December 16, 2009

A little Respects & Understandings make a HAPPY FAMILY.

Scenario 1:

Baby Chloe has the tendency of Night Terror every now and then. We have consulted our pediatrician, and he said there is nothing much that we can do about it but try not to make her excited after 6pm (which is quite difficult because Baby Chloe is a person who needs 100% entertainment & attention, otherwise she will starts to do all funny things to make sure your attention is with her.)

So, usually in the night, whenever Baby Chloe cries, Mama will be in-charged, because Baby Chloe doesn’t want anyone else. I can’t be energetic every night! There are times that I need Papa to help and try to handle Baby Chloe on his own. When I was not around, he managed to do it because he had not choice. But, whenever I around, he tried a while but Baby Chloe still cried aloud, and he couldn’t take it any longer and passed her back to me and said : “She doesn’t want me, You have to take care of her. Sorry, I can’t help!” At times, Mama complained because I WAS TIRED (& grouchy). Well, everyone does once in a while when lack of sleep occurs. My respond from Papa was :” YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG, THAT’S WHY BABY CHLOE PUNISH YOU!” Try to work your brain a little and a little sensitivity, WE ALL KNOW this is not a solution to calm a Baby and a TIRED MOTHER. So, I have to end up crying, while Papa sits on the bed looking at me cry with Baby Chloe.

Scenario 2 :

Mama really wants to make a trip to Singapore to pay a visit to my God-sister & friends. Plus, I would like to have a very first Holiday Trip with Baby Chloe (& I thought Singapore is just nice as we can stay at my brother’s place). Papa was nice enough to approve Baby Chloe’s Passport, but he didn’t approve the trip to Singapore this weekend. 

His reasons:

  1. My brother’s place a little dusty, not suitable for Baby Chloe’s nose.
  2. Where can Baby Chloe sleeps?
  3. How can a baby handle a 4-hour drive?
  4. Baby Chloe doesn’t know anything even if we bring her there.
  5. There is nothing interesting there.

In fact, his excuses will be endless if he doesn’t feel like it.

I respect him as my husband & Baby Chloe’s father, that’s why I ASK PERMISSION from him. But I feel I am not getting to same respect from him.


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