January 18, 2011

Mama is gaining ground

I am so delighted to declare to all that I am gaining ground on my two pretties. ** wink wink **

Darling Chloe used to tell everyone : I want Papa, I don't want Mama.

But now, the situation is changing gradually to favour Mama. *wink wink*

Scenario One : 

Mama : Chloe, go Oi Oi (sleep) with Papa. Faster kiss Mama Goodnight.

Chloe : No, I want Mama Oi Oi with you (She was trying to say, She wants Mama to sleep with her)

Papa : Come, Chloe. Papa Oi Oi with you.

Chloe : No, I want Mama Oi Oi (with) Chloe Chan. Papa go outside, make Clarisse Oi Oi.

Scenario Two :

Mama : Papa, I am very tired tonight. Can you please take care of Clarisse tonight?

Papa : Ok

Papa carried Clarisse out of the room, and left Chloe and Mama in the room to rest. 
However, Clarisse started crying loudly, I could hear Papa trying to calm Clarisse down but it was unsuccessful. Even though I was very tired, I couldn't sleep hearing Clarisse crying for Mama. *wink*
So, I went out and Papa handed Clarisse to me. Immediately, Clarisse stopped crying and fell asleep. :P

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