February 19, 2009

Blood in stools????

Two days ago, my mother found streaks of blood in Baby Chloe's stool. Everyone was terrified except me. Why not me? Baby Chloe is still active, talking much, kicking, boxing and having a good appetite, moreover, no point rushing to the clinic since the Pediatrician sure give me the same answers : It is normal! It is ok! Observe a few more days etc etc.. So, i waited until yesterday night (which I had skipped my KIMUCHI STEAMBOAT for dinner :(**) and brought her to Dr. Ong for a checkup. Well, as expected, Dr Ong told me not to worry and observe for a few more days. He told me to collect the sample of her stool with blood if it happened again and bring it to the lab for a test. However, up till now Baby has not have any bowels yet.

I am not so worried at this point because Babycenter mentioned before that it is normal for a baby not to have any bowels for a few days *up to maximum of 7 days. So, I just leave it for now and observe carefully. I do not really have a chance to observe Baby Chloe 24 hours, so I have to rely on my maid's information. Lousy Mama!

I was guessing whether Baby Chloe is constipated but breastmilk shouldn't cause constipation. Plus, her last stool was also very soft (*watery). Could it be diarrhoea? (*But no vomiting or sign of fever) Could it be simply tearing of her skin when she passed motion? (*Also no sign of injury at her backside). I guess most probably is due to my unhealthy food intake. I have been eating out a lot with my hubby because hubby doesn't like my maid's cooking.

Sigh, notti mama. Stop pushing the blame to papa la. I should take care of my own diet and eating healthily. Less deep fried stuff, no oily food, less caffeine contained drinks, no sambal chillis, more fruits, more vegetarian, more fish. Be a good MaMa!

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