I always wanted to express my feelings towards my daughter, and I think it was my language capability that had prohibited me from doing so.Today I read this article coincidently and it has totally described my feelings as a mother. I must say I admire this guy for his appreciation towards his wife, and it touches me so much for a husband to be so understanding and loving towards his wife. I wish my husband can think the same too. But, this does not mean that their effort is any less than a mother, it is just that his appreciation makes me feel how important I am to my Baby Chloe. Let's me share the below article :-
早前, 请了假, 到槟州看年幼的女儿, 享受天伦之乐。
宝宝 还未懂得认人,见到爸爸不喜亦不怒,就似平常一般。他重6。7公斤,护士说,体重恰好,不过轻也不太重。就这样普通的一句话,话,我亦不禁窃喜,但凡与宝宝有关的都能令我动容。
对于4个月大的婴儿来说,世界是新奇的, 宝宝对自己的手指亦是好奇。她有时会静静躺那里,一直看着自己的手指。她似乎不知道那是属于她的,对她而言,手指更象是“鸡腿”一味往嘴里塞,允的不亦乐乎。内子喝她一声,她却也懂得妈妈不好惹,把手指从嘴里拿出来,两只眼睛无辜地转动。
不吃手指的时候,宝宝喜欢“蠕动”这样的形容有点奇怪,只是我实在词穷。她的双脚不停往前撑,可是又不懂得用手配合,只有把头贴在床上,向前“蠕动”。 别小看这个动作,一转眼,她可能就会翻出来,敲到地面。一回,我们一时不察,她就这样“蠕”出床来,头部落地,放声大哭。
当然,宝宝也常笑。笑。我最爱的是,早上起来,看她伸懒腰,然后凑上前去对她说GOOD MORNING,二她就对我笑了。 我怀疑,婴儿都识魔法,他一笑,我就受感染,笑得比她更开心。有时候,我们在聊天,她以为我们与她说话与她玩,自个儿在那里大笑起来,令我们忍俊不禁。
偶尔,我会想,她的第一句说出口的话是什么?我希望是“妈妈”。在生儿一事上,我总觉得妈妈付出更多更伟大。我宁愿宝宝以后爱妈妈甚于爸爸。当初,内子产下宝宝后,我曾说过,以后要教宝宝, 如果爸爸妈妈同时掉进大海,一定要先救妈妈。这一些,宝宝以后会懂吧!
作者 : 张庆禄
- End -
I want to apologise to the author of this article because I do not know how to pronouce his daughter's name - haha - so I couldnt' find out the HAN YU PIN YIN - I replace it with "BAOBAO" (means Baby).
Sometimes I really complain about Baby Chloe's crying but I must admit that I kinda enjoy it. Her crying is so SWEET! Hahaha... It is an amazing thing to get a response from her whenever we try to convey a message to her. It is such magical moment when she smiles at me and chuckles! I love Baby Chloe!
August 27, 2009
August 25, 2009
Bad Sleeping Pattern!!!!
Baby Chloe is already 9 months and she is still not sleeping through the night. Well, I must admit that there is an improvement since 2 months ago that she only wakes up once in the night for milk, and immediately after her feed she would go back to her dreamland. That's not too difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, her sleeping pattern had changed a little after she recovered from her fever.
She is sleeping very late (12midnight - 1am) since last week, and have a very bad habit of crying before her sleep. I know I should not scold her, but her persist ency makes me scolded her uncontrollably. Hey, She understands what is "scolding", because immediately after I scolded her, she started to cry more. When I told her that I don't want her anymore, and passed her to her Papa, she cried even louder until I hold her myself. She would stop crying for a while when I carried her, but after a minute or so she started crying again to demonstrate her anger over my scolding, I THINK!. :P *sigh* She is very very naughty and stubborn. Hopefully, this is my misjudgement. Well, too young to judge anyway, plus she is still so young I shall "guide her to the right path" as a mother. (** hahaha, sounded so important! Papa & Mama will try out best la!)
She is sleeping very late (12midnight - 1am) since last week, and have a very bad habit of crying before her sleep. I know I should not scold her, but her persist ency makes me scolded her uncontrollably. Hey, She understands what is "scolding", because immediately after I scolded her, she started to cry more. When I told her that I don't want her anymore, and passed her to her Papa, she cried even louder until I hold her myself. She would stop crying for a while when I carried her, but after a minute or so she started crying again to demonstrate her anger over my scolding, I THINK!. :P *sigh* She is very very naughty and stubborn. Hopefully, this is my misjudgement. Well, too young to judge anyway, plus she is still so young I shall "guide her to the right path" as a mother. (** hahaha, sounded so important! Papa & Mama will try out best la!)
Gerber's Graduates Puffs - Fruits

I told my brother to get these snacks from NTUC Singapore, SGD 6.99 (I think). Baby Chloe loves it. He bought me two flavours - Strawberry & Banana.
It is a Star Shape Whole Grain Rice Puff with your choice of Flavour of either Veggie or Fruit Flavour. Unfortunately, I did not manage to find these in KL/Selangor. If anyone knows where to get it, please let me know. :) It is not too sweet and melts in mouth too. I am not too sure about the nutritious part, as far as I am concern SNACKS are usually not so healthy. But I guess it is alright to have it once in a while. :p
Baby Chloe is able to use her thumb & index finger to pick up the little star and put it into her mouth. Of course, she is still not able to control her fingers fully, so she sometimes needs to use her hands to push in the tiny little star puff into her mouth. It is so cute to see her do that especially when the puff drops out of her hands, and her head will start to turn around to search for the tiny little star puff. *Cutie*
I usually give her piece by piece to make sure that the one in her mouth is been swallow properly. With her impatient attitude, before she could eat up the little piece in her mouth, she was already making noise for another piece. Greedy!!! :PAugust 15, 2009
My Baby Chloe is sick - Part II
Being a mother is a big big task, Mama has to be extra extra strong both physically & mentally. Gosh, It was totally insane and devastating to me! Baby Chloe's fever did not subside and it remained at high temperature even after Uphamol & Anti-biotic. I understand that these medications are not wonders over night, but seeing Baby Chloe suffered just stressed me up. I would rather myself be sick and not her! Well, Yesterday morning, her fever did not subside and we decided to go to Dr. Patrick again for advise, we worried that the high fever will lead to convulsion.
