August 7, 2013

Opps, run out of formulas...

Yes, MaMa's Blog is cobwebbed, and Yes, it's time for a spring cleaning.  Let's get started with some outdated photos. I find it's kind of impossible to narrate the kind of feelings that I had at that moment, especially after so long, I need time to bring back some memories and try hard to put them down in words. But, It's HARD! What I can do now is to paste in the photos as part of the journal for what we HAD DONE without the element of feelings. For me, the "feeling" is the most important part of the journal because it is how we express our happiness, joy and love, don't you agree. Nevertheless, I hope these expressive photos delivered the "feeling" straight off. 

Babies, MaMa will try my best keep our Journal updated consistently and on time for your keepsakes. Promise.

For now, this is the tiny part of what happened during our last night in Tokyo. We ran out of the girls' favourite/regular formula. We had to resort to fresh milk from Lotto Mart. I am sure the taste of the formula (GainKids) has a different taste from these fresh milk.

Photos Dated : 14th July 2013, Tokyo, Japan

This is how I coax the girls to drink the milk. I tried giving them UHT milk at home but they didn't like it. So, I had to play "cheer" in these wine glasses to make it fun. I had given them a choice to skip the routine night drink, but they insisted to drink "Neng Neng"!

It was easier for Big C to adapt different taste of milk and food nowadays. She's gonna be 5 soon, and I must say it's much easier to handle her without helper. :P As for Little C, it was fun at the beginning, as she tasted, she rather skipped her milk routine. Hahaha.. she didn't like it at all but because of the pretend play, she managed to gulp down one glass while Big C had 2 full glasses. 

Some HAPPY photos to share. 
After they had finished their drink, these cheeky girls started to ran around in the hotel room happily, making loud noises till late. I didn't know milk can made my girls hyped up, or they played along with the pretend play? It's normal to get high after many many glass clinking,s JUST LIKE ADULTS, Don't we? Hahaha...Silly MaMa. Anyway, MaMa tried to lower down their voices, but it was irresistible even for me to join in their fun & laughter. :P

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