September 6, 2012

Clarisse's Fourth Day of "School"

Yes! I want to mark today's date because Clarisse did not cry when I dropped her off at the center. She walked in calmly, and removed her shoes and followed teacher to the classroom. 

HORRAY! Clarisse has overcome the separation anxiety and she can wave Goodbye to "Crying Baby". 

1st Day - PaPa led Clarisse to the classroom where the kids were playing "cooking" while MaMa was handling the registration and we left quietly. We didn't hear her cry but teacher told us Clarrise cried but not for long.

2nd Day - MaMa dropped her off at the center alone, she cried and struggled, refused to enter the center. Teacher grabbed her and brought her into the classroom. I saw Clarisse was struggling and crying "I want MaMa". I didn't stay on because I know she will be fine and I didn't want to cry and send the WEAK signal to my baby. Anyhow, I needed to rush back to office for tender datelines.

3rd Day - MaMa insisted PaPa to come along and sent Clarrise to school. PaPa carried her up the center while MaMa followed from a distance. Clarisse cried "I want MaMa" as she entered the center. PaPa & MaMa stayed back by the center doorstep, Clarisse's cry lasted for less than 5 minutes, and we left.

4th Day - MaMa carried Clarisse and sang in random tunes "I love School, I love going to School, I love to play in School, Don't you? Yeah Yeah, Let's go School"... until we almost arrived the center, Clarisse hugged me tight and told me that she is sleepy and she said "I want oi oi". I replied, "Oi Oi? No, Clarisse wants to go to school. Remember? I love you, and have lots of fun in school." MaMa pressed the door bell, teacher opened the door, and I dropped her. She didn't look back as she entered the centre, removed her shoes by herself, placed the shoes on the rack, and followed teacher into the classroom with NO TEARS. 

I didn't pick her up for the last two days, so I didn't manage to check with teacher how's Clarisse doing so far. I must do it TOMORROW. MUST! MUST! MUST!

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