December 31, 2012

Adios 2012, Hola 2013!

Exactly 7 hours to end the happening year of 2012. It's good to know that it's coming to an end, and it's good to know that all of us survived the "Mayan's Prophecy". LOL! It's good to know that it is not the end of the world YET! It's good to know that my girls are happy. It's good to know that many are happy. I have more reasons to live my life to max since everything seems to be SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!

I love NEW YEAR as it's time for me restore and restart. I love the "Restart" button and a New Year is definitely a "Restart" button for me. It's like a game whereby you can resume the game at the current stage with a second chance to live and fight again. Hahaha.... I know what I am saying, do you? 

So much better when ME, as a chinese, gets to RESTART twice in a year. Hahaha, stepping into a complete NEW YEAR according to our Gregorian Calendar (Internationally used Calendar) is ONCE, and it comes another round of NEW YEAR for me to begin my new life once again according to the Chinese Calendar.

It's Interesting!!! - All the while I thought that Lunar Calendar means Chinese Calendar, and I have just found out that Lunar Calendar is actually associated to Islamic Calendar whereas Chinese Calendar is the combination of Lunar & Solar Calendar which they call it Lunisolar Calendar. More info, click here. :P

Well, YES! Two New Beginnings for me. I am going through the first chance of the Year TOMORROW, and the second chance coming next February 2013. 

So, Time to restore and restart, means I will have to consolidate all the happening events of 2012, and revive from the unpleasant events and revamp to a bette life for year 2013.

Consequently, I need a stringent plan for my New Year to begin my New Life. Let's get going!

1. First thing to LEARN for a New Life is to STOP expecting. Expectation is destructive. It can brings one's life to a total contentment but it can also destroys one's life. Hahaha... It's over exaggerating i Know! This is my LESSON learnt against a specifically SUBJECT/OBJECT/SOMEBODY. 

2. R*************. Full Stop! Nothing to elaborate.
3. Commit more time for career growth. Sounds strange, huh? Everyone knows that I am working in my dad's company, career growth doesn't make much sense since I am getting all the privilege of being an employee plus a kin to the boss. I have been stagnant or rather slacking at work after Clarisse's birth. I have diverted most of my attentions to both my girls and my heart was distant from work, especially Chloe's entering her new adventure @ P&J, so much activities and Clarisse's growing phase is full of exciting events. Anyway, it's time to get back to reality. I have to find balance in both work & my girls. Hopefully. This is my new year resolution! I want to GET my new Catalogue published THIS YEAR. I want to build up potential customer list. I want to update my website. I want to look into the possible solution for the inventory system. I want to work on the PROPOSAL on my own. I want to go to the STORE to see with my own eyes. I want .. I want .. I want .. 

4. Plan my own holiday, stop procrastinating! I got to find friends to travel with me. I stayed put when someone said "NO" to me. Life is short. I shouldn't wait if I want to do it, just try to look for friends or just LEARN how to travel alone.

5. I was writing about how Chloe portrays a lack of courage and confidence in herself. Same here! *Sigh* She has inherited the lousy trait of me. Geez. I want to learn how to overcome Loneliness! I should say I should thrash the acute nostalgia for SOMEONE, and build confidence and courage out of SOMEONE. Loneliness is a matter of mind, is a faculty of consciousness which I should be able to turn the meaning the other way round. Send all the negativeness away and resume my life with courage & confidence.

6. I want to KEEP fit. Kakakaka... I want to be healthy and fit. So, I am going to continue my exercise regime which is going back to GYM regularly. Maybe, I should join some marathons with the children to join the fun while promoting healthiness to my children. 

7. I might consider to pick up piano again. Ya. It's been a while. I was never good in it BUT i enjoy playing some good and EASY pieces. I am going to check if I can get a piano teacher in the Ballet Center at the same time as my girls's ballet lesson.

8. I want to KEEP my diet Green in terms of Vegetables. I want myself and the children to take in more vegetables. Not complete green, but almost green. Get it? I am NOT turning my children into Vegetarians; my objective of green means more vegetables compared to Meats & Carbo like rice & noodles. 

