I am at my 36th Week now, and my tummy is obviously ballooning in the speed of lightning. Ya...Maybe some said I am exaggerating but this is exactly how I feel at this moment. Baby Clarisse was 2.2kg last week, I am starting to doubt whether this figure is accurate or not because Baby Clarisse looks BIGGER by looking at the size of my tummy. *Phew* Exhausting is the word!!!! These few weeks seem to move so slow, perhaps I am so looking forwards to see Baby Clarisse (AND release my weight :P). I must double check with Dr. Ravi again what's Baby Clarisse's exact weight. How can she weigh only 2.2kg?? SO BIG SO BIG SO BIG! Maybe I should take a picture of my tummy and upload it in my next post.
July 29, 2010
36th Week
Swimming with Chloe
Swimming with Chloe means no swimming for myself. She is not independent enough to sit on her own float and move about herself. She needs Papa or Mama to HOLD her tight then only she is willing to go into the Pool. My long awaited swimming plan was kind of ruined again, because I only managed to swim for A SHORT WHILE since Chloe was there to distract me. Papa was there to attend to Chloe but really as a Mama to Chloe, I really do not know how to concentrate to SWIM ALONE without noticing her activity. Furthermore, she was yelling : MaMa, MaMa, MaMa.
But I must say, even though we need to HOLD her TIGHT when she was in the Pool. I really love to see how she enjoys kicking and splashing the water, she always do it with her BIG SMILE. Sweet!
July 27, 2010
Best Swimming Style During Pregnancy?
I had a conversation with my cousin two days ago and she said she read somewhere that Free Style is the best stroke during pregnancy. Breast stroke is not advisable because it will hurt your back more. Hmm..
I didn't read much about it but after what she said I quickly googled it because I have been doing ONLY breast stroke.
So far, I have found out that breaststroke is probably still the best stroke during pregnancy because it gives a good exercise to the back muscle and the chest as well.
" Best strokes for pregnancy
The breaststroke is probably your best bet while pregnant since it requires no rotation of the torso (as does the front crawl) and requires less exertion. Also, it helps counteract the increased strain in the back due to the belly weight of pregnancy. While pregnancy forces the spine and shoulders to round forward and the pelvis to tilt out of alignment, the breaststroke gently strengthens the muscles and counteracts that tendency.
Another good stroke is the backstroke. Because the water reduces the effects of gravity on your body, you can lie on your back to do the backstroke without risking the impaired blood flow such exercises can cause on dry land. " -- Babycenter.com
But most importantly you have to feel good about what you are doing. It doesn't matter whether is the BEST style or not, as long as you are happy performing it, as long as you are feeling excellent about it, as long as it is not hurting you in anyway (physically or emotionally), JUST GO FOR IT! :P
Chloe says NO to Diapers
Chloe is no longer wearing Diaper during the day. Of course, occasionally, she was not able to inform her urgency on time and relieve right away. But I would say, she has been a very good girl, and MOST of the time she manages to inform us whenever she needs the toilet break. Lately, she started to refuse to wear diaper in the night too. Chloe is sleeping on our bed, so I don't really have the confidence to have her without diaper in the night. There was once, she insisted NO DIAPER and I thought let's try once. Guess what, she managed well. She would wake us up if she wants a toilet break. :) Good Girl!
Even when she is with her diaper when we are out shopping or dinner, Chloe always let us know if she needs to pee, and most of the time we fail her and not the other way round. Hahaha..(Bad Mama) because we are still not very good in bringing her to the Public Toilet to pee, there is no POTTY! Plus, My big and round tummy always restrict me to carry her with the right position to pee. Hubby is very clumsy and he doesn't even know how to manage it at all (can't blame him too, he is trying his best already)! But we are managing it better now and we always bring her to the the Baby Changing Room and let her squad and pee on her diaper if there is no POTTY or TOILET BOWL.
Any other suggestion? I need some advises.
Swimming Plan INTERRUPTED all the time!!
My Swimming Plan is always interrupted!!! Rain la.... Family Dinner la..... Hair Cut la.... No Car la.... So on and So on. Wanted to swim more frequently, I really needed the sleep. I should just be VERY VERY DETERMINED about my plan and DRIVE myself to work and get the flexibility to do what I want WITHOUT hubby.
July 22, 2010
Swimming gives better sleep
I have been complaining a lot about not getting sleep in the night - the heavy weight, the numerous pee breaks, active Baby Clarisse, aching etc.
