that I didn't put attention to her neck rash; I told Novi to apply powder and cream. But I think it got worse because the powder became lumpy and sticked to Clarisse's neck as she drools or sweats during the day. Plus, I think Novi didn't wipe the powder lumps away and let it sticked to her necks. Novi is a maid whom I hire to take care of my two babies while I am at work, carelessness is not her fault. I am Clarisse's Mama and I didn't put a stern instruction to Novi that she has to clean her neck EVERY TIME it gets moist or wet. 

It's been a month, I had told Novi to apply the candedula cream and some other creams to treat the rashes. However, it didn't seem to work. It gets better the next day but the rashes return the following day. I believe it was not about the treatment, but rather effort. 

Yesterday, I instructed Novi to dab Clarrise's neck with wet hanky constantly. Never forget to remind her with multiple phone calls to check out the condition of baby's neck rash. Guess what? Just one day, I could see a great improvement on her neck. The rashes dried up a little and the red patch of rashes turn light pink.

I reminded Novi this morning like a long-winded old lady, repeatedly told her that she must dab cool wet hanky on Clarisse's neck, and not to apply any powder or cream.

And NOW, I shall make a call again to make sure she is doing as what I told her....

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