Temperature was taken at Dr. Patrick Clinic and it read as 39.5C. Dr. Patrick checked her lung, again her lung is clear. Ear & Nose are perfectly okay, except for her throat which was a little reddish due to the infection. However, Dr. Patrick suggested that her fever should not stay so high constantly, he said it might be the possibility of the H1N1 or Rotavirus. Due to her high fever, Dr. Patrick decided to take a swab test. He told us that if it's Negative means 50/50 chances of H1N1, if it's positive it is 95% of H1N1. We thought no harm give it a test, because we knew that it will not be H1N1. But, We decided to admit Baby Chloe into the hospital so that it will be easier for the nurse and doctor to assist us in monitoring Baby Chloe's fever.
The hospital was surprisingly full, so many cases are waiting for admission while we were trying to register Baby Chloe for admission. At the end, the only choice left was a 2-bedded room. All Doctors agree that Hospitals are the higher risk for H1N1, I have already put Baby Chloe a risk to admit her and now to share is even higher risk, and there is no way that Hubby and I could accept a two-bedded room. We rather monitor Baby Chloe's fever at home. So, we have decided to go home but Hubby went up to Dr.Patrick for more advise on the treatment. While my mum and I were waiting in the car with Baby Chloe, I received a phone call from my hubby. He asked me strange question like when was I sick, what was the temperature etc etc etc.. Then I asked with my voice a little trembled " Is it positive?" Hubby said "Ya," I could her Dr. Patrick said to Hubby, " Get your wife to send Baby Chloe to the clinic first." Then, we went to the clinic with Baby Chloe again. The results stated INFLUENZA A - Weak position. I was terrified and stunt, and did not know how to react. How could my Baby Chloe be infected with H1N1? Uncontrollably burst into tears! Dr. Patrick said the qu0ta for H1N1 for the hospital is full, he recommended us to Prince Court.
We quickly went to Prince Court for admission. I was still in shock, other than crying, I didn't know what to do. Dr. Anna told us that the result put everyone in a very difficult situation. It is a Yes and No kinda thing. The word positive means YES 95% of H1N1, the word Weak could means NO could means YES. Of course, even the test showed NEGATIVE, it means 50/50. So what the hell is a WEAK POSITIVE? I was devastated, other than crying, I couldn't keep myself calm at all. So, eventually, we have no choice to put Baby Chloe on Tamiflu ( A medication which believe it will helps in H1N1 Dr. Anna said).
We waited until 3pm and we were sent to WARD 5 - infact during the consultation Dr. Anna did mentioned about the isolation ward - but I was not thinking well at that time. Hubby and I were both shocked when we were outside WARD 5. The entrance was tightly closed, and everyone who entered MUST wear a proper mask. We were both shocked and realised that something was not right. WARD 5 is a super high risk WARD for my Baby, and she is not even confirmed with H1N1, how could I be so stupid to put her at such a high risk, especially at her most vulnerable state. So, Hubby shouted to open the door! I was dumbfully walked into the WARD without even thinking properly. Initially, the nurse refused to open the door, LUCKLY Dr. Choy at the counter saw us both panic, and ordered to open the door and send us out. He took a glance at Baby Chloe's swab test report and told the nurse, "Let them out, She's not even confirmed with H1N1, tell them Dr. Choy said so". The nurse quickly let us out. I was panic and not over with shocked, while holding Baby Chloe tightly with tears. Doctor explained to us it was a procedure for them to put anyone with positive result in an isolation ward,unfortunately,the only way to be tested with H1N1 is to go to the government hospital and all the private hospitals do not have the facilities to do so. In order to eliminate the chance of widespread, those with POSITIVE shall be admitted to the isolation ward for treatment.
I finally asked "Dar dar, I don't understand at all. Baby Chloe only has High Fever, She doesn't have any flu or cough. She did not vomit and she eats well, how can they determine or make assumption that Baby Chloe is infected with H1N1?" We were too panic to think, and eventually we went up to Dr. Anna and she agreed that it will put Chloe at high risk if she was warded there. What the F88K! Then, why put us there? In the end, we insisted to be admitted to the normal ward. The stupid test result is really putting us at the GREY area, WEAKLY POSITIVE!!! Negative means 50/50, what's WEAKLY POSITION? It could be just normal influenza.
After a long huuhaa, we were sent to the Children's WARD - WARD D! Come on, children there are all with high fever too!!! But I totally understand that I shouldn't be selfish and I have to safeguard other's children too, so I ISOLATE ourself in the ward room and didn't come out at all.
Baby Chloe was fed with 5ml of Panadol (125g) and 2ml of Tamiflu, and she was too tired after a long day and slept.
Her fever finally gone down, and it was 38C, Yes, to me this is already an improvement. First, it is no long the terrifying 39 - 40C. Plus, I could feel her body temperature was not as high as the first day. Gradually, her fever subsided and I was so glad!
In the night, her fever slightly went up to 37.6C and she was given another dose of panadol at about 11pm. Then, her fever slowly subsides again. At least, Panadol is controlling her fever, unlike the Uphamol, after many dose still remained high. (Perhaps I was too nervous and impatient, should have waited for another day, but who can guarantee? Convulsion, Brain Damage or any other illness was my worried at that time - by the way, just a piece of information, I was informed that convulsion would only happened if there is a sudden rise in temperature) Anyway, It was pleased and relaxed the moment her temperature was being controlled.
Throughout the night, nurses came in and out to monitor on the temperature, and it was all perfect. No fever, therefore they did not give her any medication at all.
However, this morning at about 10.30am, her fever came back a little at 37.4C. But at least there is a good improvement to me. Dr. Anna advise since we had started the Tamiflu, might as well finished it up, she said it is easier to be treated within 48 hours - well again, she was trying to imply the H1N1 influenza. She still could not CONFIRM that Baby Chloe is infected H1N1 or normal influenza flu. HELLO?? Her fever has subsided???? No Vomiting? No sigh of flu! Naturally, slight cough after a NORMAL INFLUENZA FLU is common. Anyhow, I hardly hear her cough, up to now is only three times! Is that considered coughing? YOU TELL ME!
