Baby Chloe's milk consumption has increased to 6oz. per feed every 3 - 4 hours, and it is definitely making the supply of breast milk insufficient. Fortunately, I stored a number of packets in my freezer, and we managed accommodate Baby Chloe's appetite for now. Anyway, Mama's plan to breastfeed Baby until her 6 months old which means I must cope with the supply for another 30 days.
I think it will gets easier since I have already introduced Baby Chloe with the Semi-Solid Meal. Furthermore, we have replaced her night feed to a Infant Formula, so I guessed it is not so difficult for me to complete my mission at the end of May.
Hahaha, I realised that I have the tendency to go out of topic all the times. What I have just written is totally unrelated to my title. Hahaha..Confused confused. Why Infant Formula? Why Refrigerator's Malfunction? Actually, IT IS RELATED.
As per what I had just mentioned of Baby Chloe's increased appetite, She managed to finished the whole tin of Infant Formula without wasting. For the past two months, we have thrown 2 tins of unfinished powder because we needed 3-4 scoops only per nights. In April, Baby Chloe finished the full tin of powder without any waste. Hooray! She's been consuming the expensive Special Formula - Enfalac HA - as per recommended by Dr. Ong due to her allergy problem. However, I did not really see any major allergic issue, so I told Hubby to buy the Enfalac Normal for Baby Chloe. *Sigh* I am not sure how the taste differs from the Special and the normal, after she drank 2oz, she had a reflux. I think it is almost 2oz of milk that had been thrown out. Ok, I know, I know, My fault. It is not the Infant Formula's error. *SIGH* I have a special Baby! But tonight, I will try to feed her again. I believe it is a matter of adapting, I don't want her to get used to the "special" thing. I want her to be able to adapt to normal things like us. That's why most of the time when my PIL told me to let Baby Chloe us special soup, special meal, special cloths etc, I always reject him. I know he wants the best for Baby Chloe but sometimes, they just have to adapt to NORMAL things like all of us do. Once she is so used to SPECIAL things, it will eventually makes her life difficult.
Alright, return to the topic of the day. Hahaha...Refrigerator's Malfunction. I have to say sorry to Baby Chloe this time. Poor Baby! Baby Chloe was fed with the sour breastmilk. This is Papa's fault!!!!! Baby Chloe couldn't take in the Normal I/Formula, so we had to feed her breastmilk before putting her to sleep. I didn't breastfeed her directly because I was expressing in the room. Papa warmed up the breastmilk from the fridge, and Grandma fed Baby Chloe. If I knew this is happening, I would choose to stop the expressing and breastfeed her directly. In the middle of feed, Baby Chloe vomited again. Now, this worried me a lot. Twice in a row. I quickly stopped expressing and went out and checked out what was going on. At that time, Baby Chloe was still happily kicking and playing, no complains shown from her face or voice. So, I take it as She was still quite full from her previous feed.
Amazingly, Baby Chloe managed to sleep through the night without any additional feed. Well, I take it as a GOOD thing lor. So, I woke up early in the morning (not so early actually 7.30am), quickly took out a bottle of breastmilk from the refrigerator and heat up. Then, I realised that the bottle is not cold at all and finally found out the refrigerator is not working properly. The first thing that came in my mind was "quickly check all the milk". *SIGH SIGH SIGH* All milk turned sour because they were not stored at the desired temperature. I was so angry!!!!!!! I was forced to throw away total of full 4 bottles of milk!!!!! What to do? ANGRY ANGRY ANGRY! 4 Full bottles means total of 3 pumps!!!! Means ONE DAY pump!!!! I am pumping 6-8oz. each time, 3 times a day. So I threw away total of 20oz. of breastmilk! I had no other way to release my anger, so I put it as Papa's fault. Because he made Baby Chloe drank SOUR milk last night. Because he redeemed the stupid refrigerator from HSBC. It might not happened if this refrigerator is purchased by CASH!!!! All his FAULT. I felt so bad this morning! Wasted one day effort!!!! And then PAPA MADE MY BABY DRANK SOUR MILK!!!!!!!
Stupid I/Formula & Stupid Refrigerator!!!!!!!!!!