November 24, 2011

A Taboo to Praise....

I don't know why whenever I start praising my girls, bad luck will fall on me - as in my girls will become naughty "angels". 

I have not been complaining about Chloe not sleeping in the night like previously. However, It doesn't mean that she goes to bed early everyday. Whenever MaMa or PaPa is around, she will take her chance and refuse to go to bed with her sister. Without us around, Kakak has the magical power to send Chloe to bed together with her sister. 

Clarisse has a built-in alarm clock in her body, when it's time to sleep, it means BEDTIME. Nothing is going to stop her. Clarisse sleeps at between 9 to 10pm latest, while the other naughty girl can stay up till midnight when PaPa and MaMa are around. 

I can't force her to bed when Clarisse is sound asleep in the room. This naughty little Chloe would make a lot of noise and move about a lot in the room which will wake my deary Clarisse up too. In the end, MaMa will have to stay awake till late because MaMa has problem sending these two girls into their dreamland. When I mean late, it is really really late...1am!!!!! These two girls will start to chat, walk about (IN THE DARK!!!), ask for the loo, ask for milk, ask for bedtime story etc etc etc. These are still acceptable when they don't cry, because I can put myself into the half-asleep mode. When they starts crying, *SIGH*........

Last night, Chloe and Clarisse slept at 9.30pm as PaPa and MaMa were home late. After a shower, PaPa went out for a drink until 1am (could be even later since I was already asleep), while MaMa enjoyed being alone in the TV area with the "magical" remote control until 12.30midnight.

At about 4.30am, MaMa heard Clarisse crying and she asked for the loo (by farting and said "ng ng"). After we came out from the toilet, Clarisse was fully awake. Of course, she started to make some funny sounds which obviously woke up her Jie Jie who was sleeping just less than an inch away from her. So, both of them woke up at 4.30am and stayed up until 6am. Clarisse was Crying Crying Crying... even after her milk and TLC Patting on her back. Crying is contagious among babies/kids, Chloe also started to cry and asked for MaMa. Argghhh..... At around...before 6am, I decided to ignore them and go back to sleep. I think both of them realized that MaMa was asleep so these two naughty girls also decided to put away their tantrum and back to their dreamland. 

November 23, 2011

Chloe's 3rd Birthday

Yesterday was Chloe's 3rd Birthday. PaPa & MaMa left work earlier so that we can fulfill her Birthday Wish - to have a ride on the Barney Car - which is only available at KLCC (the only one that we know so far. If anyone knows anywhere else has the Barney Ride, it would be very much appreciated if you could share with Chloe's MaMa :P TQ in advance.)

PaPa and MaMa picked up our two princesses from home at about 6pm. We arrived KLCC before 6.30pm. There are many rides scattered in the complex, and we actually hopped from one corner to another so that Chloe can get as many rides as possible. To ensure sufficient coins was a difficult task which PaPa managed to accomplish FAULTLESSLY! Bravo, PaPa!

Here are some of the photos taken using MaMa's iPhone. There are more in the Lumix, shall upload it later. 

PaPa and MaMa never like to bring our girls to KLCC because it is a very very very crowded place even during the week days. In order to make Chloe's little simple wish comes true, hehe, Here We are - Chloe is driving together with Barney, Baby Bop & BJ. 

One Seated ride, Clarisse only get the play with the Barney's Steering Wheel. We actually let Clarisse to have a ride on it too, but she didn't want it. So, Jie Jie Chloe took the wheel throughout the rides. 

Next, it was the Yellow Sport Car which has TWO Steering Wheels so both girls can ride on it TOGETHER GATHER. Obviously, Chloe enjoyed her rides a lot. However, please do not be fooled by Clarisse's COOL face, Clarisse enjoyed it too. It is always difficult to capture Clarisse's HAPPY SMILING face. She is a COOL little girl as compared to Chloe. 
It's definitely MaMa's bad for not able to capture her happy moment.

Then, it was the Fire Truck. Chloe loves the Fire"dog" - Mr. Fred. :) So, MaMa told Chloe to stand next to the Fred and have a picture together. This ride, Clarisse took charge of the wheel while Chloe was at the back seat took care of Fred. 

