February 25, 2013

Vital Years Updates

I am not sure if I mentioned about how Cs benefited from attending Vital Years' programme. 

But I want to record what I have seen from Little C lately.

My girls are fond of books, well, AT LEAST they enjoy picking up books from the little bookshelves to do whatever they like. Sometimes, they would pick up sticker books messing with the marble floors and doors with their stickers. Sometimes, they would pick up colouring books to practise their "scribbling" skill. Sometimes, the would pick up books and pretend to READ them out loud. When they were much younger, Cs used to rip up a lot of books which really drives me crazy. That was the time that I couldn't control myself from the FURIOUS shouting at Cs. The worse I had seen with Big C was she tore some pages into pieces and put those little nasty pieces into her mouth, gulped down. It was petrified and at the same time outraged to watch such scenes with my own eyes. My girl swallowed pieces of papers torn from the "Three Little Pigs". Argghhhh.... She was two! 

COME BACK! Hahaha..Come back on Vital Years topic. Little C attended Vital Years since September 2012. Let's talk about her recognition of alphabets both lowercase and uppercase, hhmm, till date, she is still confuse between d & b, P & q. Honestly, at this image,to them these are images rather than alphabets. So, I guess it will take some times for her to realise their differences. She is able to recognize "T" but not "t", she tends to read "t" as "not", maybe VY is trying to make Little C recognize "not" which confused Little C. She also got a little mixed up between "V" & "W" but with a little hint, she would usually able to blurt out correctly. 

And then, reading habits. Little C impressed me. It is not important if she can READ, but the HABIT of picking up books is amazing. I guess it will be the first step of developing reading habit. Is it? I guess we must build a consistent reading ambiance in the family, and continue to encourage the girls to read. What happened after Little C picked up a book? 

She flips the book page by page. She uses her pointer to point at the words on the left page and rely on the picture illustrated on the right page to make up her own story. As she makes up her story with the illustration, she uses her pointer to move word by word, and lastly she stops her story at last word. WELL DONE! Book Habit plus her imagination, these are enough to impress me! I adore how she makes up her own story and her attentiveness which we love to watch till she finishes her book before we praise her aloud. 

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