August 27, 2009

An Article

I always wanted to express my feelings towards my daughter, and I think it was my language capability that had prohibited me from doing so.Today I read this article coincidently and it has totally described my feelings as a mother. I must say I admire this guy for his appreciation towards his wife, and it touches me so much for a husband to be so understanding and loving towards his wife. I wish my husband can think the same too. But, this does not mean that their effort is any less than a mother, it is just that his appreciation makes me feel how important I am to my Baby Chloe. Let's me share the below article :-


早前, 请了假, 到槟州看年幼的女儿, 享受天伦之乐。
宝宝 还未懂得认人,见到爸爸不喜亦不怒,就似平常一般。他重6。7公斤,护士说,体重恰好,不过轻也不太重。就这样普通的一句话,话,我亦不禁窃喜,但凡与宝宝有关的都能令我动容。

对于4个月大的婴儿来说,世界是新奇的, 宝宝对自己的手指亦是好奇。她有时会静静躺那里,一直看着自己的手指。她似乎不知道那是属于她的,对她而言,手指更象是“鸡腿”一味往嘴里塞,允的不亦乐乎。内子喝她一声,她却也懂得妈妈不好惹,把手指从嘴里拿出来,两只眼睛无辜地转动。

不吃手指的时候,宝宝喜欢“蠕动”这样的形容有点奇怪,只是我实在词穷。她的双脚不停往前撑,可是又不懂得用手配合,只有把头贴在床上,向前“蠕动”。 别小看这个动作,一转眼,她可能就会翻出来,敲到地面。一回,我们一时不察,她就这样“蠕”出床来,头部落地,放声大哭。


当然,宝宝也常笑。笑。我最爱的是,早上起来,看她伸懒腰,然后凑上前去对她说GOOD MORNING,二她就对我笑了。 我怀疑,婴儿都识魔法,他一笑,我就受感染,笑得比她更开心。有时候,我们在聊天,她以为我们与她说话与她玩,自个儿在那里大笑起来,令我们忍俊不禁。

偶尔,我会想,她的第一句说出口的话是什么?我希望是“妈妈”。在生儿一事上,我总觉得妈妈付出更多更伟大。我宁愿宝宝以后爱妈妈甚于爸爸。当初,内子产下宝宝后,我曾说过,以后要教宝宝, 如果爸爸妈妈同时掉进大海,一定要先救妈妈。这一些,宝宝以后会懂吧!


作者 : 张庆禄

- End -

I want to apologise to the author of this article because I do not know how to pronouce his daughter's name - haha - so I couldnt' find out the HAN YU PIN YIN - I replace it with "BAOBAO" (means Baby).

Sometimes I really complain about Baby Chloe's crying but I must admit that I kinda enjoy it. Her crying is so SWEET! Hahaha... It is an amazing thing to get a response from her whenever we try to convey a message to her. It is such magical moment when she smiles at me and chuckles! I love Baby Chloe!

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