I have found out a good solution to ease my sleep. I set my schedule to swim once a week, and the particular night that i went swimming, I can sleep better compared to the other nights. So, I have decided to increase the swimming session to twice a week. Unfortunately, I can't do it everyday because I need to travel from Sungai Buloh Office to IL's condo (Tmn Desa) then back to home (KL). Plus, going to IL's condo after work needs about 30 mins to one hour depends on the Traffic condition. Also, I usually rely on Hubby's availability. If he's not free, I will not go. Hehe...I feel awkward to go there just for a SWIM and then go Home. So Weird. Nearby Sungai Buloh? Any Public Pool or not? *sigh* ...Where Where Where? Then, I don't have to rely on hubby's availability and swim every day.
July 21, 2010
Review After Dr. Ravi's Appointment - Week 35th
Had an appointment for checkup today. As usual, Dr Ravi did a thorough check, measuring every parts of the body.
Mama's Weight : 60Kg
Baby's Weight : 2.2Kg (It means another Kilo to go!!!)
Baby Chloe was 3.58Kg and Dr. Ravi said Baby Clarisse should be around the same or SLIGHTLY smaller by comparing the growth chart.
Baby Chloe was 3.58Kg and Dr. Ravi said Baby Clarisse should be around the same or SLIGHTLY smaller by comparing the growth chart.
In the previous blog, I wanted to confirm a number of things with Dr. Ravi, and this is it:-
2) Induced Labor
- I wasn't too sure what is an "Induced Labor". I had the contraction and was dilated 3cm when I went to see Dr. Ravi. He sent me to the Labor Ward, and I was strapped with gadgets and tracked my contraction patterns and baby's heart beat. I was also put on drip. Sorry, a bit ignorant here. I didn't know what was the drip for until now. Was I induced? Dunno leh!
ANSWER : Dr. Ravi said I was not induced. The drip was called .... "Ormentation" (Sorry, dunno how to spell). It means it helps to make the contraction regular. So, I told him I prefer Not to be induced. Of course, Dr. Ravi said this will be the best, induction will only be carried out in special conditions.
(3) Hospital & Labor Charges
- I have been charged with expensive Consultation & Ultrasound Scanning Fees as compared to all my friends and relatives. So I need to speak to Dr. Ravi next week about the Charges, I don't want to end up RM10K for a normal delivery. -- Must remind Hubby to talk to him --
Answer : Dr. Ravi told us that it will be around the same as the previous pregnancy. It shouldn't be much different. If I am not wrong, we paid about RM 4-5K. Charges included:-
- MIDWIVES/ NURSE Service Fees
- Two Night Stays in a Single Room
- Two Night Stays in Nursery for Baby Chloe - even though she was ALL THE WHILE with us.
- Dr. Ravi's Visit Twice (One Weekend Charge and One Weekday Charge)
- Pediatrician's Visit Twice (But Once was charged even though I was in the toilet and he took one minute to talk to me at the bathroom door, STUPID. Dr. Liim Min Kang, I will not use him anymore! But he is the famous one in Gleneagles. Don't know Why!)
- All the injections given to Baby Chloe - BCG and Checkups Charges
- One Tank of Entonox (Even though I used twice only)
- Two shots of Anesthetic, once during the labour, once during the episiotomy.
- Sanitary Pads, Salt Water, Diapers, etc etc etc.... the necessity.
- Medication for Baby Chloe given by Dr. Liim Ming Kang, he said Baby Chloe got sensitive Nose. - But we didn't use the medication at all. For such a young age baby, I think medication should be avoided if it's not severe.
See, this is how hospitals make money. Hahaha.. Charge item by item. That's why We are seeing many hospital building up around KL and PJ. But the service there is superb, you get what you paid for. Nurses and Midwives there were very gentle and helpful, unlike the other horrible stories that I had heard about midwives and nurses at other hospital. Hope I will get the same treatment for my coming admission.
Oh, We did not mention to Dr. Ravi about his expensive charges. Hahaha...Both of us were "paiseh" (Shy) to even mention it because he really gives us a good service. He is a very gentle and nice doctor, so what the H**K, hahaha...I am not paying for it. :P
(5) Labor & Contraction
- I learned that before the actual labor started, the contraction will comes first and it will last for days . I shouldn't rush to the hospital immediately until I feel the contraction is regular and lengthened. Hmm... this is my second pregnancy, and I was told by many mums that 2nd delivery takes very SHORT TIME unlike the 1st delivery. So, should I admit to the hospital once I feel the contraction or should I just wait? How? Must check with Dr. Ravi next week. My MIL told me that she only had ONE HOUR labor for her 2nd pregnancy.
