September 30, 2013

A SWEET Night Out with the Girls

We don't encourage sweet treats, but we do offer sweets when Cs behave well. To be exact, whenever MaMa feels like giving them a treat, and there they will get ONE treat like Moo Cow, Cupcakes, Chocolate, Marshmallow or Ice-Cream. I may seem a bit harsh or particular on their dietary PREVIOUSLY, and I THINK I am a little loose in terms of their diet NOW. Perhaps, my girls are no longer babies, and I feel they deserve sweet treats once in a while. My babies deserve to share the joy of how adults savour sweets like these. :P Besides it is time to get their stomach ready for Bad food like these. They can't be OUT OF SWEET for their entire life? Why So bitter & sad. 

Their papa always say to me," I don't eat sweets, and my kids won't like sweets stuffs too." Hmm... Does it mean that their PaPa likes beer and I must introduce beer to them so that they can be like PaPa??? :P MaMa can do without sweets but sometimes it just feels wonderful to just enjoy a piece of chocolate cake once in a while, to dig in the fluffy creams and freeze by the coldness from the delicious ice-cream or Yogurt.

Thus, quite often whenever they ask for cupcakes or moo-cow, I usually obliged but always come with a condition like in exchange of putting in greens in their mouth, or a reading session, or skip TV session etc etc depending on the situation that moment. I will work out a perfect deal for them. :)

We went to Publika last Thursday, with the PRIMARY INTENTION to buy new books. We also popped into WonderMilk Cafe which is just right next to MPH for dinner. The girls were thrilled when I told them that we are heading for a Rainbow cupcakes & Strawberry cupcakes treat. They were already pestering for a revisit since our first visit two weeks ago with Abby and Aunty Wendy. Those cupcakes were really irresistible, they don't just look pretty in abundance of colours and they also taste yummy too. The BEST part is that they are all MINI in size, it takes me maybe 2 bites if I want??!!! Perhaps 3? Anyway, they are all in BITE size! Having said that, the NOT so fascinating part is I have to pay RM4.50 for a BITE size cupcake, that's very expensive for I can get a FULL size cupcakes for the same price.

MaMa ordered 2 sets from the Kids Menu for Cs' Dinner, 1 set of Sausage & Fries and 1 set of Petite Pasta to share among the two sisters. It cost RM10.00 per set and each set comes with a blackcurrent drink. I guess the Pasta must be good the fact that Little C straightaway knew that she wanted the Spaghetti that she had on her first visit. Then, Big C too asked for more after she had finished the half from her little sister's portion. THE PORTION is very small even though for KIDS, but SUFFICIENT because they need a space for their dessert later. That's why I didn't order for a second serve of Pasta for the girls even though they ask for more. 

As for the Sausage & Fries seemed quite ordinary. However, Cs love them because they like to dip the sausages in the Tomato Sauce aplenty in relish.

As I have mentioned those kids' menu were not enough for Cs, especially Big C. Big C took half of my Pesto Chicken Sandwich, and she enjoyed it too. 

What I like about this Cafe is that there is a LITTLE corner for kids to play. There weren't many toys or selections but kids are easily contented. Before you know, they have already engrossed themselves in the little play corner, preferably undisturbed, until the pretty & yummy cupcakes play their enchanting roles drawing the kids' attention from PLAY back to FOOD.

I know it is not very healthy for the kids to have so much artificial coloring in their body. But I guess, it is OK once in a while. How I can refrain Cs from these pretty cupcakes, isn't it too cruel. Besides, they don't get to it eat EVERY day, not even EVERY week, small amount of BAD food in the tummy can built immunity for their growth. Hahahaha.... See the HAPPY face!! How to reject?!

Happy girls after a Happy meal. The next stop is NEXT DOOR - MPH.

I was busy choosing books for the girls, and plus it was already quite late for a thursday night - 8:45pm. The girls spent too much time at Wondermilk Cafe so I have to speed up on my selection. What more, with the girls' distraction, I have totally forgotten about taking photos of our PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF THE NIGHT, which is the BOOKSTORE! Hahaha..I only managed to catch a shot. I tried to call Little C to join her JieJie for a photo, but they were so overly energetic after a SWEET SWEET treat, running about in the book store, rummaging shelves by shelves, and poor kakak have to fix the mess shelves after shelves. Eventually I got these two books for the girls - The Wish Fish & On the Moon by Usborne Publication.

What a wonderful night out with the girls, although it could be better if it's a weekend. Well, we can do a revisit again if the girls are able to READ them well. Isn't this a perfect deal for me and the girls? :)

Sisters posing for photos

My Big C

My Little C, and...

The Three Princesses :)

September 28, 2013

P&J Annual Concert - 凤阳花鼓

It is the time of the year where children get to show their talents on stage, and I appreciate P&J's great effort for putting up a great performance and that every child is given a fair opportunity to execute a task/performance on stage. 

I must also applaud for P&J's arrangement on the theme of the Concert. It is not just a mere concert for children to show-off their talents, but also a Cultural Concert to promote understanding of different culture group in the world with different kinds of cultural costumes, songs, languages and dances. I wish I could illustrate more with photos but........

