March 8, 2009

Is Sleeping Issue again

My biggest challenge with Baby Chloe is always the sleeping issue. Yes, she is now able to sleep through night, distinguishes day & night.

*Sigh* For the past one week, my maid told me that Baby Chloe is not sleeping during the day times. Maybe total sleep is less than 3 - 4 hours, which is not enough for a baby who is only 3 months old. Initially, I thought baby sleeping less in the daytime is a good thing so that I can push her sleep earlier to 10pm rather than 12midnight. I am so wrong to have such a thought!!! Baby Chloe is sleeping later and later in the night. She refuses to go to sleep at night and cries a lot when we hold her on our arms too. She wants to sit upright, she wants us to keep talking to her. She is trying to let us know that : Papa, Mama, Baby Chloe doesn't want to sleep. I want to play with you.

She slept at about 2 - 3am for the past whole week. In between her sleep, she would cried while she is sleeping?!! Nightmare or something - I am not sure. Then, I have to get up to check on her to make sure she is alright. But usually I would pat her for a while (like 1 minute) then she will get back to sleep. It is probably nightmare or something else on her crib is bothering her sleep. But I am wondering, how come baby has nightmares?? She is not exposed to any horror movies or anything scary before? How come? Anyway, even though Baby Chloe slept so late at night, she was already awake by 6am for a feed which is quite reasonable because her last feed of the night was at 11-12 midnight. After the 6am feed, she would continue her sleep until about 8.30 - 9.00am.

I tried feeding her at 1-2am, thinking that it might help her to get back to sleep easier. But it doesn't work and she would vomit. I think because she is moving too much most of the times, she seems really excited and never tired of playing.

Hubby and I decided to ignore her last night, but her cries were continuously loud and angry. It makes no choice to me but to pat her and calm her down. What is going on with my baby?? She is sleeping less than an adult which is not supposed to be. What happened to 15 hours sleep?

Baby Chloe, you always challenge Mama with your sleeping pattern. Anyone knows what can I do with Baby Chloe? Papa & Mama naturally have to stay awake to keep Baby Chloe company, means less sleeping time for us too. *sigh* It is really not easy.

Oh...we were so against putting Baby Chloe into the sarong, but in order to make her sleep, Papa is always talking about using the sarong for Baby Chloe. We wants Baby Chloe to sleep well, if it's not 15 hours, at least on par or slightly more than adults' sleeping time. Arghh!!! Someone helps!

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