October 16, 2012

A Quickie on Clarisse

Clarisse has attended Vital Years for 1 - 1/2 months, *phew* so quick, it seems like just yesterday.
Anyway, for someone who is still learning her alphabets, I am not expecting her to read to me. She is gradually picking up some letters - A B C F G H M O P S T W X Y Z. Yes, you can see I skipped quite a bit of letters, that's because she still can't recognised them all YET.
But....Yes, there is always a BUT... BUT she learned a few new songs and she loves singing them with lots of hand gestures like clapping hands, rolling hands etc.. . I always hear her sing to Jie Jie Chlow, Grandma, Tai Ma, even when she was alone, she was mesmerized in her self-entertainment.
My Darling Clarisse likes to come to me and uses her magical pointer and write a C on my forehead, then say " C for MaMa". I think she must have learned it from the centre where her teacher did the same to her but saying "C for CLARISSE" Hahaha..I corrected her that  " C is for Clarisse and M is for MaMa "
Nowadays, I always hear her "teaching" my grandma English. How? Hahaha...
"Tai Ma, Say Mommy" Clarisse demanded
"Mommy" My Grandma followed
"Say Daddy" Clarrise continued
"Daddy" My Grandma followed
and it goes on and on...Mommy, Daddy, FiFi, Kim.... These are the words that I heard her "teaching" my grandma. Again, it must be from the centre.
I can see she enjoys learning in Vital Years, and I am considering to postpone her entry to P&J next year. She is only 3 next year, and she will have 4 years in the same school if she joined in year 2013. Hmm... Besides, Vital Years is cheaper :P I shall think about it. Many other factors to consider. A proper school with good environment is also critical for learning..Aarrrghhh...I shall decide later.

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