October 3, 2010

Temperature rises again the morning

Mama's temperature came down at about 3.30am - 36.7 degree C. So, I thought I must give myself some energy, I had a cup of oat before heading to bed again. After the cup of Hot Drink, the cold hit me again. I was wearing two layers of top, a long pants, socks, I even used the socks to act as a glove to cover my cold hands. I had three layers of blanket covering me, but it didn't make me sweat this time. The sweat treatment doesn't work. No Sweat but cold hands and feet plus a hot forehead. My temperature now is 39 deg C. Argh...... Why Why Why? Somemore the stupid engorgement is making me feel even worse, and making me no choice but to get up and pump it all out. 

Now is 8.30am, I am going to visit a doctor and get him prescribe a proper medicine. This will enable me to continue to supply the BF to Baby Clarisse while I am on medication. 

What is wrong with me? *sigh* help!!!!

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