Again, Clarisse was the Hot Dog Van's Driver while Chloe took orders from customers (Pretending). :) Opps...Clarisse was tired of Driving, and both sister swapped role. Chloe be the driver while Clarisse took orders. What a fun ride!

Chloe's last ride before we left for home was with Blinky Bill, the AUSTRALIAN KOALA BEAR in the Green "Blinky-1". 

PaPa, MaMa, Chloe and Clarisse certainly had a great night together celebrating Chloe's 3rd Birthday. MaMa is confident to say that Chloe enjoyed herself a lot because she had ALL OF US to celebrate her 3rd birthday together; she had her wish come true with so many different rides (not just Barney), she had fish and CHIPS (french fries - her favourite - only available to her on special occasions), she had Haagen-Dazs CHOCOLATE Ice-cream (shared with Clarisse, which also only available to both of them with MaMa's special permission). Sorry "laaa", it seems like I am a control-freak, but I dare to say I am a more lenient person as compared to PaPa. PaPa straight away says "NO" to junk food. MaMa says "OKAY" to junk food on once a month basis. :P

A great Family Outing, A Wonderful Birthday Celebration. It would be PERFECT if I could have more photos of how our girls enjoy the day. I did not manage to capture pictures of how our girls enjoy their meals and ice-cream together. MaMa was too busy feeding  while PaPa was too relaxed to do anything - :P End with a "kick" to PaPa. :P

Note : Last Sunday, we had a family dinner together with MahMah & YehYeh, We bought Chloe a Jelly Cake. Birthday Song, Birthday Cakes were all done last Sunday. I shall upload to share later. 

Chloe's Birthday Present

Wow, My girl turned three already! Chloe is a no longer a baby girl (always MaMa's baby), she is now a Chattery little princess who loves to sing and dance. 

Last Sunday, MaMa brought Chloe to Toy'R'us to pick her birthday present. She actually wanted the Hello Kitty Toaster, but I told her that she owns many many Hello Kitty Toys and other Cookery Toys too. Ya, I know! What is the point to ask Chloe to choose her own Birthday Present when MaMa has the right to reject her choice :P. Sorry, Baby. MaMa does not want you to pile up with the same Toys at home. Anyway, she didn't manage to pick anything from the Toy Shop, so we adjourned to MPH. 

Chloe owns 4 books on " The Things I Love about.." series by Trace Moroney, and she loves them a lot. 

Chloe actually spotted Trace Moroney's New Collection at the MPH on the "Feeling" Series. She was excited to see the same Bunny, and she immediately told me to get them for her. These "Feeling" series include Happy, Sad, Angry, Jealous, Scared (that available in MPH), MaMa doesn't mind to purchase all the series but due to the "Negative" Feelings' Title, MaMa only purchased ONE which is the "HAPPY" Book.

Chloe is contented with just ONE book. It was a little rush at that time, so MaMa did not go through all the other "Feeling" Series by Trace Moroney. Maybe next weekend, when I back to MPH again, and MaMa will find out more about the other "Feelings" books. I will get them for her if the Contents are not as negative as the Titles. 

MaMa can't praise Chloe enough for Chloe being a thoughtful sister to Clarisse. After she picked her present, she actually told MaMa ," MaMa, pick a book for Clarisse too." Upon hearing it, MaMa couldn't hide my happiness on my smiley face, and replied, "Sure, Why not you pick a little book for Clarisse." 

Chloe made and effort to browse through the "toddler" section. Chloe "shortlisted" (actually "decided" but MaMa stopped her again :P) a few books, and MaMa decided on one of the Baby Book about "Sound of Animals". (No! No! I am not a domineering mum! :P I just want to make sure the purchase is useful and worthwhile. :P)

What a Happy Shopping Moment my Darling Chloe. :) I am a HAPPY MaMa!

November 18, 2011

Clarisse can sing & dance

Clarisse loves music. Once the music played, she would move her body and start mumbling, trying to sing. 

