November 2, 2010

Fifth Time Mastitis

After Baby Clarisse's Fullmoon Party, Mama has been SICK on weekly basis. Mastitis attacked me on weekly basis and up till today it is still attacking me, making me really uncomfortable. I was infected with the left side on Monday Morning, and it was the first time that the left side got infected, it was all the while the right side for the past four weeks. OK FINE! I had fever and sore breast for my first day of work, and the fever went off in the evening even though the soreness had not subsided yet. Well, at least no fever and I won't feel so sick. 

UNFORTUNATELY, I realised this morning while I was pumping that my right side is also sore and red. Gosh. Out of sudden, I felt two of my dear friends are extremely painful and swollen with red spot. But the pain did not stop me from going to work as there is no sign of fever. So, this time round, I have to make sure I finish my course of Antibiotic - Augmentine and Panadol for fever. 

Apparently, these Antibiotic and Panadol are not so effective as I thought. I was full of energy in the morning, walking up and down the office, looking through tenders and quotations etc etc. Just at about 12 noon, I felt the chill and I started to shiver. Initially I thought it was the office Air-Cond that made me shiver since the air-cond was blowing straight to my direction. I couldn't stand the chill any longer, so I decided to have early lunch at about 12.30noon. I put on my blazer and switch off the FAN in the pantry but the cold still hit me. My goose bump was obvious on my hands and legs, my lips was purple, and I looked pale as my sister described to me. My Colleague saw me and asked me why am I Purplish. Geez.... I must have very much looked like a vampire. I rested in the pantry until 1.30pm, and my fever started to come back, and I was shivering even more. 

I quickly started up the pumping machine to release the blocked milk duct and hopefully it will help on my fever. But, the milk ducts were so blocked that it had reduced the milk supply tremendously. I was too sick to think about the volume of milk, because the fever and chill is making me feel really sick. I popped two Panadol again and rested for a while, and I had decided to visit Dr. Ravi, but the clinic was already closed when I called up at 2pm. Then, I went to the Bangsar Woman Specialist to visit Dr. Karmanjit  instead. 

Dr. Karmanjit helped me to massage the swollen areas, and helped me to release the blocked ducts. She was so nice and gentle, most importantly she is such a nice doctor with such comforting tone and encourage me to continue breastfeeding. Because of the infection, I have been hearing people to tell me to stop breastfeeding. At a point, I actually thought of ending the breastfeeding journey for Baby Clarisse. Thanks to Dr. Karmanjit, such encouraging statement enough to make me continue my breastfeeding task. No pressure, but as long as I am fit enough to do it, I shall not give up. 

Anyway, after the massage, it seems that the soreness is less but honestly it is still very painful. She prescribed Cloxacillia as Antibiotic  and ponsten for the soreness. She also gave me two days MC and she said I should rest at home until I am well. 

*sigh* My GOSH! I have been infected with Mastitis every week and fever every week.!!! I must be a good girl now. I MUST FINISH ALL THE ANTIBIOTICS AND PONSTEN that Dr. Karmanjit prescribed to me. I don't want  to be sick anymore. I don't want the pain anymore. I want to be back to office. I felt very shameful to walk out of office half way for two days consecutively, especially I just STARTED WORK for two days only! Sigh~~~~

God, Please grant me healing Power, and make me recover and the Mastitis does not attack me again. Thank you. 

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