July 7, 2009

Baby Chloe's Porridge Choice

I think about a month ago, I have told my maid to add in a piece of Lean Pork or Chicken in Baby Chloe's porridge for better taste. Apparently, Baby Chloe enjoys it more now and she could actually finish it all which is almost equivalent to a 3/4 full of rice bowl.

However, it is not really my idea to let Baby Chloe to have Meat in her meal. But...sigh.... everyone says I should..... everyone includes my mum, my granny, my colleagues, my friends.... If I don't give, they would say I am over protective la, paranoid la...blah blah blah...

I think because of the changes in Baby Chloe's meal which includes Two Semi-Solid Meals, 4 - 5 feeds of Formula, 1 - 2 times of breastfeed - Baby Chloe's bowel texture is changing from very watery to soft stickly texture. Dr. Patrick said it is normal so I treat it as a process of growth. :P

So far I have tried the combination of Skinless Chicken Breast/Lean Pork + Rice (No salt) :-
1) Carrot
2) Potato
3) Pumpkin
4) Plain

Actually, I was not in control of the combination maybe i should say I didn't really make an effort to pick the recipe for Baby Chloe. After a thought today, I think I should decide on the menu and get my maid to follow it instead of letting them mix what they want. Ya...Ok...I must do it!

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