November 26, 2008

Crystal Pink Urine

Oh My God. I saw "Blood" in Baby Chloe's urine. I couldn't control myself but to burst in tears and call my mum immediately for help. My mum rushed back home from office and sent us to the Clinic.

Before I get to see Dr. Patrick, the nurse told me that my baby is not weigh 3.25Kgs. This even got into my nerves and started to panic. Kept asking myself why why why? Why Baby lost weight just in 5 days old? What happened? The nurse saw my panicking face, and immediately comfort me not to worry so much. Fluctuation of Weight for baby is very common, especially newborn. Some gained a lot of weights, some lost weight. But She told me that my baby will gain her weight back eventually. Ya, but how come lost weight I thought.

Finally, we got our turn to see Dr. Patrick. I saw him the diaper that showed "Blood" in my baby's urine. He immediately said, "Don't worry, this is not blood. This is called Crystal Pink Urine. If it's blood, it should turn brownish by now. You see, it is still pinkish. Don't worry, this is very common in babies." Dr. Patrick told me that this is due to lack of food intake. OH MY GOD? Did i starve my baby? Am I too stubborn to insist on feeding baby breastmilk even though I didn't have enough for her. Am I too stubborn to stop my mum from feeding her too much of Formula Milk? Was I too panaroid with after feeding formula, baby will not take my breastmilk anymore? It's all my fault. I told Dr. honestly that I forced baby to have breastmilk and trying to cut down on Formula. I feel slighly better when Dr. Patrick agreed with my decision. He said breastmilk is the best food for babies. Nothing can replace it, not even the best Formula. He repeatedly advised me to be patient and persistent with the breastfeeding concept. Unfornately I still can't breastfeed directly as my sore nipples are not healed yet. Dr. Patrick re-assure me that the pumped breast milk is still better than any Formula in town. He advised that I shouldn start breastfeed her directly once my nipples are healed.

What a frightening day! RM50 of Consultation Fees resolved my day.

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