ANSWER : Dr. Ravi said there is no specific answer to this. It is usually shorter labour compared to the first pregnancy. But, he had seen some mums with even longer labour compared to their first pregnancy. Follow the basic rules, admit to the hospital immediately if :
- If Baby is moving less than 10 times a day
- If water bag broke
- If Bleeding
- If Contraction is consistent every 20mins or so.
My next appointment will be two weeks later, and I told Dr. Ravi that I can't wait anymore. He said hopefully she is early but he said NOT MORE THAN THREE WEEKS EARLIER. The best is around 37 - 40 Week! Anyway, not like I can control when I want her to come since I didn't want to be induced.
July 19, 2010
First Knitting Project for Chloe
July 16, 2010
Check List for Clarisse's Arrival
Hehe.... Everyone knows that I am free and relaxed from work now because I have been blogging very frequently. Unfortunately, I must admit that business here slows down a little and work load naturally reduced (Sad to say, it is a bad trend for the company especially even before the Puasa (Fasting Month) and Hari Raya started. Plus, I am a little slack"ish" myself too.
Since I have the free/Slack"ish" Time, I want to do a check list to prepare for Clarisse's Arrival.
(1) Pain Relief Choice
- I didn't use the EPIDURAL for my 1st pregnancy. So, Epidural will not be my choice this time round too.
- I inhaled a few times of the ENTONOX (laughing gas) but I feel it didn't actually reduce any of the contraction pain at all. I didn't use much of the gas but I was charged by the cylinder. Hahaha..ok ok..the "Money minded" personality comes in - so I decided I will not use the gas pain relief.
- I requested for the ANESTHETIC which was injected to my buttock. I am not sure what sort of Anesthetic was given to me but again I didn't feel the painkiller effect at all.
- Most of the time I was BREATHING "the Yoga way - deep breathe in and out". Of course it didn't stop the pain but it somehow diverted my attention a little. The LAMAZE breathing did not work for me exactly because the pain messed me up. I had totally forgotten about what "hee hee hee hoo".
CONCLUSION : EPIDURAL & ENTONOX is a no no for me this round. I will try not to use Anesthetic too IF I can. Wanna keep everything as NATURAL as possible. Hahaha...if I can tolerate the pain la. BREATHING & WILLPOWER is my ultimate choice of PAIN RELIEF.
(2) Induced Labor
- I wasn't too sure what is an "Induced Labor". I had the contraction and was dilated 3cm when I went to see Dr. Ravi. He sent me to the Labor Ward, and I was strapped with gadgets and tracked my contraction patterns and baby's heart beat. I was also put on drip. Sorry, a bit ignorant here. I didn't know what was the drip for until now. Was I induced? Dunno leh!
CONCLUSION : I will speak to Dr. Ravi in my next appointment next Wednesday and will ask him about "Was I induced" for my first pregnancy. I will tell him that I PREFER not to.
(3) Hospital & Labor Charges
- I have been charged with expensive Consultation & Ultrasound Scanning Fees as compared to all my friends and relatives. So I need to speak to Dr. Ravi next week about the Charges, I don't want to end up RM10K for a normal delivery. -- Must remind Hubby to talk to him --
(4) What to pack to Hospital
- Nursing Bra (I was not wearing Bra for the 2 days stay previously. I didn't complain because I was busy learning to breastfeed. Plus, I had sore nipples, Bra was not an option for me then.)
- Slipper
- Newborn Sleep Suit for Baby Clarisse to go Home
- Receiving Blanket for Baby Clarisse to go Home
- Breast Pad - Hmm...Does Gleneagles supply this?
- Comfortable Clothing for myself to go Home
- Macbook - Not sure I will get the chance to use or not since I could be busy with Baby Clarisse.
- Spectacles for watching TV.
- Camera to take photos for Baby Clarisse - Since Papa will not or might not do it, Mama might as well prepare it MYSELF. :P
- Mobile Phone
- CryoCord Bag
** I will review the above list again when I am done. Hehe...see how useful are all these things to me. As the previous pregnancy. I brought NOTHING, I only had "going home" clothing which was packed by my mum on the day we were discharged. Because I was told in the Parentcraft class previously that THE HOSPITAL supplies EVERYTHING you need so don't bring anything. But I realised the above things were missing which Hospital cannot supply.