8. KEEP a balance mind, balance life!

.......That's all for now......Remember? I have a second chance to set my resolution again. LOL.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013! Feliz Ano Neuvo! 

Status 31/12/2012

Stop expecting! STOP! STOP! STOP!!!!! Key to PEACE OF MIND is to learn how to STOP expecting! 

2013 School Plan for my Princesses

A few months ago, I had registered Clarisse to P&J to join her JieJie. I thought it will the perfect plan for my girls and ME! P&J has a better learning environment compared to VY, it's open air, it's a proper school, it's more organized and it covers more aspects and not just language. MOREOVER, I just need to drop off both girls at the same place which makes it EASIER for me. :P

However, I have changed my mind after a few considerations.

I think for Clarisse to repeat her nursery programme twice is not very effective in terms of learning. Despite that P&J told me they will set a totally different learning programmes, and that it will be more challenging programme for the kids on the 2nd year of their nursery. Still, it was not so convincing to me. Especially I found out that there was a boy in Chloe's class refused to attend the class because he found the class boring as he had learnt all the songs, phonics, activities before. Considering the learning capability of 3 - 4 year-old, I am rather skeptical on how challenging it will be on the 2nd year of nursery. There will be new kids who need the same programme. 

Hmm... It put a question mark in my head for a while before I decided to change the plan.

Clarisse attended VY for 4 months, so far, I paid the fees to Ms. A and she did not report to me on Clarisse's progress like Ms. C did when I sent Chloe to VY previously. When I asked Ms. A, she briefly reported that Clarisse is a very steady girl and progressing well so far. I didn't drill further as I was not expecting wonders from Clarisse, who does not know all her alphabets at this stage. All I know, she is trying to learn a few words -"FiFi, Kim, Daddy, Mommy, Here, I,..." I think so far these are all I heard from Clarisse. I just want her to mingle with children of the similar age group. 

But, lately, she had definitely improved in her understanding of colouring skill, in the sense that she is able to fill up empty space, but again, very much depending on her mood that day. This little girl is played by her mood. *Sigh* Terrible! 

At this age, 2 years + 4 months, she is able to draw circles & triangles on her own. I taught her how to draw a square, I love to see how she attempted even though she did not make a square. There was a slight technicality to be adjusted to form a square. :P Just slightly, almost a square. 

I believe she will be able to do it soon. Aiyoh, so much Grandmother story, what I am trying to say that, maybe VY is a better choice for Clarisse. She has a generally good body immune to fight against germs and bacterias in her learning place, and she is able to learn to read, to write, to color, to play, which is a totally different programme from P&J. More importantly, the fees is 1/2 what I am going to pay to P&J. 

So, I don't' mind the hassle. Frankly speaking, not much of hassle since it's actually on my way to my work place. So? Not an issue to be worried at all, and I had all the "going-home" transportation well covered for both girls even though it's TWO locations :P 

So, Clarisse is going to join P&J 2nd half of the year 2013 OR most probably 2014. We will see!

I am not so sure if I mentioned it before that Clarisse was noising about going to Ballet. Yes, I am sending her to join her Jie Jie for Ballet in Year 2013. It's not an extra chore for me since they are going to attend it at the same time. It will be later when Chloe carries on to the next level. For now it's good, both are going to attend Baby Ballet. 

Chloe is good! Her learning programmes are pretty much fixed. She is going to attend her K1 programme in P&J, BaoBei Chinese 3 time weekly, Shichida & Ballet Lesson. I am trying to think how to fit her into VY. She had definitely picked up reading from VY even though she attended for such a short duration. She took out the books from the bookshelves and no longer tearing them. Instead, she uses her magical Pointer to point and read, it was not all perfect because at times she was guessing and murmured through the words she was not sure. I am happy to see that she is gradually developing the habit of picking up the books even though she is PRETENDING to read. At this stage, I think she is going WELL and hopefully I can commit more time to go through the reading habit with both my princesses. Hmm..I am not a person who reads a lot, it's time for me to pick up the Reading Habit TOO in order to set a good role model. :P

Maybe, I will throw Clarisse to BaoBei if she is willing to join. Otherwise, I will just forget about it. For some reasons, Clarisse does not like going to BaoBei. I will try when the term starts again.

