August 23, 2013

MaMa's Birthday

Life is always fair, somehow when you lose something, you gain something back, this is the equilibrium of life, we shall not be despair when obstacles fall upon you. One door closes, I am sure there will be another door opens, waiting for your GRAND ENTRANCE.

Here's my little humble door that always await my admission, it's a FREE admission that filled with infinite loves... Mmmmm so heavenly blessed.

On my bliss out 34th Birthday, I received many many wishes from my dear friends via whatsapp! I received a silly birthday song from my bff via whatsapp too. I received birthday kisses from my beautiful Cs, mom, sis, bro. I even received a text from my dad which was kind of unusual because I had never received any birthday wish from him since ages ago. Anyway, HAPPY! 

I received a birthday card as precious as a gem from my beautiful daughters. 

My first Birthday Cake arranged by the Company.

Then I received a Giant Handmade Hello Kitty Birthday Card from my Marketing Babies. They are the BEST! :P They must be thinking I am obsessed with Hello Kitty so they decided to make me a Hello Kitty Card. Lovely! I love Hello Kitty because of my children not because I am OBSESSED! LoL!

My Second Birthday Cake arranged by my beloved Family. They even brought me to a nice Japanese Restaurant for a scrumptious meal. I am happy that everyone enjoyed the food and as well as the beautiful and yummy Red Velvet Cake. Big C plucked out all the hearts and ate them all!!!!!!! She absolutely adores the red hearts on the cake. 

Yes, This is my sister and my babies. Hahaha...NO NO NO. She's my darling Mommy! I know, I know! Everyone says the same thing to me since I was little, "Hey, No way! She's not your mom, she's your sister. You must be joking! She looks too young to be your mom." Hate it! But I am happy for you, MOMMY, always young and pretty! Energetic and Strong one too. :)

My best gifts in my life are my two beautiful daughters. Nothing can replace the special delivery from GOD to me. Thank God, I love being me! Don't believe me? Check the next photo, then you will know how much love and joy has God brought to me. I appreciate it and I will treasure all the moments with my best gifts ever! Muaks & Hugs!

See! Told you! How can I not spill my melting hearts with a smile by looking at them, happily enjoying every moments together as a happy family.

My third Birthday Cake (3 Little Cutie Cupcakes) by my BFF, Wendy! Too bad, my notti C deleted the very memorable photo of me and Wendy! *sigh* So, I left with the three little cutie cupcakes as a remembrance. 

Of course, other than all the above, I had also received flowers and shawl from my ILs. They are the nicest ILs ever because they always always remember my birthday and is like there is a standing order to the florist for years, a beautiful bouquet will always appear in my office on that day every year, calling upon me to receive the special delivery. Thank you! Thank you for everything.

I also received a hand cream from my beloved sister. She knows that I am desperately in need of a good hand cream!! Thank you.

I also received a SUPER RED T-shirt from my beloved little brother. He's always so dear and supportive, no matter what, remember, we are always ONE FAMILY, TIGHT BOND and NOTHING SHALL BREAK US APART!

Material is always secondary, it is the well wishes that i was drowned with, filled with love and joy. What emore can I ask for on my Birthday.

In fact, after being a MaMa myself, I somehow see BIRTHDAY differently. We shouldn't celebrate birthday for ourself on our birthday, we should be having a thanksgiving day for our mom. It should be a very very special day for mommy's great effort, going through painful labour, and exerting our greatest Mommy's power to give body strength and powerful mind to bring a new beautiful life to the world of happiness. Don't you agree?

Mommy, I hope is not too late. Thank you for bringing me here. Thank you for your loves, your support, your strength, your sacrifices for us. Thank you and We love you! Cs love you too, and you know it well. Don't you? GrandMa here GrandMa there all the times, isn't it? :P

Happy Birthday to Me and Thank you Mommy.

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