PHEW, after a long horrifying incident, we are now finally back home! Baby Chloe is sleeping soundly on her sarong.
Well, treat it as a hotel stay (Not that I like to come back again)! We had the most beautiful view in town while sleeping. Overseeing KL night lit up with our famous twin towers, Kl towers and all other sky scrappers. Beautiful sight indeed. Nice Hospital, very comfortable and very modern. Not so expensive, but I think what they need now is to attract more famous doctors to attract more patients!
BUT the best place to live in town is always MY OWN HOME. HOME is the best place in town even without beautiful sight! HOME is where we belong to!
I wish Baby Chloe to be healthy and happy forever and ever!
Temperature was taken at Dr. Patrick Clinic and it read as 39.5C. Dr. Patrick checked her lung, again her lung is clear. Ear & Nose are perfectly okay, except for her throat which was a little reddish due to the infection. However, Dr. Patrick suggested that her fever should not stay so high constantly, he said it might be the possibility of the H1N1 or Rotavirus. Due to her high fever, Dr. Patrick decided to take a swab test. He told us that if it's Negative means 50/50 chances of H1N1, if it's positive it is 95% of H1N1. We thought no harm give it a test, because we knew that it will not be H1N1. But, We decided to admit Baby Chloe into the hospital so that it will be easier for the nurse and doctor to assist us in monitoring Baby Chloe's fever.
The hospital was surprisingly full, so many cases are waiting for admission while we were trying to register Baby Chloe for admission. At the end, the only choice left was a 2-bedded room. All Doctors agree that Hospitals are the higher risk for H1N1, I have already put Baby Chloe a risk to admit her and now to share is even higher risk, and there is no way that Hubby and I could accept a two-bedded room. We rather monitor Baby Chloe's fever at home. So, we have decided to go home but Hubby went up to Dr.Patrick for more advise on the treatment. While my mum and I were waiting in the car with Baby Chloe, I received a phone call from my hubby. He asked me strange question like when was I sick, what was the temperature etc etc etc.. Then I asked with my voice a little trembled " Is it positive?" Hubby said "Ya," I could her Dr. Patrick said to Hubby, " Get your wife to send Baby Chloe to the clinic first." Then, we went to the clinic with Baby Chloe again. The results stated INFLUENZA A - Weak position. I was terrified and stunt, and did not know how to react. How could my Baby Chloe be infected with H1N1? Uncontrollably burst into tears! Dr. Patrick said the qu0ta for H1N1 for the hospital is full, he recommended us to Prince Court.
We quickly went to Prince Court for admission. I was still in shock, other than crying, I didn't know what to do. Dr. Anna told us that the result put everyone in a very difficult situation. It is a Yes and No kinda thing. The word positive means YES 95% of H1N1, the word Weak could means NO could means YES. Of course, even the test showed NEGATIVE, it means 50/50. So what the hell is a WEAK POSITIVE? I was devastated, other than crying, I couldn't keep myself calm at all. So, eventually, we have no choice to put Baby Chloe on Tamiflu ( A medication which believe it will helps in H1N1 Dr. Anna said).
We waited until 3pm and we were sent to WARD 5 - infact during the consultation Dr. Anna did mentioned about the isolation ward - but I was not thinking well at that time. Hubby and I were both shocked when we were outside WARD 5. The entrance was tightly closed, and everyone who entered MUST wear a proper mask. We were both shocked and realised that something was not right. WARD 5 is a super high risk WARD for my Baby, and she is not even confirmed with H1N1, how could I be so stupid to put her at such a high risk, especially at her most vulnerable state. So, Hubby shouted to open the door! I was dumbfully walked into the WARD without even thinking properly. Initially, the nurse refused to open the door, LUCKLY Dr. Choy at the counter saw us both panic, and ordered to open the door and send us out. He took a glance at Baby Chloe's swab test report and told the nurse, "Let them out, She's not even confirmed with H1N1, tell them Dr. Choy said so". The nurse quickly let us out. I was panic and not over with shocked, while holding Baby Chloe tightly with tears. Doctor explained to us it was a procedure for them to put anyone with positive result in an isolation ward,unfortunately,the only way to be tested with H1N1 is to go to the government hospital and all the private hospitals do not have the facilities to do so. In order to eliminate the chance of widespread, those with POSITIVE shall be admitted to the isolation ward for treatment.
I finally asked "Dar dar, I don't understand at all. Baby Chloe only has High Fever, She doesn't have any flu or cough. She did not vomit and she eats well, how can they determine or make assumption that Baby Chloe is infected with H1N1?" We were too panic to think, and eventually we went up to Dr. Anna and she agreed that it will put Chloe at high risk if she was warded there. What the F88K! Then, why put us there? In the end, we insisted to be admitted to the normal ward. The stupid test result is really putting us at the GREY area, WEAKLY POSITIVE!!! Negative means 50/50, what's WEAKLY POSITION? It could be just normal influenza.
After a long huuhaa, we were sent to the Children's WARD - WARD D! Come on, children there are all with high fever too!!! But I totally understand that I shouldn't be selfish and I have to safeguard other's children too, so I ISOLATE ourself in the ward room and didn't come out at all.
Baby Chloe was fed with 5ml of Panadol (125g) and 2ml of Tamiflu, and she was too tired after a long day and slept.
Her fever finally gone down, and it was 38C, Yes, to me this is already an improvement. First, it is no long the terrifying 39 - 40C. Plus, I could feel her body temperature was not as high as the first day. Gradually, her fever subsided and I was so glad!
In the night, her fever slightly went up to 37.6C and she was given another dose of panadol at about 11pm. Then, her fever slowly subsides again. At least, Panadol is controlling her fever, unlike the Uphamol, after many dose still remained high. (Perhaps I was too nervous and impatient, should have waited for another day, but who can guarantee? Convulsion, Brain Damage or any other illness was my worried at that time - by the way, just a piece of information, I was informed that convulsion would only happened if there is a sudden rise in temperature) Anyway, It was pleased and relaxed the moment her temperature was being controlled.