I taught Clarisse to sing "EI-A-EI-A-O" last week. She is such a good learner, she started with "EI-A"last week. Whenever, I tried to sing "EI-A-EI-A-O", Clarisse tried to observe my mouth and tried to intimate. Then, Clarisse improved by giving Mama "EI-A" "EI-A" without "O". Yesterday, Clarisse actually sang "EI-A" "Ei-A" "O". MaMa loves her "O". How I wish I could take a photo of her while she is singing "O", SO SO SO CUTE!!!!! She is such a sweetie pie. 

Yesterday was Mah Mah (MIL)'s Birthday. Chloe sang Happy Birthday Song to Mah Mah, and Clarisse followed her Jie Jie by singing in her own melody and clap along with Jie Jie Chloe's Happy Birthday Song. We actually heard Clarisse trying to mumble "Happy Birthday", Mah Mah was overjoyed, Mah Mah's heart was totally melted by Clarisse's warm and loving kiss - "Muaz". Mah Mah did not want an extravagant celebration, so we just had a very simple Vegetarian Dinner at our regular neighborhood restaurant. 

MaMa believe a good celebration does not need to be POSH. Most importantly our family can have a good time together even though it is only a simple dinner. 


Wedding MC Script Sample

Just to share..... This is PaPa & MaMa's Emcee Script for my Brother's wedding.

At 8.00pm or 85% attendance
Good Evening, Ladie & Gen tleman. As we will be starting the banquet shortly, may we request that all guests be seated please. Thank you.

When all guests have settled down / Before 1st March in
Datuk-Datuk, Datin Datin, Relatives & Friends from near & far.
Once again, a very good evening to everyone. My Name is Mike ( and I am Chris) and we will be your emcees tonight.

今天是 XXX  XXX 的大喜之日。非常感大家抽空出席他的婚宴。我们在此代表这对新人和双方家 XXX夫妇 XXX夫妇, 们给这对新人的祝福。如有招待不周之多多包涵。

Thank you for attending the Celebration of this auspicious event, the wedding of Eric & Mavis. On behalves of the Couple and their parents, Mr. & Mrs XXX , Mr. & Mrs. XXX, we would like to thank you for taking the time to join us on this joyous occasion.

When all guests have settled down / Before 1st March in

Ladies and Gentlemen, Let’s put our hand together and give a very warm welcome to our newly weds.


When couple starts to ascend the stage for Cake Cutting Ceremony

We shall now invite the couple on stage for the cake cutting ceremony.

The Wedding Cake as many of u know  - Symbolizes the sweetness of new beginning of a married life as husband and wife.



Thank you Eric & Mavis.
Dinner will commence shortly.

接下来, 晚宴即将开始, 有请ritz carlton 呈现简单而隆重的上菜仪式。

 After the Food Presentation

Tonight we have a life band and let me welcome ___________who is going to lead us through this magical night with some beautiful love songs.

主唱           与她的乐队 将带给大家一些动听的旋律。悦耳的音乐配上美酒佳肴,希望大家慢慢享用。

Enjoy your dinner.

 After the 4th dish at around 9.10pm (Banquet captain will give you the cue)

Ladies and Gentlemen, we hope that you have enjoyed the food so far.


Now, We would like to invite Mr. XXX, Father of Eric on to the stage to share a few words with us.

Thank you Mr. XXX, I believe it is every proud parents to see their children have found their own happiness.

Next. I am sure some of you are wondering what happened during their customary wedding when the groom overcame all obstacles to fetch his bride home.

<<2nd Photo montage will play>>

  End of photo montage

Once again, let’s us put our hands together to welcome back the lovely couple Into the ballroom.


2nd march in for champagne pouring ceremony (when couple approaches stage)

We shall now invite the lovely couple on the stage to pop the champagne

Should we invite this newly weds to toast each other?

And now, this is the highlight of the night where all of us get to exercise our lungs.


May we invite the couple’s parents & relatives to come on stage to join us in a toast to their everlasting happiness.



After everyone is on the stage …

First toast is to wish them eternal love.
第一,祝这对新人 永裕爱河,永结同心, 白头到老

Second toast is to wish our newly weds to be fruitful and multiply in numbers.

