June 28, 2011

Hallucination/ Night Terror Part 2

We had a rough nights, and it really bothered Mama a lot. The next day, Mama woke up early in the morning and prepared to send Chloe to the Clinic. I was the medical point of view or pediatricians' experience to explain who could have trigger her fear in the night. I refused to accept the spiritual explanation, especially when it is associated to my daughter. 

We went to the pediatric. We told the doctor about the incident last night. Doctor did not responded what I had expected. I was expecting for an explanation for my daughter's behavior. Nevertheless, I continued to suggest if there is any possibility which relates to Brain and Vision thingy. Once again, he did not give me any answers that I wanted. He shook his head and displayed a little knowledge about it. But, he told us to observe more and we should not judge by merely one incident. The only answer I got from the doctor was "OBSERVE CAREFULLY" and should it happen very frequently, maybe we should check with a neurologist. 

My dad told me , "You don't have to believe in "it" (Spirit), just make a time to pay a respect to the ancestor and go to the temples and pray." I gazed at my dad agitated as I did not want anyone to produce more of the negative energy using the "spiritual" way. Having said that, Mama was overly bothered with the unusual behaviour of my darling Chloe, Mama & Papa actually went to the Tien Hou Temple to pray for Health and Happiness. Just call it a peace of mind for Mama. 

This incident happened two weeks back and today I brought Chloe to Dr. Patrick Chan's clinic due to her prolonged coughing in the night. It's been a month, so Papa insisted that I must bring her for a check.  Well, Papa is right. Dr. Patrick said this is one of the Symptoms of my daughter developing into Asthma. He prescribed a 5 days Medication to cure her cough and the possibility of Asthma later. I also brought the incident to Dr. Patrick. 

He didn't think much and right away told me that it was called " NIGHT TERROR ". Chloe was probably having a nightmare and continued to hallucinate from her nightmare, it could last even the whole night long. He even mentioned that I should not let her watch TV prior to bed because it might cause "Night Terror". 

Possible of Overexcited Activities during the day/ scary images from TV/ Sound of an animal or anything


Night Terror/ Nightmare


Possible a continuation of nightmare while awake (hallucination)

Well, now that I am not nervous and my mind is clear, It totally make sense to me that it is part of growing up. She will outgrow her fear as she grows to become a pretty young lady. Mama should be relaxed and not overly react when things happened. Chloe and Clarisse need a sensible, logical, loving and pretty Mama. 

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