March 16, 2009

Unleashing the devil within

I like how my sister put it when I told her that Baby Chloe is getting more and more naughty, she said : She is unleashing the devil within.

My mum always tell us how obedient Baby Chloe is, I guess she used me as a benchmark and concluded that Baby Chloe is a good girl. Haha...I heard a lot of naught stories about myself when I was a child, and My hubby's cousin, Vilmus, said to me it is a revenge. Hahaha..

However, I am quite lucky in the sense that I have maid to help to take care Baby Chloe. She's ok so far, not perfect but acceptable.

Taking care of baby is an enjoying task but yet an exhausting one too. I have to ensure baby having enough sleep & milk. Then, have to learn to get less hour sleep but still stay awake at work. Then, have to spend time playing with her and talk to her. A lot and a lot more.

But it is all so WORTH IT even though she is becoming more and more demanding. She is showing her 'power' now as a baby. She cries whenever she needs attention from us, and she refuses to go to sleep when she wants to play with us.

WORTH IT like Nicole told me! I AGREE!

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