We don't encourage sweet treats, but we do offer sweets when Cs behave well. To be exact, whenever MaMa feels like giving them a treat, and there they will get ONE treat like Moo Cow, Cupcakes, Chocolate, Marshmallow or Ice-Cream. I may seem a bit harsh or particular on their dietary PREVIOUSLY, and I THINK I am a little loose in terms of their diet NOW. Perhaps, my girls are no longer babies, and I feel they deserve sweet treats once in a while. My babies deserve to share the joy of how adults savour sweets like these. :P Besides it is time to get their stomach ready for Bad food like these. They can't be OUT OF SWEET for their entire life? Why So bitter & sad.
Their papa always say to me," I don't eat sweets, and my kids won't like sweets stuffs too." Hmm... Does it mean that their PaPa likes beer and I must introduce beer to them so that they can be like PaPa??? :P MaMa can do without sweets but sometimes it just feels wonderful to just enjoy a piece of chocolate cake once in a while, to dig in the fluffy creams and freeze by the coldness from the delicious ice-cream or Yogurt.
Thus, quite often whenever they ask for cupcakes or moo-cow, I usually obliged but always come with a condition like in exchange of putting in greens in their mouth, or a reading session, or skip TV session etc etc depending on the situation that moment. I will work out a perfect deal for them. :)
We went to Publika last Thursday, with the PRIMARY INTENTION to buy new books. We also popped into WonderMilk Cafe which is just right next to MPH for dinner. The girls were thrilled when I told them that we are heading for a Rainbow cupcakes & Strawberry cupcakes treat. They were already pestering for a revisit since our first visit two weeks ago with Abby and Aunty Wendy. Those cupcakes were really irresistible, they don't just look pretty in abundance of colours and they also taste yummy too. The BEST part is that they are all MINI in size, it takes me maybe 2 bites if I want??!!! Perhaps 3? Anyway, they are all in BITE size! Having said that, the NOT so fascinating part is I have to pay RM4.50 for a BITE size cupcake, that's very expensive for I can get a FULL size cupcakes for the same price.
MaMa ordered 2 sets from the Kids Menu for Cs' Dinner, 1 set of Sausage & Fries and 1 set of Petite Pasta to share among the two sisters. It cost RM10.00 per set and each set comes with a blackcurrent drink. I guess the Pasta must be good the fact that Little C straightaway knew that she wanted the Spaghetti that she had on her first visit. Then, Big C too asked for more after she had finished the half from her little sister's portion. THE PORTION is very small even though for KIDS, but SUFFICIENT because they need a space for their dessert later. That's why I didn't order for a second serve of Pasta for the girls even though they ask for more.
As for the Sausage & Fries seemed quite ordinary. However, Cs love them because they like to dip the sausages in the Tomato Sauce aplenty in relish.
As I have mentioned those kids' menu were not enough for Cs, especially Big C. Big C took half of my Pesto Chicken Sandwich, and she enjoyed it too.
What I like about this Cafe is that there is a LITTLE corner for kids to play. There weren't many toys or selections but kids are easily contented. Before you know, they have already engrossed themselves in the little play corner, preferably undisturbed, until the pretty & yummy cupcakes play their enchanting roles drawing the kids' attention from PLAY back to FOOD.
I know it is not very healthy for the kids to have so much artificial coloring in their body. But I guess, it is OK once in a while. How I can refrain Cs from these pretty cupcakes, isn't it too cruel. Besides, they don't get to it eat EVERY day, not even EVERY week, small amount of BAD food in the tummy can built immunity for their growth. Hahahaha.... See the HAPPY face!! How to reject?!
Happy girls after a Happy meal. The next stop is NEXT DOOR - MPH.
I was busy choosing books for the girls, and plus it was already quite late for a thursday night - 8:45pm. The girls spent too much time at Wondermilk Cafe so I have to speed up on my selection. What more, with the girls' distraction, I have totally forgotten about taking photos of our PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF THE NIGHT, which is the BOOKSTORE! Hahaha..I only managed to catch a shot. I tried to call Little C to join her JieJie for a photo, but they were so overly energetic after a SWEET SWEET treat, running about in the book store, rummaging shelves by shelves, and poor kakak have to fix the mess shelves after shelves. Eventually I got these two books for the girls - The Wish Fish & On the Moon by Usborne Publication.
What a wonderful night out with the girls, although it could be better if it's a weekend. Well, we can do a revisit again if the girls are able to READ them well. Isn't this a perfect deal for me and the girls? :)