Throughout the night, nurses came in and out to monitor on the temperature, and it was all perfect. No fever, therefore they did not give her any medication at all.
However, this morning at about 10.30am, her fever came back a little at 37.4C. But at least there is a good improvement to me. Dr. Anna advise since we had started the Tamiflu, might as well finished it up, she said it is easier to be treated within 48 hours - well again, she was trying to imply the H1N1 influenza. She still could not CONFIRM that Baby Chloe is infected H1N1 or normal influenza flu. HELLO?? Her fever has subsided???? No Vomiting? No sigh of flu! Naturally, slight cough after a NORMAL INFLUENZA FLU is common. Anyhow, I hardly hear her cough, up to now is only three times! Is that considered coughing? YOU TELL ME!
PHEW, after a long horrifying incident, we are now finally back home! Baby Chloe is sleeping soundly on her sarong.
Well, treat it as a hotel stay (Not that I like to come back again)! We had the most beautiful view in town while sleeping. Overseeing KL night lit up with our famous twin towers, Kl towers and all other sky scrappers. Beautiful sight indeed. Nice Hospital, very comfortable and very modern. Not so expensive, but I think what they need now is to attract more famous doctors to attract more patients!
BUT the best place to live in town is always MY OWN HOME. HOME is the best place in town even without beautiful sight! HOME is where we belong to!
I wish Baby Chloe to be healthy and happy forever and ever!
August 13, 2009
My Baby Chloe is sick
last night at about 11pm, when Hubby told me that Baby Chloe was having fever, I quickly touched her forehead and answered, "No La". I thought he was being paranoid as I was sick for the past two days. At that time, I didn't though it was fever because Baby Chloe has a warmer body temperature usually. Then, in the middle of the night, Hubby exclaimed," SHIT SHIT SHIT! Bi, Wake up! Baby Chloe has very high fever."
I was shocked and immediately hold Baby Chloe. Without touching her forehead, I could already felt her heat from her whole body. It was very obvious that she was already having fever, but I wanted to know how high exactly. We took up the digital Thermometer and placed it under her armpit. After 20s, I was totally horrified when the display shown 38.2C. I was only at 37.5C when I had fever last two days, and now Baby Chloe is so much higher than me. Moreover, I could feel the heat every parts of her body. :( As usual, Hubby started to roared, and complained that everyone in this family does not practise hygiene... and why the maid did not keep everything at the very best hygienic level. *sigh* I was trying to keep calm, and remembered that Dr. Patrick (Chloe's Pedi) gave us a bottle of Uphamol and that will help to reduce the fever. Maybe Hubby was still not over the incident when Baby Chloe was choked by the Uphamol, he did not really agree but I insisted. I searched for the Oral Syringe and pulled up to 3ml (it's maximum) since the instruction said 5ml for Baby 6 months old and above.
Before I could push in the Uphamol, Hubby was already making so much noise! He stopped and said I shouldn't continue, he didn't want the same incident to repeat again. No matter how I explained to him that Baby Chloe was very very young then, he insisted that I should stop it. I didn't want to argue further, that's why I stopped and fed her milk instead. Baby Chloe didn't know what was going on, she was still the same her who makes noise and smiles at Funny Faces. When I see Baby Chloe smiled, immediately my worries lessen. Hubby suggested to go to the Emergency, but I refused to as I had many many bad experience with all the emergency treatment. They were slow, they made assumption, and they made a wrong diagnosis. Well, perhaps, I was the many times unluckly patient but defenitely they were not reliable. UNLESS, SEVERE accident which could take someone's life away - that's their EMERGENCY! Well, I could be too one-sided with all my bad experience. Anyway, I suggested to wait till morning and go straight to Dr. Patrick. Meanwhile, I had this Baby Cooling Pad sticked on Baby Chloe's forehead to minimise a little heat, which was quite effective. Of course, effective in the sense that Baby Chloe's temperature has reduced slightly especially her forehead, face, hands & legs, but her body and neck remained at high heat. This Cooling Gel will not helps to get rid of the Fever, at least not such a high fever like Baby Chloe.
This morning, I woke up and the first thing that I did was to check on Baby Chloe's temperature. It was still very high, about 38.5C shown on the Thermometer Display. Then, I woke my mum's up because I need her to accompany to send Baby Chloe's to Dr. Patrick since Hubby has a very important meeting to attend. He wanted to cancel the meeting but I insisted that I could handle, besides my mum was around to help out. 1st Appointment is at 9am. We were all ready by 8.15am this morning, I thought I should give it a try and made a call to the Dr. Patrick's clinic. I was happy that someone actually picked up the call, and I told her that I want to come now but I do not have any appointment. Initially, they told me that I might need to wait long. I quickily told them with my shaky voice," Chloe Chan Wyn Lam, she is having fever more than 38C". The phone operator told me to come to the clinic immediately.
I thought I was early because we arrived there at about 8.40am, but I was so wrong. The clinic was already jam packed with many many children with their parents, ALL SICK! What is wrong with the weather, the environment??? Please stop the pollution, please stop the haze and save our children! Once we arrived, I went to register first. Then, a nurse came to Chloe to check on the weight & height. She was 8.84kg & 69cm. But it was terrifying that when the nurse told me that her temperature was at 40C. I was even shaking more and scared, gosh!!! What did I do? I should not have gone home when I was sick, I should stay somewhere else. I started to blame myself for all the silly mistake and statement that I made. I shouldn't have stayed home when I was sick, 3 feet away is NOT good enough! I should have instructed my maid to be extra careful with cleanliness like what my hubby said. Or I should have waited for ONE MORE DAY to make sure before I hold Baby Chloe again. Arghh.....Too late. Is all too late!!!!
Before Dr. Patrick arrived, Baby Chloe started to cry due to tireness ? fever? frustration? Not sure, she was a little different from other days. She was less active this morning, and she was crying mildly only. It Made me even more worried. The nurse called Baby Chloe into the room and insert medication from her backside. My mum told me that usually this insert will only be given for children with very high temperature. Andrew and Eric (my brothers) used to have this before.
