May 20, 2010

Two Little Happy Things today

1st Happy Moment of the day
I received a message from my best friend that she wants to complain. My busybody personality had of course led me to query further ,"What what what? What do you want to complain? What happened? Share with me la!" She replied," I want to complain you for not updating your blog". Hehe... At least I know, my good friends are following my blog. I am not totally disconnected from my friends even though I have not been putting enough effort to connect with them. EXCUSES - 1) BABY CHLOE 2) BABY CHLOE 3) BABY CHLOE. Sorry, my friends.

2nd Happy Moment of the day
I received a call from my another best friend. She was crying on the phone. (WELL, I am not happy because she was sad!!!) She was complaining about her hubby picked up smoking again when he had agreed to quit totally. She was a little emotional, sad, and maybe angry. She feels that her hubby does not respect her by not keeping his promise. (But, not keeping promise is what men always do anyway.) I mean if I were her, I would be sad and angry which my LOW EQ will worsen the scenario like He doesn't love me la, I want to divorce la etc etc (This is what women always do.) Hahaha...doesn't GOD makes men and women a perfect pair? :P -- I am happy because my best friend will come to me and cry. I do not wish to see them cry, I do not wish them sad, but I wish if unhappiness really falls on them, they would come to me and I am more than happy to lend my pair of ears to listen to their complains.

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