Sigh, Mama is sick again. This is considered the third time of being sick since Baby Clarisse's birth ~ classified as being unfit to take care of my own children because I need to stay 3m away from them to make sure they don't get infected with the virus.
I was sick on my third week of confinement. Why did I get sick - fever? It could be the "heatiness" since there were too much ginger and heaty ingredients which suppose to keep me warm and so that I won't catch cold during my confinement. It could be Mama being very naughty, took shower everyday - but I don't think this is the reason because I always made sure I have the right temperature shower, and I also made sure I dry myself thoroughly and put on my clothes immediately after I had dried myself. Wait a minute, I remember that I shivered during the Postnatal Treatment that I had at the Saloon. I might have caught cold during the process of wrapping, but if this is the case, I should be sick immediately after that and not two days after? I am not too sure which is the cause of my fever but the fact is I was sick and unfit to take care of my own children. Or perhaps, Mama is in denial with her "naughty" act of not following the tradition confinement rules - SHOWER EVERYDAY & GO OUT DURING CONFINEMENT.
Followed by a flu yesterday morning after a few days of sleepless night. This is my second week after the confinement month which means I am free from the traditional confinement rules. Two days ago, I found that Chloe and Clarisse were having minor flu. Why I said minor because I only saw the flu from there nose once of twice and then it stopped by itself. At that time I was fit, and I was not sick or tired at all. Sigh, then I realised that I am generally WEAK because I ended up with a flu and my daughters are both strong and fit. Imagine Baby & Toddler were both able to fight the virus while their Mama couldn't fight it. Anyway, I ended up with flu but I got well the next day. Perhaps not totally recovered, but I feel fit and able to perform daily activities without any issues.
Then, I was trembling while expressing milk in the room just now (about 8pm), Hubby switched on the Air-Cond and I felt cold and the sensation of falling sick is once again inevitable. Of course, after I complained to Hubby, he immediately switched off the Air-Cond and switched on the fan instead. After a shiver with the blow from the Air-Cond, I also found the fan is rather cold for me too. Just like what I had expected, my temperature was 38.6 degree C. Alamak, I fall sick again after a day of flu. The flu and the fever could be related. How come Mama is so WEAK - Hubby always complained that I am a WEAK PERSON. Always fall sick and unfit. Well, this is the last thing that I want to hear WHILE I am really sick. There is no point of making such comment while I am already sick. At my end, I was worrying of not being able to take care of my children, and at his end, blaming me for being WEAK. Sigh ~ my hubby.
Anyway, after a night of WATER INTAKE and SWEAT TREATMENT, my temperature has finally came down to 37.8 degree C indicating very slight fever. Thanks to my mum for helping me to take over the night shift for Baby Clarisse, allowing me to have a full rest. I am awake now for expressing because I feel the engorgement and I am not being naughty again, staying up late blogging and not getting the rest. :)
My intention of utilizing this confinement to make myself healthy again failed. I had Herbal Soup every day, and I had the Dong Sum with Red Dates as Water every day. Then, I ate all the fattening Chicken Essense and Sesame Ginger Chicken frequently. In order to make sure better recovery, I even finished one bottle of DOM even though I hated it so much. I know I know~ One bottle is nothing since my grandma said many can finished one bottle a week. I just managed one bottle for the while month. Then, I also took enzyme that my PIL bought for me, it supposes to boost my health and speed up my recovery after birth. SO WHAT? It doesn't make me STRONG, I can't even fight the virus like my children did, and I fall sick THREE TIMES in 6 weeks. I guess I am just WEAK like what hubby always said. Sob Sob Sob.
Well, time to rest. The engorgement is not so bad now. :)
I want to be HEALTHY and STAY FIT for my daughters. They need me! :P