June 9, 2011

Diaper No More - In the Night.

I have noticed many times that Chloe's diaper is always clean and dry in the morning. Thus, I thought it is time for me to train Chloe to sleep without her diaper on. Anyway, she has been complaining a lot on the elastic pull-on MamyPoko Pants, She always said it is itchy and request for a scratch. No rashes found, just slight reddish on her back waist.

Also, Disposable Diapers are very expensive nowadays. Hubby always complain that we have to throw RM 1 a day for Chloe's diaper. It is a dilemma whether for us to throw away the "clean" diaper or "reuse" it for the night. It doesn't look very hygiene for me to reuse the same diaper for so many nights. Imagine wearing the same underwear again and again. :P

That being the case, it gives me more and more reasons to slowly get rid of the DIAPER in Chloe's every life. Well, Chloe has been doing GREAT so far. No Diaper for almost a week and she did not wet our mattress so far. *cross our fingers* Hopefully we can even bring Chloe out diaper-free really soon. It's about time anyway. Just need more EFFORT, MAMA! 

In fact, Chloe would inform Mama if she needs the washroom when we are out. But sometimes Papa cannot bring Chloe to the washroom when Mama is not around, hence most of the time we would still put on a diaper for Chloe as a precaution. We had tried many times to tell her to hold on her "urgency" when there is not washroom available, especially when we are stuck in the traffic jam (KL Traffic is UNPREDICTABLE!). MOST of the time (but not all the time), she can hold till we arrive our destination where toilet is accessible. 

I am not a very STRICT Mama, I feel proud for my daughters and they are absolutely doing EXCELLENCE at their pace. 

Good Job, Girls!!!!

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