January 13, 2012

Bento #9

This was prepared for Chloe on Tuesday.

Unfortunately, she did not bring it to school, she shared this little snack with her sister Clarisse at home instead. What is new? She was sick on Tuesday. Viral Fever or I called it the chinese way - HEATY! Her throat was infected and had some mouth ulcers. Furthermore, she slept late and woke up early for school, inevitably, Chloe falling sick is something that I had expected. Yes, Chloe is weaker compared to Clarisse. Her sick diary is on monthly basis. Hahaha.... Well, I used to be very paranoid with all the fever episodes, but after a year long of training, I guess I just have to adapt to it. Not that I like it to happen again, but it is a process of growing up for Chloe. I just need to go through with her even it means FOREVER. BUT, CHOY!!!, it will stop somewhere somehow sometimes as Chloe grows older with a stronger immune system (IN NO TIME!).

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