This time round, MaMa thought that I AM well-prepared in terms of CAMERA, I brought my iphone for blog posting and my DSLR for a better photo. *SIGH* I was actually totally NOT! My lens was not long enough for a close up shot, I have not gone through those photos in my DSLR, somehow I am not hoping much. :) It's time to get a Long Lens. Just for my girls' concert's purpose? Serious? So, Baby, for now please bear with MaMa for the low resolution and poor quality photos that I am posting here. 

Baby, this is your school's 32nd Annual Concert in the Year 2013.
The actual Date of the Concert if on the 28th September 2013, 4-6pm.
The concert was held in the Civic Hall, Petaling Jaya.

Big C is geared up to put up a good performance. She was absolutely excited,
no sweats and display a total confidence. 

My Big Girl - Big C! All ready to go!

Performance : 凤阳花鼓 
Big C was at the front, second drum from the right.

Big C was smiling throughout the performance like what MaMa had reminded her before the concert. Big C played her drum confidently and all the moves were synchronized with her team. WELL DONE to the Class.

Also, thanks PaPa for the Video. I will try to get the Video from PaPa and post it here. Being a parent, it is such spontaneous to only focus our view on our own children. SO, all pictures are not taken with the centre of the stage as our focus point. Hahaha.... So as the Video. It was a good video with a very clear view of my Big C's performance. I MUST upload it here if the file is not too big, I want to share my pride & joy.

It is a big Concert with A LOT OF wonderful performers. This photo only show HALF of the whole concert crews. The stage was not big enough to have everyone to present themselves on stage, so some of them were below the stage at the audience platform. 

A Smile of Victory and Accomplishment.

We all Love you very much, Darling Big C.

September 24, 2013


Finally done...I know they are all very brief and "textless", but if I don't post them at once and I am very sure I will miss even more than this, "PHOTOLESS" or even "POSTLESS". Hahahaha.....At least something.... 

Cranberries Scone

Get the Recipe Here.(

This is a simple recipe and it tastes really good too.

Mine looks very dark in brown because I brush too much egg wash. They are very very delicious according to my mom she said they are better than Lavender's scones. *SHY*
So, give the recipe a try. It is actually quite nice. They were all gone in a day!

Thanks to Pastry friends for such a good and simple recipe.

My Ballerinas' Photo Updates

Little C's Favourite Breakies~!

These are Little C's favourite breaky other than Eggs & Vege.

Little C loves half-boiled eggs since really young. She likes to dip it with toast.

She likes to have Nasi Lemak for breakfast too! Afterall, she is a Malaysian just like MaMa. Hahaha.... 

Painting Fun Again...

After an attempt of painting weeks ago, MaMa cannot resist to buy another set for a second attempt.

The one on the left was done by Little C and the Right was by Big C.

Little C being very impatient, she did not wait for MaMa and started to paint on her own while MaMa was guiding Jie Jie Big C. She started with the Dragonfly's body with green which surprised me quite a bit. I actually gave her a thumb up for that, it was nicely done. After that, MaMa guided her for the rest of the Dragonfly. I tried to introduce them how to mix colour. We managed orange, Pink, Baby Blue, Baby Green and Brown. Can you see the Baby Dragonfly which is already deformed by Little C's painting skill. Hahahaha... The background was also nicely done by Little C. Great Job.

As for Big C, She started with the moon. She had carefully selected the colour depicting the similar in the sample given. She did a very good job by trying NOT TO paint out of the lines. I helped her on the background because I know if I don't help her out, the BLACK will eventually overrules all other colours that she had painted with all her heart and effort. I helped her to outline to prevent her from spreading her paint to the beautiful painted owl, moon, cloud and flowers. Big C took my by surprise as she insisted to finish everything including the background. MaMa could feel her contentment over her accomplishment of Art. :) Good Job, Baby! We will do it again. Practices make PERFECT!


A Gift for Our BFF

Big C made this last night for her BFF, Little A.
Hope Little A would like the little Necklace that Big C laces especially for her.

Slyvanian House

Grandma bought the girls a set of Slyvanian Families with a model house.
It is very dsophisticated type of playhouse with a lot of detailings. However, I don't think the girls at their age could handle all the little tiny pieces which can be as small as a .... wow...what can be so small? small as....  a M&M or even smaller!!!! That's why the girls are not allowed to TOUCH the Slyvanian Families without my permission! 


With My Supervision, the girls are behaving well, and they were gentle with the playhouse and all the tiny little pieces. Everything was handled with care.

Why? I don't understand items in such tiny size are of what purpose, aren't they too SMALL to be played with? These that you are seeing in the pictures are not the tiniest you can imagine. All I want to say is that SLYVANIAN FAMILIES are too SOPHISTICATED for my girls at this age. No matter how many WHYS that I am asking, the girls absolutely love to play with the SLYVANIAN HOUSE with the Slyvanian Families and Friends. 

The girls have a good understanding of how the family form. Little C would say, This is PaPa, This is MaMa, This is Clarisse, This is JieJie, This is Mei Mei, This is on and so forth. She actually set all the roles clearly while playing.