What else. Hahaha..It seems that I am a kiasu mother who wants my children to be Dragon or Phoenix in this case. NO! That's not my intention. I just love planning activities for my children, and my children loves what I have planned for them. If you don't believe it, COME!, ask them yourself. I am not lying! LOL. They find these activities fun, why should I stop. It's FUN to learn. PERFECT.

I am actually trying to find a swimming coach for my girls. The previous coach is too costly, and I don't think is justifiable since I am not training them to be national swimmers. My intention is to get them to enjoy a sport, Swimming is a good sport! I want them to overcome the fear of floating in a big POOL. I want them to be able to swim, and later swim for leisure. Is it too young? No! At this age, I think swimming is the ONLY sport for the girls. If you know any good coach in KL, please share with me, ya? 

December 29, 2012

MaMa's Office Mini Belated Christmas Celebration

Our Little New Christmas Tree in the Office

The TMP Super Girls

MaMa's Revamped Side Wall

December 27, 2012

War of Skin Allergy

This post contains pictures that might cause unpleasant sight. :P
Continue if you are interested to know about it.
There is no intention of defamation of any brands or products,
this is merely meant for my own records. 


14th Dec 2012
  • Happily Shopping for Christmas Presents.
  • New Skin Care bought for my own use :- Jur Rose Mist, Jur Rose Cleansing Cream, Jur Rose Body Oil, FOC Jur Lavender Face Loose Powder
  • I love Jur products, I have been using them for years, especially the Rose range.
  • The differences of this purchase was the PACKAGING of the Rose Mist (it's Plastic bottle now) and there's an additional complementary Lavender Loose Powder. 

15th Dec 2012
  • Skincare routine as usual, including the new purchased items, excluding the Lavender Powder
  • Additional info - I slept on the bed which I caught bug bites everytime I lay on it. My left cheek was on the pillow for 1 hour with the same sleeping posture. I was certain about the duration because I had hardtime falling asleep that night.

16th Dec 2012
  • Found 6 - 7 red spot on my left face. Immediately, I associated the spot to the bed bugs/ dust mites. It was unquestionable at that moment, I applied Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Oil and followed by the Thursday Plantation Blemish Gel.
  • These spots bothered me quite a bit, I concealed with Dr. Hauschka's Tinted Blemish Stick.
  • I put on Channel foundation a little thicker than usual. It was a little too Shinny, and then I topped it up with the Lavender Loose Powder.
17th Dec 2012
  • Red spots spreaded a little like 2 or 3 extras on the same side of my face.
  • I covered it as per what I did on the 16th.
  • I went out dinner with Wendy, and showed her the spot. The number of red spots remained the same. Red spots similar to those that I usually found on my legs or hands, thus I was not surprised and did not have the intention to take any pictures of it to keep a record nor any plan to consult doctors.
  • After a shower, I could feel a slight inflammation on my face, not severe and redness appeared gradually. No itch, no soreness. Just a very mild feeling of inflammation.
18th Dec 2012
  • Woke up with more red patches on my face, which the feeling of inflammation is a little more intense. But no pain, swelling or itchiness. Just Redness!
  • Went straight to the best Skin Specialist in town - Dr. Ting. 
  • He confirmed that the allergy was not caused by bedbugs/dust mites as the form of red patches didn't resemble of bugs bites, his diagnosis of the allergy was caused by my NEW skincare. But, I didn't use ANYTHING new - I thought at that moment.
  • He prescribed both topical and oral medication for two weeks to treat my allergy. 

19th December 2012

  • I was in denial, and wanted more advise, so I went to our most trusted neighbourhood GP, Dr. Loo.
  • He gave the same diagnosis as Dr. Ting, and he claimed that Dr. Ting is the best skin specialist in Town.
  • The antihistamine and antibiotics are making me a sick person, feeling sick and drowsy for days.
20th December 2012

21st - 24th December 2012

25th December 2012

I can't defy the best doctors' diagnosis. No way! But I am sure those red spots on my left face were caused by bugbites. 

