March 2, 2009

Father & Daughter

I am never tired of repeating myself about how much Papa loves Baby Chloe. Well, I am JEALOUS! However, other than jealousy, I must admit how happy I am to be with Papa's wife. Haha... Papa is never stingy in showing his love to Baby Chloe, and I really want to feel how does it feel to be a father. Is it the same like being a mother? I used to think mothers feel more about their own children as the bond between a mother and a child is so physically & emotionally intact to one another. No strength in this world could break this bond.

But Papa makes me open up my mind and understand that the love between a father and a daughter is never less. His love to Baby Chloe is not simply expressed by words, but from his eyes, his smiles, his touch and all his emotion about baby Chloe. Sometimes, when he describes how happy he is when he is about to see his baby, it just makes me so jealous at the same time feeling really happy that Baby Chloe has a good father (*eventually he will steal some of mother's job like putting baby to sleep at night) Kekeke * Wink* *Wink* The happiness that shown in his face feels so contented.

Today, Papa asked Mama : I am no longer interested in drinking. You know why?
Mama : Because you are STINGY, or you don't have money, or maybe you want to keep the money for baby.
Papa : Not about money, Money is secondary.
Mama : And then??
Papa : Drinking will drain me out! I rather spend more time with Baby otherwise I won't be able to take care of baby when baby Chloe needs Papa.

He is willing to give up his sleep, his hobby (beer) just for Baby Chloe. I don't know how long will it lasts but at least NOW is good!

Baby Chloe, You are a lucky girl! Please make Mama a lucky mother too! Love you!

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