Priority was given to Baby Chloe, once Dr. Patrick arrived, Baby Chloe was called into the room first. He checked her throat and he said was a little infected but no big deal. Then, he checked her lungs was ok. After that, ear & nose were also perfectly fine. I told him that I was sick the last two days, his face immediately changed and started to question me. " Did your doctor say that it was H1N1? Did you have high fever for more than 3 days? Cough? Flu? Body Ache? Headache?" I was also worrying about this issue when I was sick, but then Dr. Patrick confirmed that it was only virus infection since my fever was only at 37.5C, and it lasted for only two days. *phew* His face shown a sign of relax I could see, as it has eliminate the chance of H1N1. I almost wanted to tear! He gave me a stronger Uphamol and told me to feed her 2.5ml every 4 hours, and also gave me antiboitic to standby but not recommended.
As per told, after one hour of the insertion. Baby Chloe's fever subsided. She was happily playing with her Choo Choo Train and enjoying the Coo Coo Clock! We did not manage to feed her the uphamol because she vomitted twice. I took it for granted and told my mum that since her fever had gone maybe we should just leave the uphamol aside. At about 3pm, her fever is slowly coming back, and I am like ants at the hot pots jumping for help. I was confused and worried, my mum insisted to feed her the Uphamol and we did. After a struggle with Baby Chloe, I managed to push in the 2.5ml orange flavoured Uphamol into her throat. She was crying aloud but I knew I have to do it. And now, she is still sleeping....
I am very sad, crying in the room alone. I know, compare to many many other case, my case is considered minor. Andrew and Eric were so sick that they were hospitalized many times, at least Baby Chloe is resting at home calmly. But, It is so difficult to be a mom. I don't want to be sick because I want to take care of her. But I rather I be sick than Baby Chloe be sick. At least hubby and my mum or my maid can take good care of her when I am sick. She doesn't need to suffer so much.
I am so so so sorry! I am a lousy mother! Baby Chloe, get well soon. Pass your fever to Mama!!! :(
I was shocked and immediately hold Baby Chloe. Without touching her forehead, I could already felt her heat from her whole body. It was very obvious that she was already having fever, but I wanted to know how high exactly. We took up the digital Thermometer and placed it under her armpit. After 20s, I was totally horrified when the display shown 38.2C. I was only at 37.5C when I had fever last two days, and now Baby Chloe is so much higher than me. Moreover, I could feel the heat every parts of her body. :( As usual, Hubby started to roared, and complained that everyone in this family does not practise hygiene... and why the maid did not keep everything at the very best hygienic level. *sigh* I was trying to keep calm, and remembered that Dr. Patrick (Chloe's Pedi) gave us a bottle of Uphamol and that will help to reduce the fever. Maybe Hubby was still not over the incident when Baby Chloe was choked by the Uphamol, he did not really agree but I insisted. I searched for the Oral Syringe and pulled up to 3ml (it's maximum) since the instruction said 5ml for Baby 6 months old and above.
Before I could push in the Uphamol, Hubby was already making so much noise! He stopped and said I shouldn't continue, he didn't want the same incident to repeat again. No matter how I explained to him that Baby Chloe was very very young then, he insisted that I should stop it. I didn't want to argue further, that's why I stopped and fed her milk instead. Baby Chloe didn't know what was going on, she was still the same her who makes noise and smiles at Funny Faces. When I see Baby Chloe smiled, immediately my worries lessen. Hubby suggested to go to the Emergency, but I refused to as I had many many bad experience with all the emergency treatment. They were slow, they made assumption, and they made a wrong diagnosis. Well, perhaps, I was the many times unluckly patient but defenitely they were not reliable. UNLESS, SEVERE accident which could take someone's life away - that's their EMERGENCY! Well, I could be too one-sided with all my bad experience. Anyway, I suggested to wait till morning and go straight to Dr. Patrick. Meanwhile, I had this Baby Cooling Pad sticked on Baby Chloe's forehead to minimise a little heat, which was quite effective. Of course, effective in the sense that Baby Chloe's temperature has reduced slightly especially her forehead, face, hands & legs, but her body and neck remained at high heat. This Cooling Gel will not helps to get rid of the Fever, at least not such a high fever like Baby Chloe.
This morning, I woke up and the first thing that I did was to check on Baby Chloe's temperature. It was still very high, about 38.5C shown on the Thermometer Display. Then, I woke my mum's up because I need her to accompany to send Baby Chloe's to Dr. Patrick since Hubby has a very important meeting to attend. He wanted to cancel the meeting but I insisted that I could handle, besides my mum was around to help out. 1st Appointment is at 9am. We were all ready by 8.15am this morning, I thought I should give it a try and made a call to the Dr. Patrick's clinic. I was happy that someone actually picked up the call, and I told her that I want to come now but I do not have any appointment. Initially, they told me that I might need to wait long. I quickily told them with my shaky voice," Chloe Chan Wyn Lam, she is having fever more than 38C". The phone operator told me to come to the clinic immediately.
I thought I was early because we arrived there at about 8.40am, but I was so wrong. The clinic was already jam packed with many many children with their parents, ALL SICK! What is wrong with the weather, the environment??? Please stop the pollution, please stop the haze and save our children! Once we arrived, I went to register first. Then, a nurse came to Chloe to check on the weight & height. She was 8.84kg & 69cm. But it was terrifying that when the nurse told me that her temperature was at 40C. I was even shaking more and scared, gosh!!! What did I do? I should not have gone home when I was sick, I should stay somewhere else. I started to blame myself for all the silly mistake and statement that I made. I shouldn't have stayed home when I was sick, 3 feet away is NOT good enough! I should have instructed my maid to be extra careful with cleanliness like what my hubby said. Or I should have waited for ONE MORE DAY to make sure before I hold Baby Chloe again. Arghh.....Too late. Is all too late!!!!
Before Dr. Patrick arrived, Baby Chloe started to cry due to tireness ? fever? frustration? Not sure, she was a little different from other days. She was less active this morning, and she was crying mildly only. It Made me even more worried. The nurse called Baby Chloe into the room and insert medication from her backside. My mum told me that usually this insert will only be given for children with very high temperature. Andrew and Eric (my brothers) used to have this before.