Then came the allergy due to the extra "stuff" that I applied on my face to conceal those stupid spots.


Christmas Present

This christmas, needless to say, my princesses received the most presents from EVERYONE. One of my favourite is the Hello Kitty Doll which is a gift from my dad - Babies' Ah Gong. The Hello Kitty will lit up dimly and give a soft soothing music when we pressed against the chest of the doll. So nice! Chloe loves it too. My dad bought 6 different presents with no names on it and all meant for the two princesses. Chloe managed to pick up this one because it was the biggest package. LOL. Ya, I know. GREEDY! Clarisse is too busy with the other presents, especially the miniature hello kitty house with all the miniature household items for the girl to play around. 

Tang Yuan Festival

First time working with Free Collage Maker Online

Picture2Life | All-New Collage Maker

A good tool to make a series of picture with the same theme. :)

This is not our first Tang Yuan Festive (冬至)and is definitely not our first time making them. This is a yearly event which my mom insisted everyone to stick together and roll the dough into little balls. My mom always says "汤圆,圆又圆,一家齐团圆“ - Tang Yuan, round and round,  harmony and unity in the family.

This year is special because it's MY BABIES' first time getting involved in the Tong Yuan Making. They love to play with the dough and they did not fail to demonstrate their expertise, which we usually call it "MESSING UP". LOL

December 12, 2012

Status 12/12/12

Exhausted... tired of work, tired of my life. I need a break to regenerate my energy for my children. The question is when do I get the chance? So much works & commitments. Geezzz....

Status 12/12/2012

Happy Birthday, Mommy! Happy 121212 !!!!

December 7, 2012

The Little Big Club Concert - 2nd Dec 2012, Sunday, 11am, Planery Hall, Kuala Lumpur Conventional Center

This is our very first experience watching a concert together as a family. Four of us, no more no less. 

I expected hoo-hahs from the girls during the performance. I was all mentally-prepared to tackle all sorts of tricks from Cs, even it means leaving the concert and patting a crying baby outside the auditorium. All prepared. These tickets were purchased with "uncertainties". :P Life is like a box of chocolate - quoted from Forrest Gump. LOL.

I didn't know what was The Little Big Club, all I knew it was a "Barney Show". I didn't even notice the word "CONCERT" in the ad. I told Cs that we are going for a Barney show just like what we saw in Kittyland (Puteri Harbour Kittyland). ***At that instance, I felt so foolish to pay so much for a Barney show which could be seen every single day with a RM50.00 entrance fees, *IN JOHOR though***

The concert started with the Little Big Club Band, Keyboard, Base, Guitar & Percussion playing the Little Big Club Theme Song. Oh, then I realized it was truly a CONCERT featuring Barney, BJ, BabyBop, Riff, Bob the Builder & Wendy, Angelina Ballerina & Alice, Pingu the Penguin, Thomas the Engine, Fireman Sam & Norman.

The Little Big Club Band played all the favorite tunes in which everybody gets to sing along - "Thomas & Friends" Theme Song, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "The Wheels on the Engine(Bus)", "If all the Raindrops", "Mr. Knickerbocker", "Fireman Sam's Safety Song" "I Love You Song" and many more. 

The concert lasted for 1-1/2 hour with a 20 minutes intermittent. 

Up till now, I am sure it was all apparent that my worries did not realized, and my wish came through since I could mentioned who did I see in the concert. Hahaha..Yes, Cs enjoyed the concert so much that they were looking forwards to a song after songs. It was all so interactive throughout the concert, kids get to dance with the Band, The Band threw Gigantic Soft Balls around the hall so that kids could get up from their seat to pass the balls around, the band also distributed flags randomly, kids were invited to introduce Barney's songs to the audience. It was all so Fun! 

