April 15, 2009

Lack of Sleep Topic again?!

Yeah, when it comes to Baby Chloe and Mama, the topic of "sleep" will appear and appear again. It is a never ending story! What to do?

Mama put Baby Chloe to sleep at 11.00pm after her last feed. But Baby Chloe refused to go to sleep, and she started talking & giggling a lot with her Baby language which I don't understand at all. To entertain her, I responded to her giggles. After a while, I felt it was not right to actually respond to her as it will prompt her to even talk more and stay awakes being entertained by Mama. So, I decided to ignore her. Guess what? She knew that she is not getting any response from me, and she started to make noise by crying really really loud. I raised my voice and warned her if she continued to cry, I will not love her anymore. She seemed to understand what i was saying, immediately she stopped crying. I thought to give her a pat and put her to sleep as a reward. The quietness didn't last longer than one breath, and there she went WU NGA WU NGA WU NGA. Maybe due to tiredness, I was getting a little angry and shouted :" Baby Chloe, stop crying, otherwise you go sleep with Kakak Novi" She immediately stopped crying and turned her head left side and stared at the Sleepy Papa, hoping that she would get a rescue from her Papa. Hahaha....

Anyway, Mama struggled until 3am then finally Baby Chloe is deep aslept, and then I moved Baby Chloe from her sarong to my bed. I know it is an irony. I was so against sarong, putting baby next to me ...eventually it is all happening. Hahaha...No choice. But anyhow, luckily I put baby next to me as the angry thunder storm woke both of us up at 5.30am this morning. Baby Chloe was frightened, but she didn't cry. Maybe she felt protected with Papa and Mama next to her.

With all that's happening so far, I finally understand that there is no right or wrong way to deal with baby. Every baby is very individual, and everyone has different tactic to deal with baby. I was like the mum who thought : SARONG is no good for baby, BOTTLE FEED is no good for baby, ROCKING is no good for baby, HOLDING BABY TOO MUCH is no good for baby etc etc. Sigh, eventually I myself broke all these so called rules. Then, I realise that there is no set of rules. I shouldn't set any rules or schedules for babies, I should just let her to be freed of what she is comfortable with. As long as she's healthy and happy. What's more important than that. Of course, along all this accommodating her needs, I must remind myself to educate baby and make her understand all that she is getting is because we love her. I want to try my best to love her but not spoilt! Talk to her more, educate her more.

Sigh, it is definitely not an easy job as a mother. It makes it even more difficult to be a mother with not enough sleep!

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