May 8, 2009

Jab Jab Day - 5 1/2 Months Old

Baby Chloe is behaving very well today, she did not give Papa and Mama any difficulty at all. Mama's GOOD Baby.
We brought Baby Chloe for a jab & Rotavirus. Everything was easily carried out with no fuss. :) Baby Chloe is not afraid of the needle anymore or perhaps I should praise Dr. Patrick for his skill.
Mama considered today's a good as I got many doubts cleared.
1. Why is Baby Chloe crying so much at night
Ans : Baby Chloe starts to have dreams now. So, Dr. Patrick advised not to play with Baby Chloe after 6pm to avoid nightmares.
2. Baby Chloe is attracting lots of mosquitoes.
Ans : Baby Chloe's skin is soft and easier to penetrate compared to Adults' skin. So, Baby tends to attract more mosquitoes than adult. Dr. Patrick advise to avoid Mosquitoes' prone area. Very pitiful to Baby Chloe.

3. Is it normal for the Mosquito's bite to stay for 2 weeks?
Ans : Yes, It is normal. Dr. Patrick recommended a cream to apply on the bite. It is called FOBANCORT cream - for the topical treatment of inflammatory dermatises where bacterial infection is present or likely to occur. How effective? Yet to know.

4. How come Baby is rejecting the semi-solid food?
Ans : It is absolutely normal. She is at the learning stage to wean so she might reject food other than milk. Dr. Patrick advise to take it slowly and start with rice cereal.
5. Is it ok to feed Baby Chloe's with Plain Porridge?
Ans : It is ok. Preferably to feed her rice cereal for a start. Rice Cereal has a fine texture which is good for weaning.
6. Blend the Porridge to smooth texture.
Ans : Dr. Patrick advises not to blend the porridge, otherwise Baby Chloe will not be able to learn how to consume solid food. It is best to cook it until very soft and yet there is enough substance for Baby Chloe to learn to EAT!
7. Instant Rice Cereal taste artificial
Ans : Yes, It is normal and there is no evident or case that instant rice cereal will harm babies.
8. Baby Chloe's rashes come and go?
Ans : It is normal to have rashes on her cheek especially at this stage which she drools a lot. The saliva causes the rashes. Just apply moisturizer to prevent dryness.
9. Why is Baby Chloe scratching her head all the times?
Ans : It is normal that Baby Chloe starts to scratch her head & pull her ears. *** I forgot to ask why :P ***

10. Why is Baby Chloe's fart and poo so smelly? - hahaha- Papa asked this question.
Ans : Dr. Patrick said the smell issue is very individual. Poo & fart are not suppose to smell good anyway. (LOL) Then, he continued, PERHAPS is from what Mama has eaten which had passed to Baby Chloe through breastmilk, for instance, beans, petai etc etc. BUT IT IS NORMAL TO HAVE SMELLY POO! (*muahahahah*)

11. General (5 1/2 months old)
At the stage, Baby Chloe should be able to coo, gurgle, chuckle, imitade our expression, pull Papa's glasses, Grab everything and put into her mouth. She should be able to turn and sit with support.


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