Priority was given to Baby Chloe, once Dr. Patrick arrived, Baby Chloe was called into the room first. He checked her throat and he said was a little infected but no big deal. Then, he checked her lungs was ok. After that, ear & nose were also perfectly fine. I told him that I was sick the last two days, his face immediately changed and started to question me. " Did your doctor say that it was H1N1? Did you have high fever for more than 3 days? Cough? Flu? Body Ache? Headache?" I was also worrying about this issue when I was sick, but then Dr. Patrick confirmed that it was only virus infection since my fever was only at 37.5C, and it lasted for only two days. *phew* His face shown a sign of relax I could see, as it has eliminate the chance of H1N1. I almost wanted to tear! He gave me a stronger Uphamol and told me to feed her 2.5ml every 4 hours, and also gave me antiboitic to standby but not recommended.
As per told, after one hour of the insertion. Baby Chloe's fever subsided. She was happily playing with her Choo Choo Train and enjoying the Coo Coo Clock! We did not manage to feed her the uphamol because she vomitted twice. I took it for granted and told my mum that since her fever had gone maybe we should just leave the uphamol aside. At about 3pm, her fever is slowly coming back, and I am like ants at the hot pots jumping for help. I was confused and worried, my mum insisted to feed her the Uphamol and we did. After a struggle with Baby Chloe, I managed to push in the 2.5ml orange flavoured Uphamol into her throat. She was crying aloud but I knew I have to do it. And now, she is still sleeping....
I am very sad, crying in the room alone. I know, compare to many many other case, my case is considered minor. Andrew and Eric were so sick that they were hospitalized many times, at least Baby Chloe is resting at home calmly. But, It is so difficult to be a mom. I don't want to be sick because I want to take care of her. But I rather I be sick than Baby Chloe be sick. At least hubby and my mum or my maid can take good care of her when I am sick. She doesn't need to suffer so much.
I am so so so sorry! I am a lousy mother! Baby Chloe, get well soon. Pass your fever to Mama!!! :(
August 12, 2009
Falling Sick as a MOM
When I was a kid, I liked to be sick so that I could get a day off school.
When I turned 20s, I liked to be sick during exams times so that I could get more days to study.
When I started working, I disliked being sick but not a big deal to me, take MC and rest at home until I recover.
When I started working for my dad, I disliked being sick and I had no time to be sick. So, once I found out I am not feeling well, I will drink more water & sweat it all out! Tried to shorten the time of recovery.
Now as a MOM of Baby Chloe, falling sick is such a BIG DEAL TO ME especially during this critical situation where H1N1 virus is around. Today is already my third day of being sick, and I did not get chance to even talk to Baby Chloe since the day I fall sick. Immediately I felt a little unwell on Monday, I quickly went to the clinic for medication. Doctor advised me to be 3 feet away from my Baby so I did. I quickly got home and rested, all in my mind was to get a speedy recovery so that I can take care of Baby Chloe at night. Unfortunately, after a long sweat and a long hour of sleep, my fever did not go away. I was so sad especially when I heard Baby Chloe crying in the night and I couldn't help at all.
The second day, my mum told me to visit our family doctor at Jalan Genting Klang (Dr.Loo) for a better medication. Without hesitation, I rushed to Doctor Loo. If it was last time, I wouldn't even go, I would wait for another day or two before I seek for another Doctor. Dr. Loo told me that it is just normal influenza flu, might be due to the haze. I asked more details if it could be the H1N1 virus, he didn't answered Yes or No and that's worrying me a lot. He just told me to rest more and drink more water. If I find myself having breathing difficulty then quickly get to the hospital to check. How can I not be worried?? I am not afraid of being sick, I am just can't bear to be away from Baby Chloe for another day.
Last night, I was back to 35.9deg C (*phew*) but I felt weak & dizzy, could be the medication I thought. However, I decided to stay in my room and give it another day before I see Baby Chloe again. I heard Baby Chloe crying all night long while hubby was trying his best to get Baby Chloe to sleep. I wanted to get out of the room and check out how was hubby doing, but I stopped myself since I am still not fully recovered. It just makes me crazy when hearing Baby Chloe cries while I can't do anything about it. I must admit hubby did a very good job! A Big Applause to my big darling!!
This morning, I feel totally fine except a little weak. I almost wanted to tear when I see Baby Chloe. Baby Chloe stared at me, and occasionally distracted by my maid & my dog, then she would turn her attention to me again. I looked at her, and she "ah" said as if she was calling for me. Then, she started to wave her both hands when I was calling her names 2ft away. Even though I do not have high temperature anymore, to be extra careful, I will wait another day and see to make sure I am fully recovered. I do not want to see Baby Chloe to be infected even if it's normal influenza flu. Anyway, I am already back to work today. Low Appetite though.
Falling sick as a mum makes me realised how important it is for me to get my health at tip top condition; I am the caretaker, I am the protector and I need to be healthy in order to carry out my duty to my Baby. I miss my Baby so much now. Gosh!!! I wonder How well can I cope when I travel to Taiwan in September for TEN (10) Dayssss.... Wow, now 10 days sound extra long to me!!!!
Symptoms of H1N1
- Fatigue (YES)
- Severe vomit ting (NO)
- High Fever (NOT ANYMORE)
- Sore throat (NO)
- Cough (Slightly)
- Flu (Slightly)
- Chest Pain (NO)
- Fast Breathing Pattern / Difficulty in Breathing (A little but not really)
SO HOW? AM I OR AM I NOT? Scared! I want to take care of My Baby Chloe, and I don't want to be sick anymore!!
When I turned 20s, I liked to be sick during exams times so that I could get more days to study.
When I started working, I disliked being sick but not a big deal to me, take MC and rest at home until I recover.
When I started working for my dad, I disliked being sick and I had no time to be sick. So, once I found out I am not feeling well, I will drink more water & sweat it all out! Tried to shorten the time of recovery.