The first concert for the family turned out to be a stupendous experience for everyone. Both Cs' hands were always busy waving to all the stars on stage and they even shouted "Barney", "Hello, Barney" with their lungs out. We bought  them the "Rainbow Light Spinner" during the intermittent, so that they could wave the Light Spinner like what other kids did in the concert. 

Status 7/12/2012

Once a mother, always a mother. Our children's happiness is our ultimatum. 

December 6, 2012

I want to go Ballet!!!!

As usual, Lot 10 would be our routine visit every sunday because Big C has her Ballet Class in the afternoon every Sunday. Little C is always our little companion, never a chance that we could left her home alone. Hahaha...

Gradually, she has registered that every sunday is  her "Ballet Class" with her JieJie. Thus leading to an eventualities of hearing "I want to go Ballet" from Little C every Sunday. 

Every Sunday is an ordinary sunday as in we sent Big C to her class, and left the centre for a 45 minutes shopping at the supermarket or the children's department. But last Sunday, the regular routine went a little out of route, because Little C was howling right in front of the classroom to demonstrate her desire of join her JieJie to us.


Little C grabbed my hand firmly and exerted all her strength, pulled me to the classroom. The commotion went on for a while until the Ballet Teacher arrived, who is kind enough to have Little C in her class to fulfill Little C's "Ballet Desire".

Parents are not allowed in the class to avoid distraction to the little "Ballerina", so I was waiting outside the classroom, peeping through the Heavy-Laced Curtain. Honestly, nothing could be seen through these "sophisticated & lavish" pieces of lace, *sigh* you could only see those little ballerinas moving and jumping from one place to another. Since Little C was not dressed in the regular white ballerina dress, she was the COLOURFUL odd one out, and I could see her following all the JieJies in the class, moving about, as if she was attending the class herself. 

I waited outside the classroom, expecting Little C to pop out anytime soon. In the end, she stayed through the 45 minutes class together with Big C. Both put on a BIG SMILE on their face, and showed off their "rewards" (*sticker*) from the Ballet Teacher. 

On our way out of the centre, Little C exclaimed "I want to go Ballet again!"  Little C's enthusiasm is made explicit, unfortunately the centre only accept children aged 3 and above. How?

December 5, 2012

Status 5/12/2012

Decision to call a halt to the heartbreaking journey is to regain happiness & confidence. Ironically, it also means taking others' happiness as I was told. Dilemma State. Or should I just close my ears, and not let others affect my intuition. 

December 1, 2012

Family Holiday to Singapore

We went to Singapore for a short holiday two weeks ago. Opps... Yeah, I didn't look for any of my friends because I didn't want to bring my army (My Granny, Mother, Maid, two girls, my sister, my mom) when I meet up my friends in Singapore. There is no way to have a good catch up so I decided to give up the thought of looking for friends but to concentrate on my girls. Well, this holiday is meant for my girls anyway. Sorry!!!!!! :P Next Round!

We arrived Singapore on the 14th Nov 2012, around 8pm. Since it was late already, we just checked ourself into the hotel and went to have a simple dinner at the Putien Restaurant. Putien is a must go place for my family. Putien served "Hing Hua" Cuisine, there are a number of dishes that we savor. So, Putien is a place that we will never miss. Actually, there is already Putien in One-Utama. I tasted it here. It was actually very good too.

On the 15th Nov, Thursday, Underwater World Singapore was our first attraction. The admission fees are quite steep $S25.90 per adult, S$17.60 per child, children below three are free. 

We were greeted by the colourful fishes and corals in the Vertical Tube upon our entry. Beautiful fishes grasp Cs attention, and they were screaming in a bundle of fun. Big C even requested me to take a photo of her in front of the Vertical Tube. 

Then, we proceeded to the "Ray of funs" where we were allowed to feed and touch the different types of rays. They were huge and beautiful. I can't remember all of them, Stingray, Manta Ray, Tiger Ray?? (*Not sure what's its name, the one with Blue Spot...) Geez..these are the only rays that I can name it out but there are more different types . 

On our visit, we saw octopus, spider crabs, unicorn fish, angelfish, shark, jelly fish, sea dragon, mostly reef fish. Sharks, Rays, grouper, snappers were all in the tunnel. 