Our third toast is to all our distinguished guests, we would like to wish everyone great health and good fortune in the coming years.

 After 3 Yum Seng

Thank you everyone. Please be seated.

We shall now invite the couple to say a few words of appreciation.


 After the wedding speech by the couple

Thank you Eric Thank you Mavis. We wish you all the best as you embark on the next stage of you life journey.

Eric, Mavis. 我们再一次祝福你们过着辛福美满的婚姻


Have a pleasant evening. Thank you.

November 8, 2011

Pandan Chiffon Cake

My First Pandan Chiffon Cake, finally I am back to my Blogging Zone. Have not been blogging lately because I am emotionally disturbed by someone who indulged himself in his drinking world. (Haha... take the chance to "blog"-stab him, Lousy Fella!).

Anyway, let's not talk about the stressful matter. I rather keep myself occupied with more important matters like my two beautiful girls, my baking hobby, my blogs and everything about myself. 

Ingredient A :
5 Eggs White
60gram Castor Sugar

Procedure A :
1) Beat the Egg White until Foamy
2) Add in Sugar gradually and beat it until Soft Peak

Ingredient B :
5 Egg Yolks
140gram Cake Flour
50gram Brown Sugar
1 tsp Baking Powder
5 tbsp of Oil
1 tsp Pandan Extract (I extracted it from the fresh Pandan Leaves from our Garden)
3/4 cup of Coconut Milk

Procedure B :
1) Beat Egg Yolks and Sugar until slightly Pale
2) Add in the Coconut Milk, and mix well.
3) Then, add in the Sieved Cake Flour and Baking Powder, Mix until well combined
4) Add in the Oil until well combined.
5) Fold the Egg White Mixture in three portion into the Cake Batter Gradually.
6) Bake it at the Preheated Oven at 160 Deg C for 35 mins.

Like : Clarisse, Papa, Grandma, Mama
Dislike : Chloe
* I think Chloe doesn't like the Coconut Taste. *

Garbage Enzyme in the Process

I am desperate in finding a solution for the mosquitoes attack! These "monsters" have been attacking my girls on regular basis and I can't bear to see them in such "itch" anymore. Scratch Scratch and Scratch! These bite sometimes become really swollen and I wonder how "itchy" or painful it is to my baby Clarisse and darling Chloe. It is driving my crazy!

I am afraid to use the mosquito spray, these are poisonous chemical! I have been using the Mosquitoes Light Trap but it seems that these mosquitoes are getting smarter each day, and they no longer easily trapped by the fancy blue light.

I heard that Enzyme can help eliminate the mosquitoes at home, and I think it is time for me to try it out. Can't wait to share the outcome. 2 more months to go!! My Enzyme will be ready in 10/1/2012.

Sharing is Caring, so here's the "Dr. Ros' Garbage DIY Enzyme Recipe"
2. Dr. Ros’ Garbage Enzyme DIY 
a. Garbage Enzyme’s Method 
Brown Sugar / Molasses : 1 
Garbage (chop to smaller pieces) : 3 
Water : 10
i. Mix brown sugar with water, add in the garbage.
ii. Leave some space for fermentation.
iii. Enzyme will form and ready to use in 3 months.
iv. Make sure the container is air tight.
vi. Push the floating garbage downward once a while.
vii. The enzyme is ready to use in 3 months.

November 3, 2011

Photos updates

Chloe hugs Clarisse, Clarisse "loves" it so much :P

Chloe received the Care Bear as her gift from Auntie Elena, and she told MaMa took a picture of her holding the Care Bear.

"Muakz, I love Care Bear" Chloe said.

Chloe & JieJie Reyanne in Singapore

Reyanne, Chloe & Ryan in Singapore

"Row Row Row Your Boat" Chloe & Clarisse sing

Clarisse dressed up for Aunty Vivienne's Wedding.

Clarisse is a big girl already, Leng Leng a~~!

My Cheery Little Princess, Clarisse girl girl

My two little notti princesses competing who is faster?
Clarisse wins ALL THE TIME! Chloe takes 1/2 hour to drink up her 6o of milk.
Can be quite frustrating.. :(

Chloe and Our Adorable Mei Mei