Now as a MOM of Baby Chloe, falling sick is such a BIG DEAL TO ME especially during this critical situation where H1N1 virus is around. Today is already my third day of being sick, and I did not get chance to even talk to Baby Chloe since the day I fall sick. Immediately I felt a little unwell on Monday, I quickly went to the clinic for medication. Doctor advised me to be 3 feet away from my Baby so I did. I quickly got home and rested, all in my mind was to get a speedy recovery so that I can take care of Baby Chloe at night. Unfortunately, after a long sweat and a long hour of sleep, my fever did not go away. I was so sad especially when I heard Baby Chloe crying in the night and I couldn't help at all.
The second day, my mum told me to visit our family doctor at Jalan Genting Klang (Dr.Loo) for a better medication. Without hesitation, I rushed to Doctor Loo. If it was last time, I wouldn't even go, I would wait for another day or two before I seek for another Doctor. Dr. Loo told me that it is just normal influenza flu, might be due to the haze. I asked more details if it could be the H1N1 virus, he didn't answered Yes or No and that's worrying me a lot. He just told me to rest more and drink more water. If I find myself having breathing difficulty then quickly get to the hospital to check. How can I not be worried?? I am not afraid of being sick, I am just can't bear to be away from Baby Chloe for another day.
Last night, I was back to 35.9deg C (*phew*) but I felt weak & dizzy, could be the medication I thought. However, I decided to stay in my room and give it another day before I see Baby Chloe again. I heard Baby Chloe crying all night long while hubby was trying his best to get Baby Chloe to sleep. I wanted to get out of the room and check out how was hubby doing, but I stopped myself since I am still not fully recovered. It just makes me crazy when hearing Baby Chloe cries while I can't do anything about it. I must admit hubby did a very good job! A Big Applause to my big darling!!
This morning, I feel totally fine except a little weak. I almost wanted to tear when I see Baby Chloe. Baby Chloe stared at me, and occasionally distracted by my maid & my dog, then she would turn her attention to me again. I looked at her, and she "ah" said as if she was calling for me. Then, she started to wave her both hands when I was calling her names 2ft away. Even though I do not have high temperature anymore, to be extra careful, I will wait another day and see to make sure I am fully recovered. I do not want to see Baby Chloe to be infected even if it's normal influenza flu. Anyway, I am already back to work today. Low Appetite though.
Falling sick as a mum makes me realised how important it is for me to get my health at tip top condition; I am the caretaker, I am the protector and I need to be healthy in order to carry out my duty to my Baby. I miss my Baby so much now. Gosh!!! I wonder How well can I cope when I travel to Taiwan in September for TEN (10) Dayssss.... Wow, now 10 days sound extra long to me!!!!
Symptoms of H1N1
- Fatigue (YES)
- Severe vomit ting (NO)
- High Fever (NOT ANYMORE)
- Sore throat (NO)
- Cough (Slightly)
- Flu (Slightly)
- Chest Pain (NO)
- Fast Breathing Pattern / Difficulty in Breathing (A little but not really)
SO HOW? AM I OR AM I NOT? Scared! I want to take care of My Baby Chloe, and I don't want to be sick anymore!!
August 7, 2009
Waving to Say Goodbye
Witnessed by : Mama
First Wave Good Bye : 5/7/2009 (Sunday)
First Hand Clap : 4/7/2009 (Saturday)
It is such a joyous moment to see Baby Chloe waves Goodbye to us, Papa was especially excited and happily announced it to everyone "LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Baby Chloe knows how to clap!" or he would try to boast to the whole world that "Baby Chloe waves Goodbye to me every morning!"
Ya, Papa is right. Baby Chloe waves Goodbye to him EVERY MORNING. That's because Papa is always late for work and Mama is always out to work before Baby Chloe is awake. LOL!!!
Special Thanks to Novi (My Maid), I could see she made an effort to guide Baby Chloe how to waves Goodbye. "GoodBye Mummy, GoodBye Papa" She said while holding Baby Chloe before we off to work. She kept on repeating "ByeBye, Mummy" until Baby Chloe waves to me! It is so sweet!!!
It is kinda funny though. She used to CLAP when I told her to clap her hands and now she does't anymore. Dunno why?! No matter how I try to excite her or demonstrate to her, she doesn't seem to be interested in clapping. Unless, I put her hands together and then she would clap twice or thrice at the max!
She prefer waving more! The transformation of her waving is also very cute!!! First time, I saw her waved, she waved by twisting her wrist (left and right) with her fingers curled towards to her palm. Then, She changed her waving style after a week. She waved longer with her right hand lifted higher where her palm was approximately at her eye level. I find this wave the cutest because after a long twist of her wrist, her hands would move over her right ear and start scratching her head, tsk tsk tsk...scratch! LOL. Hm...I guess noone understands what I am trying to say unless they witness it! SO CUTE!!!
And now, she waves like us, no half way scratching head or wrist twister! She waves with her hands up and slight waves to the left & to the right.
First Wave Good Bye : 5/7/2009 (Sunday)
First Hand Clap : 4/7/2009 (Saturday)
It is such a joyous moment to see Baby Chloe waves Goodbye to us, Papa was especially excited and happily announced it to everyone "LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Baby Chloe knows how to clap!" or he would try to boast to the whole world that "Baby Chloe waves Goodbye to me every morning!"
Ya, Papa is right. Baby Chloe waves Goodbye to him EVERY MORNING. That's because Papa is always late for work and Mama is always out to work before Baby Chloe is awake. LOL!!!
Special Thanks to Novi (My Maid), I could see she made an effort to guide Baby Chloe how to waves Goodbye. "GoodBye Mummy, GoodBye Papa" She said while holding Baby Chloe before we off to work. She kept on repeating "ByeBye, Mummy" until Baby Chloe waves to me! It is so sweet!!!
It is kinda funny though. She used to CLAP when I told her to clap her hands and now she does't anymore. Dunno why?! No matter how I try to excite her or demonstrate to her, she doesn't seem to be interested in clapping. Unless, I put her hands together and then she would clap twice or thrice at the max!