Not a very big aquarium and we spent about 1.1/2 hours to complete the tour before heading to the Dolphins & Fur Seals Show.  The show was an 1/2 hour show. By the time, we were done with the Underwater World, both Cs were already asleep on our way back to the hotel. 

We let Cs had a nap in the hotel and bathed them. Our schedule was easy and relaxing, no one is rushing. We were supposed to visit the Singapore Flyer the same day, but in the end we have decided to change the plan a little. We took the monorail to the VivoCity Shopping Mall to have a walk, and the girls rushed into Toy 'R Us and returned the hotel with bags of toys. *sigh* DAMAGE CONTROL were implemented, otherwise I don't think we were able to get out of the place. We told Cs about the magic show that Ah Gong booked for us, Cs were excited about the show, otherwise they will never leave the place. 

We took the monorail back to the Sentosa Island, and had our dinner @ the chillis. WOW! Chillis in Singapore served PORK! Yummy Yummy! I never fancy Chillis in Malaysia, foods served were not impressive at all - Burgers, Salads and Pastas. Hahaha... I am being nasty here, Yes, Chillis in Singapore serves about the same MENU but with an additional of PORK menu. Yummy. Yummy. The Porky Burger was Good!!!! 

After a hearty dinner, we were invited to the Incanto Magic Show were be just staged a few days before our arrival. Invited by enthusiastic Ah Gong (My Dad), Magic show was not in our plan, but he insisted and bought us the tickets to the show. Well, GOOD! We've got our 15th Nov night covered with interesting magic show.

The next day....gosh..I don't remember what did we do. Hahahaha..All of us woke up late and we left Sentosa at about 10.30pm and we arrived Toa Payoh for Chicken Rice @ about 11.00pm. We had a full course Breakfast-Cum-lunch meal. We feasted delightfully, especially Cs. I had a photo of their contented meal, just need time to upload them *later*. 

We proceeded straight to Junction 8 Shopping Mall because MaMa wanted to go to the Popular Bookshop. MaMa spent almost an hour there, hunting for books that are relevant to Cs. However, one hour is definitely not sufficient to browse every section thoroughly. I ended up simply picking up some activity books, as Cs were making too much noise and Novi was not in control of these girls. 

Time for nap again. Hahaha...Ya... Big C can skip her nap but not Little C. I don't want her to get really cranky for skipping a nap, not worth it!!!! 

After the nap, finally, to the Singapore Flyer. We had the "Singapore Hawker Food" - 路边摊 - in the building. We did not hold any expectation on the food because we decided based on convenience sake. This hawker center was set based on the 60s themed street with vintage hawker stalls serving the authentic local street food. We ordered Fried Hokkien Prawn Noodle, Fish Ball Noodle Soup, Bak Ku Teh, Katong Laksa, Pork Soup Prawn Noodle and Fried Radish cake. SUPRISINGLY, all of us savored these street food so much that not just our tummy were satisfied but we agreed that these street food were YUMMY too.

It was drizzling then.... We were contemplating whether to take a ride on the flyer since the fees were not cheap. S$33 per adult and S$21 per children, again below 3 is free. We waited for a while, and the rain stop. So, all of us took a flight up and we had a magnificent view of Singapore Night Light up. Perhaps it would be nicer NOW as all the christmas light will be up by now, with the touch of christmas flavour, i believe it will be more than magnificent. 

Our night ended after the Singapore Flyer.

We checked out early 17th morning because I had a wedding to attend at the same night. Why early? Because I thought we could make a detour to visit Legoland and Kittyland. 

Around 10pm, we were at citamall? Legoland area. But, Big C insisted to visit Kittyland first, so then we adjourned to the Kittyland without much hesitation. It was a scorching hot, we were more than pleased to comply to Big C's demand. Hahahahaha... Kittyland is indoor. It was a little disappointed to me, as I was expecting a little outdoor activity. Infact, it was completely an indoor theme park. 