Baby Arsya Zaara's Fullmoon/ Cukur Jambul

I know FULLMOON and Cukur Jambul are both totally different. 
Baby Fullmoon is celebrated by Chinese on the completion of confinement on the 30th day after birth whereas Cukur Jambul is a Malay Tradition to celebrate the newborn's first haircut, and it is on the 45th day after birth.

Here we present you Mommy Juliana & Baby Arsya Zaara.
This Glamour Mommy dressed up the house with a special cradle highlighted in the center of the house with a pink and white backdrop. This is my first Cukur Jambul Ceremony with such a special decoration. 

MaMa, Mommy Ju and Baby Arsya.

First Question, How much do you think this decoration cost?
We were guessing the cost among ourself, some said RM1000, some said RM800 and some said RM500 and my manager actually said RM300!
When I heard him said RM300, MaMa scorned at his judgement. 
How could this be RM300? Come On!

So, Mommy Ju told us that the cradle, the bear, the gifts, the backdrop all cost her RM315 in total. 
All jaws dropped wide and eyes wide opened.

September 23, 2013

My Girls' Bento

I know these two boxes don't seem to be PROPER to be a Bento.
Hahaha... They are simply SEEDLESS GRAPES with Cute Picks.
Effort Level : 1/5
Love Level : 5/5
Sorry girls, MaMa will try to put more effort for some cute stuffs for your girls soon. MaMa will try ok? :) 
XOXO -*Hugs and Kisses*

Sketches By Little C

I have lost tracks of what I have not updated and I am also LOST now where should I begin. The best way to begin is to proudly brag about my girls. 

Haha..Let's get started with my Little C.

 Little C showed me her sketch. Naturally the first thing that I would ask was "What is this?" Little C told MaMa"This is a Donkey". I actually thought it was "Sebastian" the Crab for Mermaid. :P

Little C said this is a FAT CAT. Errr.....

When MaMa asked Little C, "So, what about this?" 
Little C replied, "I don't know!"
MaMa prompted, "Is it a Monster?"
Little C immediately said ,"Yes, It is a Monster in the sea!"

September 19, 2013

Mid-Autumn Festival 2013


It is the 15th day of the 8th month in the Lunar Calendar.

Too bad it is a Thursday, otherwise the girls would have enjoyed more.

I asked Aunty W to bring Little A to join my Cs for Lantern Walk, and Aunty W suggested Publika for she remembered it was filled with Festival ambience last year. Well, this is what we are looking for, the feel of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

My Cs getting ready to go with their Disney Lantern.

Sorry, this is the BEST SHOT i can get with my Iphone. I posted this photo because MaMa likes how the lantern lit up in the dark.

My girls are not good in before the camera, it is very very very difficult to get all them to look at the camera at the same time. This is the BEST I can get out of like at least 20 shots.

How was the ambience in Publika during the Mid-Autumn Festival? It was actually very quiet and there was no sign of Mid-Autumn Celebration at all. I think it is because it falls on a THURSDAY, and USUALLY family members celebrate this Festival at home - begin with a reunion dinner, and have a family gathering with mooncakes and chinese tea under the Full Moonlight. Children will lit up their lanterns with flaming candles, surround the house with all the beautiful lanterns and candles. Romantic and filled with lots of love and laughter fill in the air. But companion for the girls was excellent even though it was only lasted for half and hour. We had lanterns as seen, and we had mooncakes, we had (ice lemon) TEA. hahahaha..... Mondernized Festival Celebration. 

September 16, 2013

Simple is Joy

Being a GOOD MaMa, I have a wrong perception by providing MORE and GOOD QUALITY is the BEST for my girls. Hahaha.... so typical.

Somehow I have learned that SOMETIMES the simplest thing in life is the simplest way to acquire happiness.

I bought the girls to IKEA along when Ah Gu and Ah Yi said they want to get a shoe rack from IKEA. Since it is a FREE day with no class schedules, I have decided to bring the girls to have lunch at IKEA.

While waiting for Ah Gu and Ah Yi, we went to the Kid's furniture section where all the Kid's furnitures and toys were attractively displayed. The girls saw the double deck bed and insisted to climbed up and pretend to sleep. They were hoping from one room to another and another. Even though it was super crowded, the girls were happy to join in the crowd and run about with a big smile on their face, and we spend one hour just at that section. 

Not a single cent spent and this is definitely not a cozy place to be in, but somehow the girls enjoy it so much that they refuse to leave. :P

September 15, 2013

Alleia's 1st Birthday Bash

Alleia's 1st Birthday Party @ IOI Mall, the Little Pantry, Puchong
On the 15th September 2013, 3pm.

The three beautiful Chow Sisters, My two Cs and our Beautiful Fairy - Alleia.

Alleia's Beautiful Tinkerbell Fairy's Two-Tier Fondant Cake.

My Cs in their party dress, posing for photos.

Thanks Alleia for the SandArt. Cs love SandArt.

Outside the Little Pantry @ IOI Mall, there was a carousel, and we sneaked out for a little while for a ride. :)