October 4, 2010

Fever has not subsided....

Poor Mama did not bond with my daughters for two nights already. I can only see them from far, and even when Chloe asks Mama to "PO PO", I can't even do it. I do not want them to catch my virus.

This time round the Virus is considered a long life one, as usually it takes me one to two days to recover totally. I am not even close to recovery on the third day. I was given Anti-biotic -ugmentin, Panadol, Telfast, Strepsil which are all safe for breastfeeding. But I didn't breastfeed Baby Clarisse direct anymore as I do not want her to be sick. Baby is having all the expressed milk, which I would think better than nothing. 

Anyway, these medications are not working well. True enough, I am not being patient enough. I am expecting to recover right after the medications. My fever subsided after the medication and a rest, but then within two hour, the chill will hit me again and my temperature will rise again. As mentioned earlier, no matter how many layers or clothes or blanket that I put on, it didn't warm me up. Just yesterday alone, Fever, Chill, Fever, Chill, Fever, Chill for 4 full cycles. I have been taking lots of fluid but I still feel extremely dehydrated. Hubby said I better get a blood test to make sure it is not dengue. That's why I am going to another clinic today again. 

My engorged breast made everything worse. Sigh.... I also found out that there is tremendous drop in milk supply. Could it be I am not eating well? Could it be my sickness which has affected the milk supply? My aim is to at least breastfeed Baby Clarisse for 6 months like Chloe. I will pray hard for speedy recover and feed her more frequently to generate back the milk supply. 

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