Well, I had nothing much to write about this park! I am certain that Cs enjoyed the Kittyland so much, sadly time were constraint. Remember, I needed to rush home to attend a wedding dinner! We did not complete all the activities set in Kittyland, it was already crowded. We went to two floors up where there are some rides for Cs. We took a few rides, and quickly back to Kittyland. But it was really really crowded and every activities were packed with queues. It was already 12noon and all of us did not have breakfast nor lunch. Ya! Hahaha...luckily we prepared some buns for the girls to munch. We planned to have quick lunch but again PACKED! CROWDED! 

We decided to give up lunch and go to the Petrol station to grab some snacks instead. Besides, we had buns to fill up Cs hunger, so no worries.

We arrived home @ 5pm. Everyone was exhausted....especially the superwoman - Grandma - she drove the whole journey from Singapore to KL on her own.....

Singapore Food Trail (#01-09/10/11/12)

Singapore Food Trail, a unique 1960s themed food street in Singapore, and an exciting concept dining attraction, is located in the heart of the iconic Singapore Flyer.

November 29, 2012

What a rainy day

It was raining cats and dogs yesterday evening. Big C was supposed to go for her BaoBei while I hopped into the gym for a 30 minutes workout. I was not in the mood to resist the heavy pouring, subsequently my heart had come to a resolution that I had to give up my workout and skip Big C's BaoBei Class. Furthermore, I did not want to get myself into the horrendous KL Traffic Jam that I experienced on Tuesday. (*All cars were all at Standstill condition for almost 2 hours due to the Not-So-Smart-Tunnel Closure and the of course the heavy rain*).

So, I was home early! It was only 5.30pm and I took all the time I want to take a slow and relaxing shower. Not very slow afterall, because I wanted to spend more quality times with my Cs. I had a quick and simple dinner alone in the dry kitchen, while Novi served Cs dinner at their Mini Size Multipurpose tables and chairs where they eat, play, read, write and chill. 

Anyway, our QUALITY TIME starts around 7pm. I had Big C work on her remaining November Shichida Worksheets while I coaxed Little to work on her small letter "b" - bear and then colour the picture of a cute bear. She did quite well for "a" - apple as in she manage to fill *almost* the apple red completely. Maybe it involved only one colour, so what she needed to do was to scribble scribble scribble. Then, last week, when I work on "a" - astronaut, it involved different colours, and she lost interest in her favourite scribbling act. I ended up guiding her through on the colouring part. (*more like coaxing or rather colour on behalf most of the time*) So, I thought "b" -bear would be easier since she can use brown (ONE COLOUR) to scribble through, but it wasn't the case. This fussy Little C told me that she doesn't like brown and she likes blue. Well, I am not too concern if she is gonna colour the bear pink, orange, blue, red or even rainbow colours, as long as she is willing to work something out. Eventually, I was the only one trying to fill up the bear with colours while she was flipping one page to another and demanded to work on "c" - cat. I let her be cats or bears, as long as she can sit down quietly and start scribbling so that I can switch my attention on Big C.

While I was reading the instruction of the Shichida Worksheet to Big C, Ms. Little Mischievous C started to walk around and throw tantrum to grab my attention. Alamak. 

At the end, I managed 2 pages of simple worksheets for Big C, and Little C completed her "b" - bear and "c" - cat colouring with MOSTLY Mama's effort. Thank God, after an hour of distressing coaxing act, I had agreed upon building the Dora Railtrack for Cs' playtime. *sigh* You know, a terrible two plus a frightful four, the orchestra will never end. From the moment the track was assembled, Cs started fighting for turns to roll the train down the track. Bleah..My bad, bad, bad suggestion. 

Not long after, I decided to keep the blocks and bring back the silence by Apple Temptation. Yes, munching time. Cs sat quietly and had their apples in joy. I love Apple times because I will get to see lots of sharing moment. Well, not between sisters, but they like to share their apples with adults, Great-Grandma, Grandma or MaMa. :P Lovely. 

Then, I read SPOT by Eric Hill to Cs, their favourite story board book. I love it too. It is the lift-to-flap book, Cs find excitement in these simple story books. They don't mind me repeating it all the times. 