(5) Labor & Contraction
- I learned that before the actual labor started, the contraction will comes first and it will last for days . I shouldn't rush to the hospital immediately until I feel the contraction is regular and lengthened. Hmm... this is my second pregnancy, and I was told by many mums that 2nd delivery takes very SHORT TIME unlike the 1st delivery. So, should I admit to the hospital once I feel the contraction or should I just wait? How? Must check with Dr. Ravi next week. My MIL told me that she only had ONE HOUR labor for her 2nd pregnancy.
** I will review this again after the delivery. It will be interesting.
(6) Telephone Number of CyroCord
(7) Telephone Number of Hazeera/Bella Luna Postnatal Service. Yes, I had engaged Two Postnatal Service. Their service shall be reviewed.
(8) Arrange to meet up with the Confinement Lady next week - Sau Wah Jie. I am a bit skeptical about Confinement Lady but no choice, I need an experienced helper to ensure a good rest and regain my health.
(9) Final Shopping List
- Newborn Diapers
- Breast Pads
Ok. That's it for now. I shall continue if there is any additional things to do to prepare for Baby Clarisse's arrival. EXCITED!!!
34th Weeks
I have been telling everyone that I can't wait any longer. Baby Clarisse will be full Term in 3 weeks time, hopefully she can join our family as soon as she is full term. hahaha.....
It's been almost 2 months that I didn't get a proper sleep in the night. Other than getting up for toilet routine, I have problem falling asleep too. Baby Clarisse is moving too much plus all the aching that I am experiencing now is making sleep more difficult. I wonder, after the birth of Baby Clarisse, will I still complain about not getting enough sleep because she will be getting up every 2 hour for a feed. Hahaha...Worse still. Many mums told me to enjoy the moment NOW, otherwise when Baby Clarisse is here with us, I will have even less sleep. Just like when we first had Chloe with us, Papa and Mama were Pandas for the full 1st 6 months. Hehe... I must said it was horrible time but now when we recalled and we smiled spontaneously from with our heart melted "What a memorable & sweet experience that we had together".
I know we are going to go through this again with Baby Clarisse and I know we will "enjoy" the moment together. But this time round should be easier for us because we are hiring a confinement lady for the first month to help take care of Baby Clarisse in the night and take care of Mama's meals in the day. I am a little doubtful about the confinement lady. I am not sure how supportive she is on my breastfeeding effort. I had tough time on my first breastfeeding experience, I hope this time it will be easier and I hope my confinement lady can be encouraging enough on the breastfeeding. I heard many bad feedback that many confinement ladies do not support breastfeeding because it is more tedious to prepare breastmilk comparing to preparing formula. Tedious? I am not too sure about it. To me, both are equally EASY JOB.
July 12, 2010

Yeah....!! Finally, Hubby has no excuses of going out for WORLD CUP in the middle of the night. No Drinking and No Smoko for Hubby from now on. Yeah!!!!
July 10, 2010
Chloe & Her Car Seat!
Hubby and I didn't want to invest for a car seat mainly because we anticipated that Chloe wouldn't want to sit on it. Chloe is a restless girl, she is constantly moving whenever we are in the car. Moreover, we had a bad experience in purchasing the expensive Peg Prego Stroller & Baby Car Seat, which we ended up did not utilize at all. Especially the Baby Car Seat, I would say the number of times used is equal to ZERO. :P The Stroller was only used on the first three months when she slept alot that time. Haha.... It acted as Chloe's mobile crib, other than that Hubby loves carrying her all the times. (His idea is - if he don't do it now, he will never get to do it when they've grown.)
Therefore, Papa is always unsure about the investment on a car seat. Plus, we have seen the prices ranging from RM300 - RM3000. WOW! So expensive! Of course, we will never go for the TOP Range as we somehow felt that our girl would not use it. But I thought we must get ONE and force her to get used to the car seat. Other than the SAFETY Issue, Our second Princess Baby Clarisse is coming to join our family soon. Without the Car Seat, it will be difficult to travel around. So, I told Hubby to invest the mid range car seat. We went Mothercare today and found this Maxi-Cosi Car Seat is on Sales - 30%. We didn't mind the Mocha Color and it is within our budget after discount - RM 600+.
Well, I didn't expect Chloe to pop into the Car Seat and tell us that she loves it. I am prepared to let her cry and force her to get used with the Car Seat. Papa brought home the Car Seat, and we thought letting her familiarize with it AT HOME before hearing her scream in the car.
