September 24, 2013

Baby Arsya Zaara's Fullmoon/ Cukur Jambul

I know FULLMOON and Cukur Jambul are both totally different. 
Baby Fullmoon is celebrated by Chinese on the completion of confinement on the 30th day after birth whereas Cukur Jambul is a Malay Tradition to celebrate the newborn's first haircut, and it is on the 45th day after birth.

Here we present you Mommy Juliana & Baby Arsya Zaara.
This Glamour Mommy dressed up the house with a special cradle highlighted in the center of the house with a pink and white backdrop. This is my first Cukur Jambul Ceremony with such a special decoration. 

MaMa, Mommy Ju and Baby Arsya.

First Question, How much do you think this decoration cost?
We were guessing the cost among ourself, some said RM1000, some said RM800 and some said RM500 and my manager actually said RM300!
When I heard him said RM300, MaMa scorned at his judgement. 
How could this be RM300? Come On!

So, Mommy Ju told us that the cradle, the bear, the gifts, the backdrop all cost her RM315 in total. 
All jaws dropped wide and eyes wide opened.

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