July 15, 2009

Fitfor2 Vs. Gymboree

Baby Chloe is a little unfriendly to new faces/strangers. Well, in a way is good so that she would cry aloud if there is stranger attacked!! Haha, but it can also be classified as unsociable & unfriendly!!!!

I always wanted to bring her to those Baby Classes for exposure purpose. Perhaps some would say it is too young for a 7 months old Baby for an "exposure", but some strongly recommended me to start as early as possible (even from BIRTH!!!) as 80% of brain cells will developed by the age of 5. hmm.... EXPOSURE! Anyway, I thought it is a good idea to join these classes. It can helps her to learn fast/more, it can also encourage bonding since participation of parents are compulsory. Furthermore, it can help her to make more friends, look for more fun in life while learning at the same time. :P sounds terrific to me!

So, I decided to give it a try at Fitfor2 (Baby Musikgarden 1) & Gymboree (Gymboree II). I get to know Fitfor2 from my pregnancy yoga classes, I had my Pregnancy Yoga there and it was good. Gymboree is highly recommended by Hubby Best Friend (Mr. & Mrs. & Junior Tiger) as Junior Tiger joined Gymboree since very young age until now (I think he is now 15 months old?!!). Baby Clive (Junior Tiger) is definitely friendlier than Baby Chloe, he has no fear with stranger and he knows how to share which I think it is important!

Below is my personal evaluation after a trial class :-

1) Fitfor2 has only Saturday Class 3.15pm which is the Baby Musikgarden where it introduces Music & Rymthm to Babies. Whereas Gymboree has more selection in the classes e.g. Play, Music etc etc. (too many to be listed out) and it has both Saturday & Sunday class. GYMBOREE gains a point here.

2) Fitfor2 lacks of Participants, during the trial class, we were only two families. Gymboree has about 8 - 9 families including us. For exposure & socialize purpose, GYMBOREE has a point in this too.

3) I prefer Gymboree's Instructors/Teachers. Fitfor2's teacher is making a lot of untrue assumption. For instance, she said let Baby hold the rattle and learn to roll the rattle, so I had Baby Chloe tried it then she was like "NO NO NO, Don't expect her to roll it now!" Hello? What are you talking about? I was trying to get Baby Chloe into mood to enjoy the class, then she made assumption that I was forcing my baby to adapt to the class!?? And she kept on mentioning about don't "expect your baby to do it now!" Well, I personally feel if I don't let her try she won't be able to learn?! Well, Gymboree's teachers are not exceptionally good but I PREFER GYMBOREE's teacher, so I guess a point for them.

4) Fees - Ok. I must admit that both Fees are ranging from RM30-RM35, however, I would say FITFOR2 is more flexible in the sense that it charged by the class not by month, and all I need to do is to purchase 12 classes where I get a card, a class a chop kinda system. Gymboree is more complicated and I think it is more expensive in terms of fees. To be honest, GYMBOREE is more equipped and the set up is really meant for babies & children, so personally I think it is worth paying a little bit more for the equipments (anyway, it is not much of the different - just the package system which make Gymboree sounds unaffordable.).

Haha...perhaps I had my mind set which ended up such a bias comments. Haha....Well, like i said IT IS MY PERSONALLY EVALUATION.

After the trial class at GYMBOREE on last sunday, Papa has signed up for the RM1980.00 Package which includes something like below:-
1) 55 Classes
2) 10 Play Gym Vouchers
3) 2 Years Member Fees (One year is RM150.00)
4) Voucher for Merchandise items RM100.00
5) Birthday Voucher worth of RM100.00
6) 1 T-shirt

Ok. Baby Chloe. Mama & Papa is gonna attend the class together with you Every Sunday 2.50pm for a 45 minutes PLAY CLASS. Happy Playing!!!

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