The clip shown how much she dislikes the car seat as we expected. Hahaha....Anyway, I told Papa placed the Car Seat into the car, I am preparing to let her cry all the way to Gymboree Class.
BUT!!!!!!!!!! LIFE IS FULL OF SUPRISES! Hehehe..
I happened to munch on a biscuit when we are about to leave the house. My greedy Chloe saw me munching, and she wanted my biscuit. No choice, I reluctantly gave her the biscuit that I was munching halfway. Then, Papa put her on the Car Seat while Mama sat next to the car seat, waiting for her to scream. BUT! She was too into her biscuit, and she didn't make any noise at all. BINGO! She adapted to the New Car Seat, comfortably seated and started to shake her legs throughout the Journey to Gymboree Class. Even without the lure of the biscuit, she was very comfortable with the Car Seat as she felt asleep on her car seat when we were on our way home after the class.
July 8, 2010
Stretch Mark

Stretch Mark is something that I still can't get over it until now. It was especially devastating for me when I realized how stretch mark affected my body skin appearance. I didn't want to mention to anyone (especially to my friends) because I thought it would scare them off from getting pregnant. Well, I was told that I should wear my stretch mark confidently and it will somehow not affect your life anymore especially when you are busy with your children's life. How? I am not sure. I am still wearing these stretch mark with me.
I am bringing up this "Strech Mark" topic today because I found out a fairly good products - MAMA MIO. Well, it didn't prevent nor get rid of my stretch marks. But, it lightened my stretch marks. By lightening it, making it less obvious. My tummy is round and big now, and at this stage of my previous pregnancy, my stretch mark was RED in colour. But this time round, with the aid of MAMA MIO Stretch Oil & Tummy Butter Rub, it lightened the redness.
I am not too sure how my tummy turns out after birth. Hopefully, it will continues to lighten it.
P/S : Not everyone get stretch marks during their pregnancy. My aunties never get them. Majority of my friends also do not get any stretch marks. I am just the unlucky one. I follow my mum's footsteps. :(

Another product to introduce is it's Boob Tube. This is safe to use even if you are nursing. What I like about Mama Mio Products is that even though they are Body Care Products, it stated clearly on its label that it can also be used on face because they are using all natural ingredients! Hmm... And these creators of the products are not merely biochemist but also mummies who had experiences of the Body changes during pregnancy and how they can prevent/reduce/minimize/tone the appearance of the bad skin texture. They would understand us most I think! :P
July 6, 2010
33rd Week- Sleepy
Mama is feeling exceptionally sleepy lately. I didn't experience this for my first pregnancy. The fatigue only played in my first trimester for my 1st pregnancy and I was energetic until the labor started. This time round, it is very different. I am feeling sleepy all the times, yawning with mouth widely opened in the office. *SHY* - Sometimes, I even hide in the pantry to take a short nap but never last long as all the aches stop me from getting more rest. :(
I know i have been complaining a lot for this pregnancy, but I really can't help it. Perhaps my age is catching up which resulting all these pains and uncomfy, or perhaps I didn't take care of my health well enough during the previous confinement. That's why I told myself, this round of confinement, I am going spend more time on taking care of myself - to regain my health. I am not too sure whether how true it is; but worth trying out. Put aside my "slimming programme" first, must regain my health level as my goal for the first month. Then, only aim at the "slimming programme". BUT BUT BUT, I heard if I take too long to loose those extra fats that I gained during the pregnancy, I will never get rid of it FOREVER. Is it true? *sigh* Choose between ONE!
Zzzzz....Sleepy...Especially after a sumptuous meal at SANOOK. :) - No mood to work! :P
Current Weight Update : 59 Kilo (Sob Sob Sob .... 11 kilos gained!)
July 5, 2010
Bloody Night
I have to cope with Clarisse's activeness and all the aches around my body every nights. I have to think of a way to keep myself SLEEPING every nights. This is bad enough, but it becomes worse when INJURY HAPPENED.
Preparing to sleep, lying comfortably on our bed.
Chloe : Mama.. MaMa..
Mama : ... (Ignore her while she was trying to climb over my body)
Chloe : Mama..Mama
Mama : AWWWWWWW!!!!! (screamed. My jaw? Mouth? was hit by an HARD OBJECT a.k.a. Chloe's head)
Chloe : (Crying)...Papa....(Switched to Papa's direction instead of Mama now)..Papa....
Papa : What happened? Why Chloe's crying?
