August 4, 2009

8 months and Two weeks old

Time flies faster than I have expected and honestly I have a little problem catching up "times". Baby Chloe is now 8 months and 2 weeks old, and she is starting to do some baby talks like MA MA MA, MUM MUM MUM, PA PA PA, GU GU GU, BA BA BA........ Everyone in the family seems to enjoy the Baby Talk because everyone is also starting to MAMAMA, BABABA, GUGUGU, DADADA whenever they see Baby Chloe. LOL.

Now, Baby Chloe has found her mobility by crawling on the floor, running with her walker. By the way, I read from the Babycenter that Walker discourages floor play which might delay a baby's mobility development like crawling & walking. The Walker was a gift from my colleagues, and I started to put Baby Chloe on the walker when she was almost 5 months old. She enjoys it so much as she could chase after Wow Wow (My Dog aka MeiMei). She also enjoys it as she could rush over to Mama when she sees Mama is home from work.

I personally feel it is not the walkers that discourage Baby's mobility development. It is more like the parents' responsibility to ENCOURAGE them during their development. For instance, I usually keep track with Babycenter's Development Chart so that I know Baby's ability at a certain month. Like starting solid at 5 - 6 month old, then I slowly start to introduce it to Baby Chloe. Then, from the babycenter I get to know that normally babies will learn to sit on their own at their 6th month, then i ENCOURAGE baby Chloe to sit on her own and support her when she tumbled. Haha...sound a little boastful here. What I wanted to emphasize is that do not just blame, but to try out best to encourage their development. I always tell myself, as long as I have tried my best and Baby is still not on track. It doesn't matter, just give her more time and one day she can make it. It's a process!

I always tell myself not to force Baby Chloe to move at the pace that I want, but to let her develop and grow at her own pace while enjoying the process of growth, I hope.

Mentioning about keeping a record of My Darling's growth. Sigh, the amature videographer cum photographer is definitely is not doing a fantastic job. Sigh!!!! Ever since hubby bought his Sony Video cam, I thought I can rely on him to record more of Baby Chloe's growth. Well, he did but he did not capture the "MOMENT". Those videos are a little boring & lengthy, some cannot even see Baby's expression clearly. I still prefer my camera shot and then send for print and album it. I can flip my dear album whenever I want. Call me Old Fashion but I still prefer memorable moment to be captured and kept nicely in an album.

I have to start using my camera again. In fact, I will invest a good lens*** to compensate with my photography skill.

*** Dear Lokong, this month is a special month which you might want to add this *** into your shopping list. LOL!

1 comment:

anjoe.chou said...

Wow! Good planning to hint him in the early of the month and let him get prepared. hehe... ;)