She prefer waving more! The transformation of her waving is also very cute!!! First time, I saw her waved, she waved by twisting her wrist (left and right) with her fingers curled towards to her palm. Then, She changed her waving style after a week. She waved longer with her right hand lifted higher where her palm was approximately at her eye level. I find this wave the cutest because after a long twist of her wrist, her hands would move over her right ear and start scratching her head, tsk tsk tsk...scratch! LOL. Hm...I guess noone understands what I am trying to say unless they witness it! SO CUTE!!!
And now, she waves like us, no half way scratching head or wrist twister! She waves with her hands up and slight waves to the left & to the right.
August 4, 2009
8 months and Two weeks old
Time flies faster than I have expected and honestly I have a little problem catching up "times". Baby Chloe is now 8 months and 2 weeks old, and she is starting to do some baby talks like MA MA MA, MUM MUM MUM, PA PA PA, GU GU GU, BA BA BA........ Everyone in the family seems to enjoy the Baby Talk because everyone is also starting to MAMAMA, BABABA, GUGUGU, DADADA whenever they see Baby Chloe. LOL.
Now, Baby Chloe has found her mobility by crawling on the floor, running with her walker. By the way, I read from the Babycenter that Walker discourages floor play which might delay a baby's mobility development like crawling & walking. The Walker was a gift from my colleagues, and I started to put Baby Chloe on the walker when she was almost 5 months old. She enjoys it so much as she could chase after Wow Wow (My Dog aka MeiMei). She also enjoys it as she could rush over to Mama when she sees Mama is home from work.
I personally feel it is not the walkers that discourage Baby's mobility development. It is more like the parents' responsibility to ENCOURAGE them during their development. For instance, I usually keep track with Babycenter's Development Chart so that I know Baby's ability at a certain month. Like starting solid at 5 - 6 month old, then I slowly start to introduce it to Baby Chloe. Then, from the babycenter I get to know that normally babies will learn to sit on their own at their 6th month, then i ENCOURAGE baby Chloe to sit on her own and support her when she tumbled. Haha...sound a little boastful here. What I wanted to emphasize is that do not just blame, but to try out best to encourage their development. I always tell myself, as long as I have tried my best and Baby is still not on track. It doesn't matter, just give her more time and one day she can make it. It's a process!
I always tell myself not to force Baby Chloe to move at the pace that I want, but to let her develop and grow at her own pace while enjoying the process of growth, I hope.
Mentioning about keeping a record of My Darling's growth. Sigh, the amature videographer cum photographer is definitely is not doing a fantastic job. Sigh!!!! Ever since hubby bought his Sony Video cam, I thought I can rely on him to record more of Baby Chloe's growth. Well, he did but he did not capture the "MOMENT". Those videos are a little boring & lengthy, some cannot even see Baby's expression clearly. I still prefer my camera shot and then send for print and album it. I can flip my dear album whenever I want. Call me Old Fashion but I still prefer memorable moment to be captured and kept nicely in an album.
I have to start using my camera again. In fact, I will invest a good lens*** to compensate with my photography skill.
*** Dear Lokong, this month is a special month which you might want to add this *** into your shopping list. LOL!
Now, Baby Chloe has found her mobility by crawling on the floor, running with her walker. By the way, I read from the Babycenter that Walker discourages floor play which might delay a baby's mobility development like crawling & walking. The Walker was a gift from my colleagues, and I started to put Baby Chloe on the walker when she was almost 5 months old. She enjoys it so much as she could chase after Wow Wow (My Dog aka MeiMei). She also enjoys it as she could rush over to Mama when she sees Mama is home from work.
I personally feel it is not the walkers that discourage Baby's mobility development. It is more like the parents' responsibility to ENCOURAGE them during their development. For instance, I usually keep track with Babycenter's Development Chart so that I know Baby's ability at a certain month. Like starting solid at 5 - 6 month old, then I slowly start to introduce it to Baby Chloe. Then, from the babycenter I get to know that normally babies will learn to sit on their own at their 6th month, then i ENCOURAGE baby Chloe to sit on her own and support her when she tumbled. Haha...sound a little boastful here. What I wanted to emphasize is that do not just blame, but to try out best to encourage their development. I always tell myself, as long as I have tried my best and Baby is still not on track. It doesn't matter, just give her more time and one day she can make it. It's a process!
I always tell myself not to force Baby Chloe to move at the pace that I want, but to let her develop and grow at her own pace while enjoying the process of growth, I hope.
Mentioning about keeping a record of My Darling's growth. Sigh, the amature videographer cum photographer is definitely is not doing a fantastic job. Sigh!!!! Ever since hubby bought his Sony Video cam, I thought I can rely on him to record more of Baby Chloe's growth. Well, he did but he did not capture the "MOMENT". Those videos are a little boring & lengthy, some cannot even see Baby's expression clearly. I still prefer my camera shot and then send for print and album it. I can flip my dear album whenever I want. Call me Old Fashion but I still prefer memorable moment to be captured and kept nicely in an album.
I have to start using my camera again. In fact, I will invest a good lens*** to compensate with my photography skill.
*** Dear Lokong, this month is a special month which you might want to add this *** into your shopping list. LOL!
August 3, 2009
Chloe's Favourite Toy
During the Parent sharing time in Gymboree Class, we were asked what's our Baby's favourite toy. All parents seemes to agree that babies tend to get bored with one thing easily, and they are always attracted to new things. Babies never like their own toys, instead they like to play with adult's glasses, remote control, mobile phone, magazines, books etc.
Baby Chloe are fond of things that we don't allow her to have for instance the remote control. Well, I have no problem letting Baby Chloe play with the control but she has the tendency to put it into her mouth and start bitting it. Gosh!!!! Why do babies like to put everything into their mouth? It is perfectly fine to be curious of new objects but do they really have to bite it to investigate it? They could have just observed with their eyes!!!
Baby Chloe are fond of things that we don't allow her to have for instance the remote control. Well, I have no problem letting Baby Chloe play with the control but she has the tendency to put it into her mouth and start bitting it. Gosh!!!! Why do babies like to put everything into their mouth? It is perfectly fine to be curious of new objects but do they really have to bite it to investigate it? They could have just observed with their eyes!!!
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