Chloe : Papa...Papa...pain pain...(holding Papa TIGHTLY and complaining her pain at her face)
Papa : Mama! What did you do to Chloe? Aiyohhh....look at her face...red already
Mama : .... (speechless for a while)...Papa, pass me a tissue, I need to wipe of BLOOD from my mouth...so, u want to see who is injured??
Papa : Chloe Darling, Don't cry.. Papa Saying la..Papa Hug hug la..(**totally ignore if Mama's really bleeding or not)
Mama : ...... bleeding .... (Mama tried to press her gum... SPEECHLESS...while being ignore by a father-and-daughter gang)
Papa : Mama, you should anticipate Chloe's action ma, you see, her forehead is red already.
If I was not wrong, she hit me with her HEAD..not her forehead nor her face. It was HARD...not soft skin FOREHEAD nor FACE. I am the VICTIM!!! Come on, keep the fact right la. HOW TO ANTICIPATE ? I was preparing to SLEEP!
I didn't want to complain so much at that time because Papa and Chloe are in a GANG to bully Mama anyway. No Point! :(
Mama's Night Life Begins here...
Yeah...I am waking up 4 - 5 times every night to pee now. Clarisse is pressing my bladder plus I am carrying her low, it has resulted many sleepless nights for Mama. Well, tiring but nothing much that I can do. Also, Clarisse is particularly active in the night perhaps she is complaining about the uncomfy and confined space she got inside my stomach. Oh my god, WHINNER~ I dun wanna another PAPA!
Anyway, Mama is very very tired and can't wait any longer for delivery. :)
July 2, 2010
Pain Pain No More!
Darling Chloe is getting better as she is no longer complaining about her PAIN. phew....after a week of torture! Poor Darling. But is good that it is gone now! :P
Chloe is Counting PARTIALLY
Mama : Chloe, say "ONE"
Chloe : TWO
Mama : Chloe, say "ONE" not "TWO". Say "ONE"
Chloe : TWO
Mama : Okay.. "THREE"
Chloe : "FOUR"
Mama : "FIVE"
Chloe : "SIX"
Mama : "SEVEN"
Chloe : "EIGHT"
Mama : "NINE"
Chloe : "TEN"! Mama, "TEN"! Mama, "TEN"!
2nd Attempt
Mama : Chloe, say "ONE"
Chloe : TWO
Mama : Chloe, say "ONE" not "TWO". Say "ONE"
Chloe : TWO
Mama : NO! "ONE"
Chloe : TWO
Mama : Ok Ok "THREE"
Chloe : "FOUR"
Mama : "FIVE"
Chloe : "SIX"
Mama : "SEVEN"
Chloe : "EIGHT"
Mama : "NINE"
Chloe : "TEN"!
3rd Attempt
Mama : Chloe, Count ONE to TEN
Chloe : One, Two, Three, Six, Four, Seven, Eight, Ten!!!
Is this consider COUNTING OR NOT? Hahaha...so cute!
July 1, 2010
Pain Pain!
Chloe : Papa, Papa teeth Pain Pain (crying)
Papa : Show Papa. Where pain pain?
Chloe sticked out her tongue and pointed at her tongue and said : Teeth pain Pain (with tears)
Darling Chloe had this pain for almost a week. She has been drooling since almost 4 weeks ago, so I guess the pain should come from her new teeth. But she is crying & complaining more and more for the past one week. Initially, I thought it was her teeth. But, before I can reach for her teeth with my finger, she was already crying and complaining about her pain. I started to suspect it was from her tongue. I tried to observe her tongue to spot if there is any ulcer or not; I found nothing. No scars or spots on her tongue or lip nor gum. When I tried to touch her teeth and asked her to bite on my finger, she didn't cry at all. So, I concluded that the pain does not come from the teeth.
My granny and mum asked me to bring her to the pediatrician. I am still hesitating. First, it could be just from her teeth, or could her "heaty" ulcer, or could be NOTHING AT ALL (She was just acting for attention?). Plus, before the Pediatric could TOUCH her, she will start to yell and cry, don't think the doctor can diagnose properly.... I shall observe until tomorrow and decide whether to bring her to the clinic or not.
My only option now at this stage is : PLENTY OF WATER, BAILEY WATER... NO BISCUIT OR JUNK (the thing is she is not even interested in her tidbits or fruits anymore since she feels the pain every times when she eats.)
Mama hopes Darling Chloe's Pain Pain will disappear immediately.
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