After reading, we went a little free and easy. We sang some songs randomly, laughed and danced until 9pm. 

Status 29/11/2012

I should get going, time will mends every wound. 
I am feeling independent and strong.
I feel I have made through the initial obstacle, hoping there won't be any recurrence.. 

Bear Bear Sandwiches for my Darlings

Bear Bear Sandwiches
- 4 slices of Bread
- 2 slices of cheese
- Peanut Butter - For the Nose
- Strawberry Jam - For the Mouth
- Raisins - eyes
- Nutella - Ears & Nose
- 1 Bear Sandwich Mold

It's school holiday, why do I need to prepare Bento for my girls? Little C is in sort of enhancement programme center (*not exactly a preschool), and it doesn't follow the public school holidays. Whereas Big C's school is closed for holiday but she is currently attending the same programme as my Little C. 

Big C was in the same center, VY, before she joined P&J. She told me that she miss the "Kitchen Station" in VY, so when I suggested that I will send her to join Little C, she was so delighted and looking forwards to go to "school" with her sister. 

Some ask do I have to go to an extend to make her LEARN LEARN LEARN even during her holidays. Hmmm... I consider her nursery completed with lots of fun and learning, and I am very certain that attending school definitely means FUN more than STRESS. Staying at home alone playing with the same toys and watching the same tv programme over and over again cannot beat the fun of joining her peers to play and learn new things at the same time. Right?

Anyway, Both Little & Big C loves going to VY. When they throw tantrum in the morning, I will threaten them that I won't be sending them to VY. Believe it or not, upon hearing it, they both would turn themselves to become a sweet angel. No more crying, No more tantrum. :P

November 23, 2012

Status 23/11/2012


...all the bitterness began to well up inside me again, tears in my eyes were out of control and I ended up sobbing in the dark while the girls were still widely awake. 

C1 thought that I was pretending to cry and she laughed aloud. 

C2 was shocked to hear the cry, and she got up from her bed to observe if the cry was genuine. C2 patted me consolingly on my chest, and gently touched my face with her little hand. She asked, "What happen to you, MaMa? Why you cry?" These words didn't stop my tears, but it actually turned worst, the guilty consciences reminded me that I am such terrible mother who demonstrate such weak and hopeless attitude. 

"I feel sad, Baby." I confessed.

November 21, 2012

Girls in their Groovy Sunglasses


Last Sunday, Chloe came to me with her Art Block and showed this drawing to me. 

Chloe : MaMa, Look. Chloe draws this.

MaMa : Wow~~ NICE!
*Praise always come first even though I don't know what is it*

MaMa : What is this colorful object?

Chloe : MaMa, This is a bird. A Rainbow Bird.

Chloe : MaMa, Somemore...
*Chloe turned to the next page and showed me another drawing.*

MaMa : Wow~~ Nice also. So, What is this?

Chloe : MaMa, This is Cookie Monster! Big Eyes and Blue and Orange
*A Triangle Cookie Monster with bulging eyes in Orange outfit waving its blue left to say hello?*
*Then she giggled at her own drawings and walked away.*

The next minute, she showed off her drawings to Grandma and got praised again. :P

November 9, 2012

Chocolate Cupcakes for Party @ P&J

We (MaMa, Chloe, Clarisse & Novi) made these last night for Chloe to share with her friends and teachers in school today. Well, I could have gotten everything done earlier, but with the "HELP" of my dearies, I ended up spending 3 hours for 16 cupcakes. *Alamak*

Halloween Dress-up

When Chloe first saw the PURPLE dressup set, she was so excited and can't wait to put them on with her matching purple dress. But when I told her that she is the most beautiful witch, she started to frown. Without much hesitation, she took off the cape, the hat but she kept the Star wand. She told me that she wants to be a FAIRY not a witch. :P 

MaMa tried to talk to her, and explained to her that she is not a WITCH for sure, just dressing up to PRETEND a witch to match the Theme Party @ school. I don't think she was listening and sobbed until she took off the witch costume and remained as a FAIRY. Oh Dear~